The issue that the identities are acquired congenitally or created in the collective past has been opened to debate in the last century. The challenge made to the fact that the identities have fixed " selves " , has argued that the identity is not a given structure. According to this view, identity is a constructed structure and this construction process is always in the construction phase. No identity can ever be completed. There is an endless transformation. The past, which was given reference by the identity, has a variable structure just like the identity itself. The accumulation of what has happened in the past, changes in accordance with the viewpoints of both those who narrate the past and those who try to conceive the past. Moreover, in the reconstruction of the identity and the past, man is not the sole authority. People are constantly open to the external influences during the construction of their identities. Thus, the identity is constructed in an individual and collective way. The emphasis in this study is on the fact that the identity is constructed with the effects created by the future expectations rather than the effects from the past. Since, both the identity and the past can be reconstructed today, the identity has no self and the identity is a variable. Future expectations decide on how the identity shall be reconstructed as much as the past. The identity is in the roots as well as towards the routes. The uncertainty of the identity is caused by the fact that it carries in itself the uncertainty of the future. Due to this reason, in identity policies and studies future plans of the people or the groups forming the identity should be examined as much as the past.