Origins of the Caste System


Comments Invited on "How the Foreign Vedics Took Over Egalitarian Hinduism" Dear friends, In my ongoing efforts to explain how the co-existence of two distinct religions to which erroneously was considered one for almost a millenniums in India have caused adverse effect on social system, I am publishing here my first draft of the proposed book "How the Foreign Vedics Took Over Egalitarian Hinduism: The caste “system” is a mere House of Cards" for your comments and suggestions. In this book, I have shown that the majority Hindu religion finds its roots in Indus times, in idolatry and tantra tradition whereas Vedic religion was introduced to India through a group of Vedic refugees that spread in the country by missionary practice. I have shown how hierarchial compartmentalized varna system of the Vedics and flexible caste system of Hindus are unrelated. In course of the time, I have shown, how the tiny Vedic religion overshadowed majority Hindu religion by constantly propagating supremacy of the Vedas and polluting Hindu mythologies and epics. The circumstances that arose after 10th century A.D. gave the unique opportunity to the Vedics to pollute Hindu minds. Though the Hindus still adhere to their Tantra based religion, the religious identity has been obscured. The book is written with a view that Hindus should now realise their independent roots, understand how flexible was the caste system and how the undying values of the liberty once they nurtured and hence could make India a great prosperous country.