Reading 2015 Impact of Medicalizing Pregnancy

This paper explores how a medicalized view of pregnancy shapes the process of pregnant embodiment and women' s experiences postpartum. Analyzing interviews with 42 pregnant women and new mothers, I show that while women' s experiences of pregnant embodiment are shaped by biomedical notions of pregnancy, women also bring new meaning to the biomedical guidelines. Women view pregnancy as a process of sharing their bodies with their children, and they continue to share their bodies with their newborns during the postpartum period. I conclude the paper by reflecting on the role of the body in shaping our understanding of medicalized phenomena. Résumé Cet article explore comment un point de vue médical de la grossesse donne forme au proces-sus de métamorphose de la grossesse et à l' expérience du post-partum. Par l' analyse d' entrevues auprès de 42 femmes enceintes et nouvelles mères, je démontre que bien que les notions biomédicales de la grossesse donnent forme à l' expérience de la métamorphose du corps, les femmes attribuent aussi de nouvelles significations aux régulations biomédicales. Elles voient