
ABSTRACT This paper attempts to highlight some of the misconceptions and unfairness in the current model for global trading, economics and the current form of overly corporate led globalization. Following a period of economic boom due to international trade , a financial bubble –global in scope-burst,even causing some of the world’s largest financial organizations have collapsed. With resulting recession, many governments of the wealthiest nations of the world have resorted to extensive bail- out and rescue packages for the remaining large banks and financial institutions while imposing harsh austerity measures on themselves. Some of the bail-outs had also led to charges of hypocrisy due to apparent “socializing the cost while privatizing the profits.” Furthermore, the institutions being rescued and typically the once which got the world into this trouble in the first place. For smaller businesses and poorer people , such options for bail –outs and rescue are rarely available when they find themselves in crisis. Global economic governance stands for the institutions, regulations and mechanisms that manage increasing inter dependency of global challenges of the world economy andforms the foundations of stable economic developments. However , global economic governance remains largely mired in “silo thinking”. It is broken down too distinctly into different subject areas, with political decisions in one area also affecting the other. For these close interrelations, handling of trade finance and the parallel lack of coordinated and coherent global economic governance are very important examples. Trade finance stands at the interface between trade policy and financial market regulation. Despite this, the relevant institutions, in particular the world trade organization ( WTO) and the bank for international settlements donot liaise with one another to an adequate extent.