"Long Live the New Flesh". Notes on amputation (and) pornography


Ballard’s novel Crash focuses on the erotic/pornographic fascination provided by extreme bodies and – more specifically – on the role provided by scars, wounds and medical-surgical elements in constructing this fascination. From its pages emerges a new interest for lesioned flesh that, while proposing a new politics of bodies and eroticism, take us back to context of artistic visual experimentations. It is well-known, just to give an example, the morbid charm of Hans Bellmer’s La poupée and the new imagerie of the body that it displayed in the context of historical avantgards. In the contemporary mediasphere we can trace the same problematic fascination for the extreme territories of the wounded body in a peculiar kind of pornographic images, provided by amputee pornography. In this kind of videos, the extremity of the body depends on the lack of one (or more than one) imb, and on a new usage of the body as eroticized surface. The main aim of the paper will be to present a general overview of the problematic features of this particular kind of (extreme) pornography and, starting from this point, to propose some reflections on the way in which this kind of liminal porn is able to re-discuss and re-contextualize some key elements of contemporary porn theory. Some of the question which the paper will try to provide an answer to, will be: which are the main aesthetical features of amputee porn? What kind of body is narratively constructed by these videos? Which are (some of) the cultural roots that connect wounds and erotic fascination? In which ways amputee porn can be a key example to re-discuss and re-contextualize some theoretical assumption of porn studies?