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2018, Oxford Bibliographies in Islamic Studies
16 pages
1 file
Feb. 2018. Introduction to one of the world's largest da'wa/tabligh movements, with annotated citations to scholarly work on the TJ. Published in Oxford Bibliographies in Islamic Studies: Scholars of the TJ and of South Asian Islam: Please send me any citations I might have missed! Oxford Bibliographies will allow me to update this article from time to time.
Only the first few pages are included here. This 550 page dissertation was successfully defended in June 2016. It has been revised and published by Routledge. Please see the link above for Da'wa and Other Religions. Update 2023: The dissertation is no longer embargoed. It is available here: Abstract: Da‘wa is a classical Islamic concept which has been dramatically re-appropriated in modern times across the Muslim world. This dissertation explores the modern resurgence of da‘wa – “inviting” to Islam, or Islamic missionary activity – through the lens of inter-religious relations, and within the two horizons Islamic history and modernity. It demonstrates, first, the close relationship that has existed between da‘wa and inter-religious relations both in the past and in the modern period. Second, it sheds light on the diversity of da‘wa in the midst of other religions by tracing two broad styles of da‘wa throughout Islamic history: “bottom-up” and “top-down” da‘wa. Finally, it argues that Muslim communities in colonial and post-colonial India shed light on these themes with particular clarity. Indian Muslims, this dissertation suggests, have made pioneering contributions to global da‘wa, particularly with respect to their development of bottom-up styles of da‘wa and what this dissertation calls “da‘wa modernities.” These arguments are developed in two parts. Part I provides an examination of da‘wa in relation to other religions from the Qur’an to the modern period. Since few studies have examined Islamic history through these lenses, this represents a major contribution in its own right. Building on Part I, Part II analyzes two prominent Sunni da‘wa organizations to emerge from the Indian subcontinent in the past century: the Tablīghī Jamā‘at (TJ) and the Islamic Research Foundation of Dr. Zakir Naik (IRF). By investigating and juxtaposing the lineages, formative histories and inter-religious discourses of these movements and their founders, Part II elucidates both the unique contributions Indian Muslims have made to modern da‘wa, and the diversity of Indian da‘wa. In response to the political, social and inter-religious challenges they have faced in modern India, and through their fresh engagement with Islamic scripture and tradition, these movements have developed related, though distinct, bottom-¬up styles of da‘wa and da‘wa modernities which have proven to be globally relevant. This dissertation thus makes a significant contribution to the study of da‘wa in general and to the study of the Tablīghī Jamā‘at. It also provides the first major scholarly study of Zakir Naik.
European Journal of Economic and Political Studies
Abstract: The Tablīgh Jamā 'at (Convey Group or Group for conveying the message of Islam) established in 1927 in Mēwāt in India is an independent transnational movement of Islamic faith regeneration. It is an offshoot of Deoband movement and emerged in direct response ...
Abdul Hakim, MA., 2024
Jamaah Tabligh, or better known as the Group of Deliverers and in the Urdu language called: Tablighi Jamaat, while in Arabic called Jamaatuttabligh is a transnational Islamic Dakwah movement founded in 1926 by Maulana Muhammad Ilyas in Nizamuddin India. This “group” is moving from the bottom level of societies, then bringing the entire Muslim communities regardless of social and economic levels closer to the teachings of Islam as brought by Prophet Muhammad. The purpose of this research paper is to provide a clear picture and a brief history of the Jamaah Tabligh and the dakwah methods. It also shares the success stories of Jamaah Tabligh in changing the societies from modern jahiliyah or those left behind into a society that is organized and better educated. The author further examines the challenges faced during this global era. Some parts of this paper are based on the author’s personal experiences when actively involved in this movement during the period 2009 to 2011.
Islam and Christian Muslim Relations, 2019
Matthew Kuiper's examination of Zakir Naik and the Tablighi Jama'at for their views on spreading Islam in the modern world helps to fill a curious gap in academic scholarship: the propagation of Islam, its methods, and its view of other religions. Kuiper's research on the "Islamic Research Foundation" and Zakir Naik for this book even includes a personal visit to the organization's headquarters in Mumbai!
Itzchak Weismann, Jamal Malik (eds), Culture of daʿwah: Islamic Preaching in the Modern World, 178-190, 2020
This chapter gives an overview of the emergence of the Muslim preaching movement Tablighi Jama'at following the Deobandi orientation and how it evolved into a global format of missionary work for Islam.
DAVO - Annual Conference, 2003
The paper discusses preliminary findings from field research in India and Pakistan devoted to elicit views and information on the worldview of the Tablighi Jama'at. The project aimed at going beyond the hagiographic literature to reflect the internal culture of the movement. A central element of their sociology is their interpretation of the life of the founder generation of Islam. The paper will show how Tablighi interpretation of this ideal strives to strike a compromise between reformist concepts and current requirements. Their views gain increasing influence as a model for re-Islamising broad sections of Muslims in South Asia and beyond, as they branch out into all regions of the globe where Muslims live. Conference of German Middle Eastern Studies DAVO, Hamburg, 20 - 22 November, 2003, Panel "The Salafi Phenomenon"
Islam Realitas: Journal of Islamic & Social Studies, 2019
This article discusses Tablighi Jamaat as Islamic transnational movement that emerged in the early 20th century and attracted a great attention post nine eleven in America. One of the interesting that invite debate among scholars is that Tablighi Jamaat is a part of radicalist movements or terrorist groups or only an Islamic missionary movement. Those debates are related to the existence of Tablighi Jamaat around the world. Moreover, it can be said that every country in the world have settled by Tablighi Jamaat. American Foreign Council report shows that tablighist is estimated 50 to 80 million people. The numbers have invited suspicion of policy maker from many countries, particularly on radicalism issues. Discussion on this article based on basic questions on who are Tablighists, their aims and their activities. However, the main purpose of this article to show how scholars argue on the existence of Tablighi and possibility on Tablighi Jamaat involvement on radicalism actions. Thi...
Afkaruna, 2013
India yang dalam beberapa dekade terakhir ini bertransformasi menjadi gerakan Islam internasional yang aktif di pelbagai belahan dunia. Penulis memberikan perhatian pada karakteristik ideology keagamaan dan bentuk keorganisasian Jamaah Tabligh. Penulis berpendapat bahwa komitmen yang kuat dan sikap kerelawanan di kalangan anggota Jamaah ini memberikan dampak kuat pada berlangsungnya kegiatan dakwah Jamaah Tabligh. Tidak seperti organisasi yang lain, sebut saja Ikhwanul Muslimin atau Hizbut Tahrir yang mendasarkan model dakwahnya pada materi-materi tertulis dan dakwah keorganisasian, Jamaah Tabligh melakukan banyak pendekatan personal dalam menyampaikan pesan-pesan Islam (dakwah) kepada komunitas-komunitas Muslim.
Al-Jami'ah: Journal of Islamic Studies, 2008
The article examines the history of Jama‘ah Tabligh in Southeast Asia, especially in Kuala Lumpur and Aceh. The author traces the historical background of this religious movement with particular reference to the birth place of Jama‘ah Tabligh , India. The author investigates the major role of Indian in disseminating Islam in Southeast Asia, especially in Malaysia and Indonesia. Many scholars believe that Islam came to Southeast Asia from India (Gujarat), and this is the reason why many Islamic traditions in this region were influenced by Indian culture. However, to analyze Islamic movement in Southeast Asia one should take into consideration the Middle East context in which various Islamic movements flourished. Unlike many scholars who believe that the spirit of revivalism or Islamic modernism in Southeast Asia was more influenced by Islam in the Middle East than Indian, the author argues that the influence of Indian Muslim in Southeast Asia cannot be neglected, particularly in the ...
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Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization, 2020
Islamochristiana, 2019
Liberal Arts and Social Sciences International Journal (LASSIJ)
John L. Esposito (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World, 2009
Oriente Moderno, 84:1, 295-305., 2004
Asian Studies 6(1), 2018
Islam Realitas: Journal of Islamic and Social Studies, 2019
Islamochristiana, 2019
. Afzal Upal and Carole M. Cusack (eds), Handbook of Islamic Sects and Movements, Brill, 2021, forthcoming.
PakistanNationalism without a Nation? C
Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 2007
Journal of Indian History and Culture, 2021
Culture of Da'wa, 2020
The Indian Economic and Social History Review, 2019