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2005, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
The Pontryagin-van Kampen (P-vK) duality, defined for topological Abelian groups, is given in terms of the compact-open topology. Polar reflexive spaces, introduced by Köthe, are those locally convex spaces satisfying duality when the dual space is equipped with the precompact-open topology. It is known that the additive groups of polar reflexive spaces satisfy P-vK duality. In this note we consider the duality of topological Abelian groups when the topology of the dual is the precompactopen topology. We characterize the precompact reflexive groups, i.e., topological groups satisfying the group duality defined in terms of the precompact-open topology. As a consequence, we obtain a new characterization of polar reflexive spaces. We also present an example of a space which satisfies P-vK duality and is not polar reflexive. Some of our results respond to questions appearing in the literature.
Journal of Group Theory, 2000
We prove that every dense subgroup of a topological abelian group has the same 'convergence dual' as the whole group. By the 'convergence dual' we mean the character group endowed with the continuous convergence structure. We draw as a corollary that the continuous convergence structure on the character group of a precompact group is discrete and therefore a non-compact precompact group is never reflexive in the sense of convergence. We do not know if the same statement holds also for reflexivity in the sense of Pontryagin; at least in the category of metrizable abelian groups it does.
An Abelian topological group is called strongly reflexive if every closed subgroup and every Hausdorff quotient of the group and of its dual group are reflexive. In the class of locally compact Abelian groups (LCA) there is no need to define "strong reflexivity": it does not add anything new to reflexivity, which by the Pontryagin - van Kampen Theorem is known to hold for every member of the class. In this survey we collect how much of "reflexivity" holds for different classes of groups, with especial emphasis in the classes of pseudocompact groups, $\omega$-groups and $P$-groups, in which some reflexive groups have been recently detected. In section 3.5 we complete the duality relationship between the classes of $P$-groups and $\omega$-bounded groups.
An Abelian topological group is called strongly reflexive if every closed subgroup and every Hausdorff quotient of the group and of its dual group are reflexive. In the class of locally compact Abelian groups (LCA) there is no need to define "strong reflexivity": it does not add anything new to reflexivity, which by the Pontryagin-van Kampen Theorem is known to hold for every member of the class. In this survey we collect how much of "reflexivity" holds for different classes of groups, with especial emphasis in the classes of pseudocompact groups, ω-groups and P-groups, in which some reflexive groups have been recently detected. In section 3.5 we complete the duality relationship between the classes of P-groups and ω-bounded groups, already outlined in [26]. By no means we can claim completeness of the survey: just an ordered view of the topic, with some small new results indicated in the text.
Forum Mathematicum, 2000
We study Pontryagin reflexivity in the class of precompact topological Abelian groups. We find reflexive groups among precompact not pseudocompact and among pseudocompact not compact groups. Making use of Martin's Axiom we give an example of a reflexive countably compact not compact Abelian group. We also prove that every pseudocompact Abelian group is a quotient of a reflexive pseudocompact group with respect to a closed reflexive pseudocompact subgroup.
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2012
We present a wide class of reflexive, precompact, non-compact, Abelian topological groups G determined by three requirements. They must have the Baire property, satisfy the open refinement condition, and contain no infinite compact subsets. This combination of properties guarantees that all compact subsets of the dual group G ∧ are finite. We also show that many (non-reflexive) precompact Abelian groups are quotients of reflexive precompact Abelian groups. This includes all precompact almost metrizable groups with the Baire property and their products. Finally, given a compact Abelian group G of weight ≥ 2 ω , we find proper dense subgroups H 1 and H 2 of G such that H 1 is reflexive and pseudocompact, while H 2 is non-reflexive and almost metrizable.
Topology and its Applications, 2012
We present an example of a reflexive, pseudocompact, non-compact, monothetic group H such that the Pontryagin dual H ∧ of H is precompact, connected, Baire, and admits a continuous isomorphism onto the circle group. In addition, the countably compact subsets of both groups H and H ∧ are finite.
The Birkhoff-Kakutani Theorem asserts that a topological group is metrizable if and only if it has countable character. We develop and apply tools for the estimation of the character for a wide class of nonmetrizable topological groups.
Topology and its Applications, 2014
We establish some general principles and find some counter-examples concerning the Pontryagin reflexivity of precompact groups and P -groups. We prove in particular that:
Fréchet–Urysohn (briefly F-U) property for topological spaces is known to be highly non-multiplicative; for instance, the square of a compact F-U space is not in general Fréchet–Urysohn [P. Simon, A compact Fréchet space whose square is not Fréchet, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 21 (1980) 749–753. [27]]. Van Douwen proved that the product of a metrizable space by a Fréchet– Urysohn space may not be (even) sequential. If the second factor is a topological group this behaviour improves significantly: we have obtained (Theorem 1.6(c)) that the product of a first countable space by a F-U topological group is a F-U space. We draw some important consequences by interacting this fact with Pontryagin duality theory. The main results are the following: (1) If the dual group of a metrizable Abelian group is F-U, then it must be metrizable and locally compact. (2) Leaning on (1) we point out a big class of hemicompact sequential non-Fréchet–Urysohn groups, namely: the dual groups of metrizable separable locally quasi-convex non-locally precompact groups. The members of this class are furthermore complete , strictly angelic and locally quasi-convex. (3) Similar results are also obtained in the framework of locally convex spaces. Another class of sequential non-Fréchet–Urysohn complete topological Abelian groups very different from ours is given in [E.G. Zelenyuk, I.V. Protasov, Topologies of Abelian groups, Math. USSR Izv. 37 (2) (1991) 445–460. [32]].
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2010
We show that every Abelian group G with r 0 (G) = |G| = |G| ω admits a pseudocompact Hausdorff topological group topology T such that the space (G, T) is Fréchet-Urysohn. We also show that a bounded torsion Abelian group G of exponent n admits a pseudocompact Hausdorff topological group topology making G a Fréchet-Urysohn space if for every prime divisor p of n and every integer k ≥ 0, the Ulm-Kaplansky invariant f p,k of G satisfies (f p,k) ω = f p,k provided that f p,k is infinite and f p,k > f p,i for each i > k. Our approach is based on an appropriate dense embedding of a group G into a Σproduct of circle groups or finite cyclic groups.
Topology and its Applications, 2012
The notion of locally quasi-convex abelian group, introduce by Vilenkin, is extended to maximally almost-periodic non-necessarily abelian groups. For that purpose, we look at certain bornologies that can be defined on the set rep(G) of all finite dimensional continuous representations on a topological group G in order to associate well behaved group topologies (dual topologies) to them. As a consequence, the lattice of all Hausdorff totally bounded group topologies on a group G is shown to be isomorphic to the lattice of certain special subsets of rep(G d ). Moreover, generalizing some ideas of Namioka, we relate the structural properties of the dual topological groups to topological properties of the bounded subsets belonging to the associate bornology. In like manner, certain type of bornologies that can be defined on a group G allow one to define canonically associate uniformities on the dual object G. As an application, we prove that if for every dense subgroup H of a compact group G we have that H and G are uniformly isomorphic, then G is metrizable. Thereby, we extend to non-abelian groups some results previously considered for abelian topological groups.
Topology and its Applications, 2009
A topological Abelian group G is called (strongly) self-dual if there exists a topological isomorphism Φ : G → G ∧ of G onto the dual group G ∧ (such that Φ(x)(y) = Φ(y)(x) for all x, y ∈ G). We prove that every countably compact self-dual Abelian group is finite. It turns out, however, that for every infinite cardinal κ with κ ω = κ, there exists a pseudocompact, non-compact, strongly self-dual Boolean group of cardinality κ.
The paper deals with group dualities. A group duality is simply a pair (G,H) where G is an abstract abelian group and H a subgroup of characters defined on G. A group topology τ defined on G is compatible with the group duality (also called dual pair) (G,H) if G equipped with τ has dual group H. A topological group (G, τ) gives rise to the natural duality (G,G), where G stands for the group of continuous characters on G. We prove that the existence of a g-barrelled topology on G compatible with the dual pair (G,G) is equivalent to the semireflexivity in Pontryagin’s sense of the group G endowed with the pointwise convergence topology σ(G, G). We also deal with k-group topologies. We prove that the existence of k-group topologies on G compatible with the duality (G,G) is determined by a sort of completeness property of its Bohr topology σ(G,G) (Theorem 3.3). For a topological abelian group (G, τ), denote by G := CHom(G,T) the group of all continuous characters on G. The weak topology...
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 1995
Motivated from , call a precompact group topology τ on an abelian group G ss-precompact (abbreviated from single sequence precompact) if there is a sequence u = (u n ) in G such that τ is the finest precompact group topology on G making u = (u n ) converge to zero. It is proved that a metrizable precompact abelian group (G, τ ) is ss-precompact iff it is countable. For every metrizable precompact group topology τ on a countably infinite abelian group G there exists a group topology η such that η is strictly finer than τ and the groups (G, τ ) and (G, η) have the same Pontryagin dual groups (in other words, (G, τ ) is not a Mackey group in the class of maximally almost periodic groups). We give a complete description of all ss-precompact abelian groups modulo countable ss-precompact groups from which we derive:
Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas
We provide some characterizations of precompact abelian groups G whose dual group G ∧ p endowed with the pointwise convergence topology on elements of G contains a nontrivial convergent sequence. In the special case of precompact abelian torsion groups G, we characterize the existence of a nontrivial convergent sequence in G ∧ p by the following property of G: No infinite quotient group of G is countable. Finally, we present an example of a dense subgroup G of the compact metrizable group Z(2) ω such that G is of the first category in itself, has measure zero, but the dual group G ∧ p does not contain infinite compact subsets. This complements Theorem 1.6 in [J.E. Hart and K. Kunen, Limits in function spaces and compact groups, Topol. Appl. 151 (2005), 157-168]. As a consequence, we obtain an example of a precompact reflexive abelian group which is of the first Baire category.
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2005
We prove that direct and inverse limits of sequences of reflexive Abelian groups that are metrizable or k -spaces, but not necessarily locally compact, are reflexive and dual of each other provided some extra conditions are satisfied by the sequences.
Mathematische Zeitschrift, 2001
A topological Abelian group G is Pontryagin reflexive, or P-reflexive for short, if the natural homomorphism of G to its bidual group is a topological isomorphism. We look at the question, set by Kaplan in 1948, of characterizing the topological Abelian groups that are P-reflexive. Thus, we find some conditions on an arbitrary group G that are equivalent to the P-reflexivity of G and give an example that corrects a wrong statement appearing in previously existent characterizations of P-reflexive groups.
Abstract. We study the duality properties of two rather different classes of subgroups of direct products of discrete groups (protodiscrete groups): P -groups, i.e., topological It was recently shown by the same authors that the direct product Π of an arbitrary family of discrete Abelian groups becomes reflexive when endowed with the ω-box topology. This was the first example of a non-discrete reflexive P -group. Here we present a considerable generalization of this theorem and show that every product of feathered (equivalently, almost metrizable) Abelian groups equipped with the P -modified topology is reflexive. In particular, every locally compact Abelian group with the P -modified topology is reflexive. We also examine the reflexivity of dense subgroups of products Π with the P -modified topology and obtain the first examples of non-complete reflexive P -groups. We find as well that the better behaved class of prodiscrete groups (complete protodiscrete groups) of countable pseud...
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