The Post-Secular City: The New Secularization Debate


“The Post-Secular City” is the first attempt to systematically map and assess the recent debate about secularization. The book examines the alleged shift from a “secular” to a “post-secular” dispensation from the perspective of the ongoing de-construction of the secularization “theorem” (as Hans Blumenberg called it). Accordingly, the new secularization debate is described as being polarized between the “de-constructors” and the “maintainers” of the standard thesis of secularization. This is the assumption underlying an ambitious effort to map the field, which is now also available in English. It consists of a long introduction where “secularization” is analyzed as a deeply problematic concept-of-process and of eight chapters in which several protagonists of the recent debate are discussed as crucial junctions of a multidisciplinary conversation. Table of Contents Acknowledgements Introduction Secularization: A Modern Myth? Part I Deconstruction Chapter 1 A Strange Dispute at the Deathbed of Religion: Blumenberg and Löwith Cross Swords Chapter 2 A Work of Demolition and Reconstruction: David Martin Defies the Establishment Chapter 3 In Search of a New Grand Narrative: Charles Taylor’s Secularity Chapter 4 Working within a New Paradigm: Hans Joas’s Convergent Trajectory Chapter 5 Standing on the Edges of the New Paradigm: A Postcolonial Point of View Part II Maintenance Chapter 6 A Probe into Deep Time: Marcel Gauchet and the Problematic Exit from Religion Chapter 7 The Fragile Supremacy of Reason: Jürgen Habermas and the Concept of Post-Secularity Chapter 8 After the Death of God: Nietzsche’s Long Shadow Chapter 9 Conclusion: Do We Still Need the Concept of Secularization? The book is freely downloadable here: