Introduction to Digital Copyright Law



The authors of this book are convinced that participants of the planned course will get familiarized with the practice-oriented, analytical aspects of copyright hot topics. The comparative legal aspect allows the students to understand the major differences between the common law and the continental legal systems in order to study or criticize the different legal solutions. This approach will help the students to use European, American and international copyright law rules in their future career at law firms or at courts, and to undertake independent research on the subject, using both traditional and internet resources.

Key takeaways

  • It might seem that the mention in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of "referring or linking users to an online location containing infringing material" expands the concept of contributory infringement to any reference to, or linkage in the sense of facilitating access to, copyrighted material.
  • In sum, to establish a direct infringement of its distribution right, BMG must show an actual dissemination of a copyrighted work.
  • BMG asserts that Cox had knowledge of its users' infringing activity because Rightscorp sent Cox more than two million infringement notices pertaining to its copyrighted works.
  • [T]he fair use of a copyrighted work ... for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright.
  • However, the court allowed that a case may exist where "one's contribution to the creation of an infringing copy [is] so great that it warrants holding that party directly liable for the infringement, even though another party has actually made the copy."