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Acest curs propune intelegerea rapida a comunicarii structurate sub forma de negociere, precum si a modalitatilor de aplicare a tacticilor de negociere pentru atingerea unui acord benefic partilor. Cursul dezvolta paradigma cooperarii in negociere, dar trece in revista si paradigma conflictului.
Altarul Reîntregirii, 2019
Esse versus Habere-The Duality of Human Will 1. Man's existence for "to be" or for "to have", depends on how he understands his meaning in the world. This study aims to offer the reader an orthodox view on these two terms, in the hope that it touches the existential substance of contemporary man. When man "stole" deification, possession (of having) became an existential archetype in his physical structure. The serpent bound the soul of the primordial man to a phantasmagoria, a magical deification. The principle of possession expresses man's desire to transform the world into an object of consumption. The fundamental difference between possession and being is that things are worn out by their use, while the being exercised day by day develops to perfection. The need of transcendence, intrinsic to man, has undergone an ontological change that has found naive compensation in the field of technology. Fathers of the desert teaches us to evaluate the world through an unpassionate perception. The evangelical and patristic precepts put in contrast the desire for spiritual growth with a desire possession. This vision of detachment, gives man a sort of discernment that makes him responsible in relation to God, nature and to himself. St. John Chrysostom, recommends the desert as a pedagogical school against passions. The decision of the monks to go to the wilderness was motivated by both the desire to give up the world, possessions and honours, and to fully belong to God. In conclusion, compulsive opening to possessions and objects is mental and not spatial. The contemporary man needs to reflect on what really matters in an ephemeral world.
Culegerea de articole reprezintă materialele celei de-a 2-a ediții a Conferinței Internaționale "Lectura ca bază pentru cultură, cunoaștere și dezvoltare", organizată de Biblioteca Națională a Republicii Moldova în septembrie 2020. Temele abordate de către autori sunt de ordin teoretic cât și practic. Volumul al II lea reprezintă diferite abordări ale fenomenului lecturii.
Бюллетень Уральского отделения Международной ассоциации содействия правосудию, 2010
Реалии уголовно-процессуальной науки демонстрируют признаки одной из ее проблем, связанной с нечетким различием исследований уголовно-процессуального закона de lege lata, которые могут быть актуальны, например, для создания юрисдикционных технологий участников уголовного процесса, и исследований de lege ferenda - наиболее традиционных для большинства работ, поскольку их результатом является предложение об улучшении уголовно-процессуального закона. Последние, отражая закон системно и имею целью его совершенствование, должны ориентироваться на ядро системы, определяющее ее тип и связи с периферийными элементами системы (институтами, нормами), а так же элементами между собой.
Studii și cercetări lingvistice
This article is a proposal to standardize a punctuation mark – the semicolon –, and describe the situations of use and the communication implications of the sign: prosodic, pragma-semantic and stylistic functions. The relationships between the semicolon and other punctuation marks, as well as recommendations for use in writing practice are also considered. Semicolon is less and less known and used nowadays; its use depends on the author’s preferences. Among the stylistic varieties, the semicolon is used most frequently in the scientific and argumentative style. It is recommended to use semicolon in enumerative series, especially vertically, in constructions containing parallelisms, or in long and complex statements that also contain other internal punctuation marks.
Annals of the University of Bucharest - Philosophy Series, 2015
This paper aims at discussing some problems of the contemporary art through some of Arthur Danto’s theories. The concept of the end of art, the new way of making art, how to understand the contemporary art are some fundamental problems of nowadays art criticism. Comparisons among artistic techniques used by various avant-gardist movements, especially cubist, abstractionist and dadaist ones are intended to build a comprehensive image of the evolution in art creativity towards post-wars period represented by new contributions (Andy Warhol and Joseph Beuys). These examples prove that the contemporary art needs a more attentive interpretation and a better understanding of the material-form connection within the art work and the process of plastic creativity.
După aproape două decenii de când Zidul Berlinului sa prăbuşit, a devenit clar că falimentul experimentului comunist nu echivalează cu validarea capitalismului cunoscut în istoria de pînă acum. Din infirmarea unei ipoteze nu se poate deduce cu necesitate confirmarea ipotezei contrarii: dacă am constatat că ipoteza „A” nu este validă, asta nu ne scuteşte de verificarea ipotezei „anti-A”. Altfel spus, faptul că proiectul „Fiecăruia după necesităţi” a eşuat nu implică legitimarea proiectului „Peştele mare înghite peştele mic”.
Analele Universității „Dunărea de Jos” din Galați. Fascicula XX, Sociologie / The Annals of ”Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle XX, Sociology, 2016
This study aims to describe the issues specific to international adoption. The author starts from a short presentation of the history of international adoptions in the Republic of Moldova and the specific conditions for making international adoptions in the Republic of Moldova. International adoption has a number of peculiarities, because besides the specific problems that the integration of the child in the adoption family (such as the problems of age, personality and availability between child and family) increase, others factors such as cultural differences and physical differences (color, height, language, race, etc.) between the child and adoptive parents. Another factor that influences international adoptions is legislative policies on international adoptions, policies that can encourage or aggravate the process of international adoption. Although, in essence, international adoption has a noble purpose, to provide children with permanent families, in practice they also encountered situations of irregularities (child trafficking, violations of principle and violations of the law) that led to a negative perception on the process of international adoption.
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Editura Universitară Ion Mincu eBooks, 2022
Cercetări arheologice, 2022
Relaţii Internaţionale Plus, 2015
Altarul Reîntregirii, 2016
Studia Theologica Orthodoxa Doctoralia Napocensia, 2020
Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management, 2006
Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management, 2007