
 Abstract— Student course registration is a fundamental process within most educational institutions enabling students to interactively ascertain courses to be registered for seasonally. The adoption of software based registration system has eliminated the fundamentals issues associated with previous based registration systems. The restrictiveness of UTAUT was a fundamental purpose for extending it in addressing course registration using two additional construct of UTUAT: ease of use and system availability. Eighteen (18) anonymous system users cutting across six universities with experience ranging between 1 – 12 years of system usage and aging ranging between 18 – 30 years were employed for this research. All system users were employed on a voluntary basis using the construct of UTAUT: performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and social influence, ease of use, system availability and facilitating condition. The performance of the Extended UTUAT (E-UTUAT) was portrayed using six graphs depicting UTAUT constructs with results ranging for 83%, 39%, 56%, 72%, 72% and 67% for Yes respectively.