Author Guidelines General

These should aim at developing concepts as well as presenting results. They must be as concise as possible and include only information essential to the understanding of the paper. The subject should be of interest to a reasonably wide readership. It is expected that typescripts submitted to the Journal have undergone an internal peer review at the author's institution. The instructions detailed below refer mainly to this type of article. Short Communications: These are suitable for recording the results of complete small-scale investigations or giving details of new models or hypotheses, innovative methods or techniques, and the like. The style of main sections need not conform to that of full-length papers. Short communications should not exceed 10 typescript pages in length. They will also be subjected to the Journal's peer-review system. Headings should be left-aligned with a capital used only in the first letter. Main headings in boldface and first-order subheadings in italic typeface on a separate line; second-order subheadings in italic typeface incorporated in the text. In most papers, the main headings will be: Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion (with Conclusions), Acknowledgements, and References.