The hacker mentality in reality is independent therefrom what one hacking. The main point is that someone need to do such an achievement wich seams even for the same professionals almost impossible or something completely different and this achievement throwing new light upon the field of investigation or it's broader environment too. In such a meaning the top scientists can be called hackers too as they gaining new knowledge from the Nature, from our closed environment, or in other words from the holographic virtual reality around us, from the Matrix. Deeper knowledge from our environment and from ourself has every time influenced our thinking and in broader sense our ideology and philosophy too. From the beginnings for us human beeings the most important questions are: Who are we really, where are we coming from, how does our mind and body work, how our physical world works and why are we here? To these questions one can find the answers only in case when one gaining knowledge not just from one field of life or science but from so much field of investigation as it is possible. Because of his accomplishment and work in that sense the greatest researcher in our history was Nikola Tesla, who from his very childhood made groundbreaking observations and discoveries first in his closer environment and later all around our planet Earth and in the whole Universe too. He discovered, invented and built such methodes, principles, parts, instruments and machines from conventional materials wich opened our closed reality and unraveled the hidden working of ourself and our physical world too. In that sense he really hacked the world around us perceptible only to our senses and instruments and gained such new informations and knowledge wich revolutionized our world view making it possible to reach undreamed goals. In the following notes we can read about those most outstanding discoveries of Nikola Tesla wich make him call " the greatest hacker ever " in our history.