AI and the Posthuman (Mental) Ecology: Interological Illuminations


This article seeks to illuminate ways in which interality studies provides unique philosophical ways to engage Artificial Intelligence research and its implications. Rather than rejecting AI methodologies wholesale as replications of classic Cartesian dualism or embracing them via rationalist philosophical models, the article forwards an interological illumination of " machines " , " learning " , and human being-in-the-world in order to make sense of the " human-like " in AI. Although the algorithmic models of machine learning are computational, the intelligibility of their outcomes—like human knowing-how—cannot always be articulated by AI researchers. Rather than a problem to be overcome, the article suggests that herein lies the trace to be followed in future interalogical work done in forging a third, synergistic, way forward in human machine relations. [Reno Lauro. AI and the Posthuman (Mental) Ecology: Interological Illuminations. China Media Research 2017; 13(4): 70-76]. 8