Lineage of Aśoka: Brāhmi, Dhamma and Edicts

2017, Raja Rammohun Roy National Agency for ISBN, New Delhi, India (17 June 2017)


The legacy of Emperor Asoka is spread throughout the Indian subcontinent. This monograph is primarily aimed to serve as a starter to its reader in a concise but comprehensive manner. This book is a general introduction to the Asokan Brahmi and his Dhamma & Edicts. However this book will precisely focus in giving detailed structural and descriptive analysis of only major rock edicts of Emperor Asoka and we had tried to put forth our own understanding of the translations. Although there is a vast literature on the subject but the need has been long felt for expressing a brief and precise translation and idea of Asokan Dhamma and Edicts. However it incorporates a wide range of fascinating information, which will appeal to the general reader as well.