
As part of an active educational project to develop a multimedia learning environment to support group work and discourse, named InfoBase, we developed and implemented a metadata system named KeySet. This metadata system serves to supply each design product (e.g., model, image, text, picture, animation) with a unique key consisting of four or more keywords. Conceptually, KeySet defines four dimensions corresponding to which keywords are assigned as metadata to a design product. Technically, KeySet encompasses an entry form and a search tool. The entry form is used to compose the key. With the aid of the search tool, all entered keywords and combinations of keywords can be retrieved in different ways for adaptation or reuse. We have first started the embedding of KeySet in the Bachelor program of the Architectural education at Delft University of Technology in the fall semester of 2003. So far, we have introduced it in the first, second and fourth semesters of the BSc program. We have started a scales evaluation of the use of KeySet in the second semester. In this paper, we describe the design process as an information process in which the designer lays claims on information entities. We explain the use of metadata to formalize this process of laying claims. We describe the KeySet metadata system and its interfaces and illustrate its use in the educational program. We conclude with a preliminary evaluation of the use of KeySet in education.