Jurnal SED 12062014 revisi all new


Village tourism is one of the tourism development priority in 2014. Unfortunately, there are some problems such as unorganized tourism product and one of the main reason can caused by the management or the organization which is less capable to organize. Desa Wisata Gambung Mekarsari Village Tourism is one of the example village which has that kind of issues and regarding to the pre-research, the lack of competence human resources in tourism sector is the main problem in this organisation. This problem making this organization goes uneffectivelly although it has stands from 2009. Regarding to that issues, it would be important to build the community capacity building through the organisational development. Based on the research and analysis, the organisation of Desa Wisata Gambung Mekarsari should pay attention on those things such are establish the vision, mission, goal and objectives, fix the organisational structure problem such as determine the jobdesk of any members, expand member's knowledge through education and training, making the realistic short-plan, medium-plan, longplan and give understanding to the community about the benefit of tourism activities so the local people are willing to participate in the tourism activities. Pendahuluan Pariwisata merupakan salah satu industri yang sedang berkembang di Indonesia. Menurut Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif, Mari Elka Pangestu (Koran Indonesia, 2013), salah satu prioritas pengembangan pariwisata pada tahun 2014 adalah pengembangan desa wisata. Menurut Widyatmanti dan Natalia (2006:119) : desa wisata adalah desa yang memiliki