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Abstract— Student course registration is a fundamental process within most educational institutions enabling students to interactively ascertain courses to be registered for seasonally. The adoption of software based registration system has eliminated the fundamentals issues associated with previous based registration systems. The restrictiveness of UTAUT was a fundamental purpose for extending it in addressing course registration using two additional construct of UTUAT: ease of use and system availability. Eighteen (18) anonymous system users cutting across six universities with experience ranging between 1 – 12 years of system usage and aging ranging between 18 – 30 years were employed for this research. All system users were employed on a voluntary basis using the construct of UTAUT: performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and social influence, ease of use, system availability and facilitating condition. The performance of the Extended UTUAT (E-UTUAT) was portrayed using six graphs depicting UTAUT constructs with results ranging for 83%, 39%, 56%, 72%, 72% and 67% for Yes respectively.
ITRO 2014, 2014
Information and communication technologies (ICT) have the potential to improve all aspects of our social, economic and cultural life. The ICT imposes inevitable positive changes upon the modern world. These changes are largely related to education as well. The introduction of ICT in institutions of higher education is clearly changing the way in which education is conducted. But, as much as important introduction is, the more important is acceptance of new technologies. For that purpose we shall use a unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) created by Venkatesh, which will explain the user intention to use information systems and subsequently to monitor the behavior of their use. This paper describes the UTAUT model and the factors that affect it. Further, examples are given for the application of UTAUT in different educational environments. Then are given initial research for the application of UTAUT in our university "Goce Delcev"-Stip, Macedonia about acceptance and use of e-learning information system and ugd repository. Lastly, in the conclusion we note why the uptake of ICT is mandatory and should be undertaken in order to accept a new technology
Bayero Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 2017
The impact of Information Technology (IT) has continued to increase in all aspects of our lives; there has been increasing interest in research on the factors that explain user acceptance of new technology. Venkatesh combined eight of the most popular models to formulate a new model, called the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), which since then has become one of the most prominent models. This paper tries to validate a modified UTAUT model for the Bayero University, Kano. Students' registration portal which every university student has to use at the beginning of every academic session was used to test the model. Three hundred and sixty eight valid questionnaires were used to validate research model which comprises five constructs in the modified model namely: performance expectancy (PE), effort expectancy (EE), social influence (SI), facilitating conditions (FC) and anxiety (AX). In order to evaluate the internal consistency, convergence and discernments validity, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) is run on the measurement model and the values of Average Variance Extracted (AVE), Composite Reliability (ρc), and Cronbach's Alpha (CA) are found to be satisfactory. The data collected is analyzed using structural equation modeling techniques. Three major constructs of the model-performance expectancy (PE), effort expectancy (EE) and social influence (SI)-are found to be insignificant determinants of registration portal usage, showing that there are a number of systems that may neither fit into the UTAUT nor UTAUT2 models because of their special characteristics.
Science Research Annals, 2023
Course Registration is one of the key activities of students during the studying period, hence the demand for an efficient course registration system cannot be over emphasized. A study into the existing course registration process in Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba-Akoko, one of the leading State University in Nigeria reveals some limitations in their course registration system. Thereby, the existing system was analyzed and worked upon to improve its efficiency, and to meet the needs of the students and the university at large. In doing this, an enhanced students course registration system that allow students to register for their courses with minimal error was developed by automating the course registration processing. The enhanced system was developed using an adaptive software development approach of the agile methodology and implemented with PHP (hypertext processor) and MYSQL database management systems using the Department of Computer Science, Adekunle Ajasin University as a case study. Results from the system when tested showed an improvement on the existing system, and have contributed in no small measure in reducing the stress that the students and result processing officers used to go through in the course of course registration and result processing respectively. The system can be used across the Departments of the University and other Universities in Nigeria.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Business and Management of Technology (ICONBMT 2021), 2022
There are things that are interesting to research regarding the provision of web-based services to institutions such as campus namely the Institute of Technology Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) as an option in contrast to serving understudies during Coronavirus. Through the UTAUT approach this research will describe the behavioral intention of ITS students in using web-based services as measured by variables of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions. To achieve the research objectives PLS-SEM is used. Information assortment was directed utilizing an online survey dispersed to 279 ITS Students spread across faculties and levels. The consequences of the PLS-SEM examination found that performance expectancy, social impact, and facilitating conditions affected the conduct expected of ITS understudies utilizing the, which depended on them utilizing the assistance since it could help exercises during school. Furthermore, the impact of lectures, companions, and abilities in utilizing administrations likewise has an impact. It was likewise tracked down that the moderating effect of age on facilitating conditions on behavioral intention was also found. The findings in this study can provide recommendations for managers in developing future services, such as adding services based on student needs, adjusting the appearance of features on each device, and being more concerned about accessibility.
Information and communication technologies (ICT) have the potential to improve all aspects of our social, economic and cultural life. The introduction of ICT in universities as institutions of higher education is clearly changing the way in which education is conducted. But, as much as important introduction is, the more important is acceptance of new technologies. For that purpose we’ll use a unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) which will explain the user intention to use information systems and subsequently to monitor the behavior of their use. This paper describes the UTAUT model and the factors that affect it, and its modification over time. Further are given examples for the application of UTAUT in different environments. Lastly, in the conclusion we note why the uptake of ICT is mandatory and should be undertaken in order to accept a new technology.
International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change, 2012
Electronic course registration systems allow students to select courses and giving student to access course offerings through these on-line systems as well as the ability to complete various administrative functions allows for better management of curriculum decisions in the context of academic objectives. The objective of these systems is to make this process more convenient and easier to achieve which has been met with varying levels of success. This study looks closely at one particular system, the e-Lion system at the Pennsylvania State University. Data was collected using semi-structured interviews and an online survey. The findings are discussed through the lens of the Delone and McLeane (D&M) information systems success model and are of interest to business practitioners fielding on-line systems in the areas of e-commerce and e-learning as well as many others, providing considerable insight into the importance of system usability.
The objective of this paper is to establish the factors that influence students" acceptance and use of online registration system in a South African university. This study used the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). The study is informed by empirical evidence of a case study of Tshwane University of Technology (TUT), with survey sample of 300 students from four campuses: Pretoria, Shoshanguve, Garankuwa and Polokwane. The analysis of results shows that much as there is no significant correlation between performance expectancy and behavior intention, the constructs" reliability shows that UTAUT is a good model for predicting acceptance and use of online registration system. However this study recommends that the constructs of UTAUT need to be modified in order to have a better prediction model. The study contributes to the literature of students" acceptance, adoption and use of web-based tools in the academic arena.
Computer Science and Information Technology
Student course registration is an integral facet of university registration processes, which holistically cater for organizational resources: manpower and material. Although several approaches have been proposed in addressing student registration, this research paper provide a comprehensive approach with the aim of addressing comprehensiveness in courses registration through the integration of departmental units within the university into a single architecture framework. This architecture has the propensity in supporting organizational procedures and processes while lessening overhead costs associated with process depletions.
Jurnal Manajemen Teori dan Terapan | Journal of Theory and Applied Management
This research investigated the factors affecting the academic registration system used by students in STIE Panca Bhakti Palu based on the Theory of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Research data were collected through the survey. Out of 294 questionnaires distributed to the respondents, 269 questionnaires were returned back (92%), while 25 questionnaires (8%) were incompletely filled in. The obtained data underwent the Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis using Amos 20 for Windows software. The results of this research showed that the ease of use and usefulness had a positive and significant influence on users’ attitude in using the system. Meanwhile, the ease of use positively and significantly influenced the usefulness of the system.
Borneo Akademika, 2022
The way educators teach has changed, and so does the method of taking attendance. Due to the global pandemic situation, and the implementation of lockdown and social distancing, e-learning has taken over the regular learning process in most learning institutions. As a result, students' attendance-taking needs to be conducted electronically. As manual attendance taking and absenteeism reporting classes are no longer seen as relevant in most circumstances, many learning institutions have developed various methods to take the students' attendance effectively. In this university, the system developers have created a system application called UiTM Here 1.0, which aims to aid the process of taking the students' attendance and absence reporting online. To take the attendance, the students will scan a QR code, and the system will take note of the date and time of the students clocking in and their absenteeism, based on the students' ID. This user-friendly application is installed on the lecturers' and students' smartphones, where both parties can monitor the attendance. It can calculate the percentage of absence automatically and generate absence status immediately for each student. These records are sent automatically to the Students' Academic Affairs Department. The present study emphasizes the system's usability and the students' satisfaction when using this application and it involves six research questions, in which an adopted online survey was distributed to 320 students (randomly shared). The results can be used to improve the system and notably, positive responses and a few constructive recommendations are revealed.
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International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 2016
Journal of business management, 2017
International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education, 2000
The Journal of technology studies, 2005
The Journal of Educators Online, 2019
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications
Journal of Information Technology Education: Research
Education and Information Technologies