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Abstract of a lecture concerning the authenticity of the Zuhayr-Inscription.
9 Seit 2003 finden dank der Unterstützung der ägyptischen Altertümerverwaltung jährlich archäologische Feldforschungen auf dem Gebel Assiut al-gharbi, dem im Westen der Stadt Assiut gelegenen Kalksteinberg, statt. Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler sowie Studierende aus Europa, Afrika und Asien erforschen die 5000 jährige Geschichte des Berges und der Stadt Assiut (alle Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer des Unternehmens sind am Ende dieses Textes aufgeführt). Das „Asyut Project“ wird von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft als Langzeitvorhaben gefördert und stellt eine Kooperation der Freien Universität Berlin, der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz und der Universität Sohag dar. Im folgenden werden die Gründe, die zu diesem Projekt führten, skizziert.
مجله پژوهشهای ادب عرفانی (گوهر گویا), 2013
Nazariyat İslam Felsefe ve Bilim Tarihi Araştırmaları Dergisi (Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences), 2014
Bu makalede, Fahreddin er-Râzî’nin madde ve suretten bileşik cisim eleştirisini konu edinen el-Heyûlâ ve’s-sûre adlı eseri incelendi. Eserin mevcut nüshaları tanıtıldı; adı, yazım tarihi ve diğer eserlere nispetle krono- lojisi belirlendi, Râzî’ye aidiyeti gösterildi. Daha sonra metnin ele aldığı konular belirlendi. Bu çerçevede cismin tanımı, hakikati, heyûlâ ve suretten bileşik cisim düşüncesiyle ilgili Râzî’nin fikirleri tartışıldı. Özellikle Râzî’nin bu konuları ele alan el-Mebâhis, el-Mülahhas, Cevâbât ‘an Şükûki’l-Mes‘ûdî, Şerhu’l-İşârât, el-Heyûlâ ve’s-sûret, Lü- bâbü’l-İşârât, Şerhu Uyûni’l-hikme ve el-Metâlib adlı eserleri kronolojik olarak dikkate alındı, konuyla ilgili içerikler karşılaştırıldı, delillerin gelişimi gösterildi, değişimi gösteren tablolar hazırlandı. İçeriğin tartışıldığı kısımda konu- nun felsefî düşünce ve kelamî asıllar bakımından önemine değinildi ancak Râzî’nin atomculuğa dair düşüncesine özellikle temas edilmedi. Fikirlerinin tespiti çerçevesinde Râzî’nin, ilmî kariyerinin başından sonuna kadar mad- de-suretten bileşik cisim anlayışını eleştirdiği tespit edildi. Bunun yerine, onun, cismin kendinde tek bir hakikati ve zatı olduğunu kabul ettiği, mekânlı, hacimli, uzamlı ve işaret edilebilir olmak gibi arazların bu zat ve hakikate iliştiğini kabul ettiği belirlendi. Râzî’nin cismin, söz konusu arazî niteliklerinin sayılması suretiyle tanımlanabi- leceği şeklindeki fikri üzerinde duruldu. Nihayet risalenin metin tahkiki yapıldı ve eser, Türkçeye tercüme edildi.
Les intérieurs Domestiques Tunisiens Entre Imitation et Originalité, 2018
Summary : Tunisian domestic interiors between imitation and originality. The intense changes in Tunisian society and the urban landscape assign to interior architecture an important role in the general plans for the management and arrangement of space in general and the space of "interior" in particular. From this strategic role that belongs to this specialty, we have deduced the importance of the theoretical and modeling effort of the domestic space, in relation to the encompassing space, whether urban or rural. But the rapid transformations of society and the social space, both public and private, are likely to place users and interior architects facing "difficult" alternatives between the desire for belonging and imitation of the " Habitus "and the need for differentiation and originality. We have thus observed that the simultaneity of the two tendencies and the two desires is translated, in the absence of a culture of space, by a juxtaposition, most often unsuccessful, of identity motifs. These motifs, with all the decorative elements "kitch", tend to invest the visible and apparent aspect of the habitat, while the distribution of the living spaces remains marked by the major functions of the privacy and the opening on the outside world. The interior architecture in Tunisia, at least from the analyzed examples, aspires to reach the theoretical and professional maturity, guaranteeing the successful synthesis between the imitation necessary for insertion in a cultural environment, and originality as consecration of privacy as a value. One can only note that, despite the tendency to favor modern functions in the management of domestic spaces, the habits and imagination typical of the architecture of the traditional house tend to invest modern functional habitat. Key words : Architecture, interior, dwelling, exterior, imitation, identity, domestic, space, layout, arrangement, culture, appropriation, originality, differentiation, body, lived-time, design, community, adaptation, individualization, innovation.
Arabiyat : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban, 2021
The research employed a research and development method modified from Borg and Gall, consisting of needs assessment, design, and development. The research objectives were to portray the material of teaching Arabic written in class ten at Islamic senior high school and design a model of enrichment material graded and used independently for the students who graduated from public junior high schools. The study showed that the students who graduated from public junior high school and continued study to Islamic senior high school must be assisted by an enrichment material for their independent study because the existing material did not match their previous knowledge. In this research, a model of teaching material was designed based on three characteristics; first, readability is the main character of supporting teaching material. Secondly, grammar and daily culture made it easier to grab meaning and were thirdly graded and comprehensive. The teaching material was accompanied by audio ma...
Studia Quranika, 2020
Tafsir Ilmi" is a new characteristic of "tafsir" which was famous in this era. There are many contemporary problems of "tafsir ilmi". It is required a thought of contemporary scholar whose able to solve it. He is Yûsuf Al-Qardhâwî who has devoted his thought to solve it. He is specialist in jurisprudence but it was not in authority of Al-Qur'an and tafsir. Eventhough, he has researched in tafsir ilmi and owned several works in Al-Qur'an and tafsir. This research shows that Yûsuf Al-Qardhâwî's thought in tafsir ilmi (especially ontological aspect) comprehends: First, existence of "tafsir ilmi" and "i'jaz ilmi"; Second, the reality of "tafsir ilmi" and "i'jaz ilmi"; Third, the connection between "tafsir ilmi" and "i'jaz ilmi"; Fourth, Yûsuf Al-Qardhâwî's position in dialectics of tafsir ilmi.
Plagiarism / İntihal: This article has been reviewed by at least two referees and scanned via a plagiarism so ware. Bu makale, en az iki hakem tarafından incelendi ve intihal içermediği teyit edildi.
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Journal of Islamicjerusalem Studies, 2018
Jurnal Alfazuna : Jurnal Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban
Journal of International Social Research, 2020
Jurnal Al Bayan: Jurnal Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab, 2019
Huruf Journal, 2023
Journal Of History School, 2018
HuRuf Journal : International Journal of Arabic Applied Linguistic
Ta'lim al-'Arabiyyah : jurnal pendidikan bahasa arab dan kebahasaaraban, 2021
Tanwir Arabiyyah, 2023
Lisanan Arabiya: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab, 2021
آداب الرافدين, 2018
Studia Islamika, 2020
Jurnal Islam dan Masyarakat Kontemporari, 2020