The Art of Living in Otto Rank's Will Therapy

2012, American Journal of Psychoanalysis


Otto Rank's approach to psychotherapy, developed after his separation from Freud, encourages living life fully in spite of death and limitation. In his emphasis on the here and now, new experience in the therapeutic relationship, and collaboration and creativity in the therapy process, Rank was ahead of his time. As a theorist of personality and of creativity, his work is well known, but his influence on the practices of humanistic, existential, and post-psychoanalytic relational therapists is largely unacknowledged. Rank ' s creative legacy is an approach to psychotherapy that calls forth artistry and collaboration between therapist and client. Otto Rank was an original: an artist-type , a creative individual whose approach to psychotherapy encourages an art of living. " Life itself must be formed artistically, " said Rank in his diary at age 20, " Real living must be created so that it has need of no other life, no art, beyond itself " (Lieberman, 1985, p. 37). Rank was referring not just to his own life, but to the artist ' s life and to life in general, and to the possibility for each person to live more artfully, more fully, and with deeper existential awareness. Life lived fully — not avoided, but experienced with all its pain and joy, and despite its limitation in death — is the ultimate creative act. Rank ' s understanding of this truth underlies his explication of " the artist type, " an individual who, in contrast to the over-analytical, life-withholding, neurotic, willingly faces life's limitations in order to create. Artists confront limitations of medium, skill, and time to create works of lasting significance. Conflicts and disappointments are inevitable in life, but in contrast to the neurotic whose " failed art " leads to a despairing sense of loss, artists take what is given and use it to make something new.