Osmanlı Sanayiindeki Rekabet Düzenlemeleri.pdf

2015, İstanbul Üniversitesi İktisat Fakültesi Mecmuası


COMPETITION REGULATIONS IN OTTOMAN INDUSTRY In contrary to Europe, Ottoman State intentionally prevented to establishment of aristocracy and bourgeois class. Economic policies were designed to sustain the presence of a strong middle class. But system began to shake during 1820’s, because of intensifying European competition. Later signed Balta Limanı Trade Agreement even severed the competition. As a result of this situation, how could increase the competition power of local production was the main problem of this era. Artisan scale producers wanted to be protected with social motivation, against private factories which their numbers increased after 1880’s. Newly established factories were banned to interfere to activities of artisans. But proper functioning of the market did not neglect, while artisans protecting. In order to increase the competition power of industrial production, Ottoman State tried to establish demand support to raw material producers and Ereğli coal mines for local fuel. At the last part of the article, local factories will be mentioned which they wanted to apply modern production facilities. In order to increase their competition power, state thought that private sector had to be supported. For this reason tax exemptions were granted them. In addition to this, state tried to give demand support to local factories.