
The aim of this study to determine the effectiveness of oral hygiene by suction using liquid Chlorhexidine 0.2% for the prevention of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) in patients who mounted a mechanical ventilator. he design of the research is Quasi-Experimental approach Randomized Posttest Only Control Design, which was to determine whether the intervention creates a significant difference between the two groups. The research do in the Arifin Achmad hospital Pekanbaru involving 30 respondents. The sampling method was purposive sample. Measuring tool used is the observation sheet. The research uses univariate and bivariate anaysis. The results of the statistical test T test obtained p value = 0.005 significant p value> α (0.05) then Hogagal rejected, so it can be concluded that there are significant differences in the results of the indicator value of oral hygiene among clients using without using CHX CHX in the prevention of VAP , so the use of CHX as oral hygiene may be more effective than without the use of CHX.