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Village tourism is one of the tourism development priority in 2014. Unfortunately, there are some problems such as unorganized tourism product and one of the main reason can caused by the management or the organization which is less capable to organize. Desa Wisata Gambung Mekarsari Village Tourism is one of the example village which has that kind of issues and regarding to the pre-research, the lack of competence human resources in tourism sector is the main problem in this organisation. This problem making this organization goes uneffectivelly although it has stands from 2009. Regarding to that issues, it would be important to build the community capacity building through the organisational development. Based on the research and analysis, the organisation of Desa Wisata Gambung Mekarsari should pay attention on those things such are establish the vision, mission, goal and objectives, fix the organisational structure problem such as determine the jobdesk of any members, expand member's knowledge through education and training, making the realistic short-plan, medium-plan, longplan and give understanding to the community about the benefit of tourism activities so the local people are willing to participate in the tourism activities. Pendahuluan Pariwisata merupakan salah satu industri yang sedang berkembang di Indonesia. Menurut Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif, Mari Elka Pangestu (Koran Indonesia, 2013), salah satu prioritas pengembangan pariwisata pada tahun 2014 adalah pengembangan desa wisata. Menurut Widyatmanti dan Natalia (2006:119) : desa wisata adalah desa yang memiliki
The KTSP's Curriculum that focuses on student centered learning expects teachers to make the students be creative, innovative, and active in learning. In fact, the students of XI grade student of SMAN 7 Padang in teaching and learning physics are not active, having low response to questions asked by the teacher, and only copied the task given by the teacher. It resulted, more than 50 % of the students having low achievement (Below competence minimal criteria, 60). Based on the problems above, I decided classroom action research as an effort to improve the students' activities and abilities. The student activities and abilities were improved by using STAD type of cooperative learning model. As the interactive supporting media, I used computer assisted learning to support the classroom activities in improving the student ability. This classroom action research was done at XI grade student of SMAN 7 Padang. The participants consisted of 37 students. This research process was implemented through three cycles. The first and third cycle consisted of three meetings. Meanwhile, the second cycle consisted of two meetings. This research was stopped after I found the expected result in reflection of third cycle. The result of the research shows that the teaching Physics by using computer assisted on type STAD of cooperative learning model is improving student activities and learning outcomes of XI grade student of SMAN 7 Padang. As average percentage of activities improvement in first cycle is 60.02 %, second cycle is 68.49% and third cycle is 75.75%. Besides, in cognitive in the first cycle is 86.5%, second cycle is 92% and third cycle is 95 %. As the result, computer assisted on type STAD of cooperative learning model at XI grade student of SMAN 7 Padang is improve significantly students' activities and learning outcomes Kata kunci: Aktivitas belajar, hasil belajar fisika, model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD, media komputer, SMA Negeri 7 Padang.
A building structure consists of upper and lower structures. In the construction activities of the lower structure is called foundation. The definition of the foundation is the structure of the lower part of the building that is directly related to the soil. There is another part of the foundation called Sloof which is the part of the building that is above the foundation. Sloof consists of four round metal poles then clamped using a box ring or often called brace. In the process of making brace, there are still many uses manually, while also having designed an automatic begging machine using a pneumatic system but still not expected. Therefore, it encourages the author to redesign the automatic brace maker using a pneumatic system to produce building iron that is better than the previous tool, because of the results of the previous tools that have not been able to make the brace indentation precision and the angle has not reached 90 °. From the results of testing the tools that have been rebuilt are able to produce more precise shapes from different iron materials and iron sizes, the angle has reached 90 °. The disadvantage of the redesigned device is that the angle of the brace making has been 90 ° but still the begel radius is still not consistent, it is hoped that by using the concept of redesigning the tool used, it can provide an example so that the iron brace maker can be developed again. This design has not been carried out in the automation process, it still uses the operator to open or close the valve on the feeder, bending and cutting mechanism.
The growth and development of children need the nutrition so that the process of them can run well. The nutrition that consumed by the children can effect to the children'nutrition status. When the children have lack of nutrition, it can be effected to the limitation of growth, susceptible to infection, inflamation of skin, and finally any blocking in children development, include cognitive, motoric, language, and their skill compare with the children who have good nutrision status. The aim of this research is knowing the correlation between the nutrition status with soft motoric development of children 3-5 years old. This research use cross sectional analytic research designed by 47 children respondences. The data collecting was done by weighing the children weight when posyandu and measure the Denver II by door to door. Analyze the correlation between nutrition status with soft motoric development of children 3-5 years old at Grabag village, Grabag district, Magelang regency showed that by rho (τ) score is 0,515. The controlling of body weight every month is necessary, to detect the initial problem of children growth. So, that problems can be anticipated early in giving suitable action.
Abstrak : Telah dilakukan simulasi tumbukan partikel gas ideal dengan menggunakan model cellular automata dua dimensi untuk memvisualisasikan tumbukan partikel gas ideal. Tumbukan partikel disimulasikan dengan menggunakan model cellular automata dua dimensi. Di dalam cellular automata, pergerakan partikel diatur dengan suatu aturan yaitu aturan delapan tetangga yang merupakan aturan acak. Hasil program simulasi tumbukan partikel gas ideal dengan model cellular automata dua dimensi menggunakan aturan acak delapan tetangga ini berbasis Delphi adalah arah tumbukan partikel gas sesuai dengan sifat-sifat gas ideal yang bergerak acak dan tersebar merata dalam jumlah yang banyak serta sebagian tumbukannya itu bersifat lenting sempurna. Sesuai dengan konsep cellular automata program simulasi tumbukan partikel gas ideal ini menyerupai bentuk yang ada di alam.
Operasi Wanita) is one of long-term contraception methods which is not preferred by female acceptors in controlling their pregnancy. The result of mini survey in 2010, showed that the acceptors of family planning with sterilization which were still low included 0.3% vasectomy (MOP), and 2,2% tubectomy (MOW). This research aims to find out the factors which influence the use of MOW contraception for female acceptors in Kelurahan Berbas Tengah in the operational area of Puskesmas Bontang Selatan II in the year 2013. The research was conducted in September to October 2013 using cross Sectional approach. The sample was taken by using Random Sampling Technique with the total number of respondents of 100 people. The research findings revealed that the factors that influence the use of MOW by acceptors included the understanding about MOW (p value = 0.000), age (p value = 0.007), the number of their living children (p value = 0.000) and having information (p value = 0.003) in Kelurahan Berbas Tengah in the operational area of Puskesmas Bontang Selatan II. Based on the research findings, it is suggested to do monitoring and evaluation on the MOW service and give cross-sectoral reinforcement with relevant institutions so that the policy in providing good health can be established and the quality of ANC service can be improved by providing routine family planning counseling to the expecting mothers every three semester by considering the age, the number of children born alive, and the current conditions of the mothers and also by considering the appropriate methods for counseling so that the expecting mothers can decide the type of contraception they can use after they give birth.
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