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In the article the authors touch upon the question of emergence of philosophy in a primordial society. They note that in a primordial society there were developed such forms of social consiousness as art, mythology, religion, magic, there existed the rudiments of scientific knowledge, therefore there existed philosophy as well. At present in social philosophy concept of philosophy has been affirmed as forms of social conciouness. However, in socio-philosophical plan one should not move from understanding philosophy as a form of social consciousness to its comprehension as of spiritual and practical activi ty. On the basis of studying the works of most scienticts in this field, the authors of the present article drew the conclusion that philosophical world undustanding primordiality was differential, dynamical and was developing in both artistic-figurative and abstract-symbolic forms. The primordial philosophy emerged in socio-cultural surrounding, practice of which demanded the formation of dialectical and universal thinking.
В коллективной монографии анализируются причины и следствия художественной неудачи произведений, диалектика ее вне-и внутрилитературных факторов. Рассматриваются рецептивный и коммуникативный аспекты творческой неудачи, креативный потенциал «неуспешного» текста. Книга адресована литературоведам и может быть интересна также философам, психологам и литературным критикам.
УДК [1+008](476)(082) ББК 87.3(4Беи)я43 И73 Рекомендовано к печати Ученым советом Института философии НАН Беларуси (протокол № 11 от 21.10.2022 г.
Вестник Томского государственного педагогического университета, 2013
The focus of the article is on the socio-philosophical interpretation of the phenomenon of communication as a universal mechanism of society formation presented by contemporary Russian philosophers. A non-classical communication model reflecting the socio-cultural environment of the modern world is described. It is stated that researchers have failed to achieve consensus on how this mechanism functions.
The article presents a review of research approaches to the analysis of lingual presentation of fear in modern linguistics (lexical semantics, cognitology, cognitive syntax) that allowed revealing a list of unsolved problems and defining the ways of their overcoming. The topicality of the range of problems touched in the article is derived from the need of new approaches to the studying of fear representation taking into account the present achievements and puzzles. The aim of the article is to formulate scientific research perspectives of applying lingual-pragmatic approach to studying the lingual presentation of fear in the background of conclusions made byrepresentatives of other linguistic trends. It has been mentioned that methodological basis of linguistic pragmatics is being developed now; it has been suggested that basic principles and notions of linguistic pragmatics (such as activity principle, subjectivity, intentionality and discursive space) will allow more objective an...
Колонизация как пространственное движение живой материи многократно старше человечества и, в отличие от идеологически окрашенного колониализма, представляет собой механизм распространения жизни в природе и культур в ойкумене. Книга продолжает тематику антропологии движения и представляет сюжеты колонизации разных эпох, от древности до средневековья. В сценах палеолита, античности, кочевых империй, европейской трансконтинентальной экспансии, становления Руси и расширения России обнаруживается немало общего. Изучение характера и мотивов колонизации позволяет по-новому рассмотреть природу государственных и этнокультурных образований, механизмов и традиций межэтнических отношений. Для антропологов, этнологов, этнографов, историков, археологов, экологов, географов, геополитиков, социологов, философов, преподавателей и студентов университетов.
Кунсткамера. 3(17), 2022
evidence of the influence of cultures is usually traced by researchers at the level of compositional or technological techniques, borrowing material objects. among the subjects related to the theme of torment or hunting, monster hunting is distinguished by the author for a number of reasons listed in this article. the analysis of the currently known translated narrative sources (fragments of cuneiform tablets) suggests the presence of a pictorial series with a similar plot and its transformation over the centuries. a hypothesis about probable interpretation of these stories at a later time and in a different territory was formulated. to confirm the hypothesis, the corpus of archaeological finds presented in the electronic catalogues of the archaeological collections of the largest museums was used, which made it possible to bring together all types of the known images of the humwawa (humbaba), which is the focus of this study. Materials from the Pazyryk burial mounds of the altai Mountains, stored in the state hermitage Museum, the connection of which with the civilizations of Mesopotamia is not disputed by researchers at the level of iconography, suggest the presence of unity at the level of the semantic field. taking into account the widespread practice of placing fearsome masks as a talisman, it can also be assumed that the head of a humwawa (humbaba) or some similar monster that performs its protective functions is a cultural borrowing. the possibility of creating images based on an oral poetic description in the absence of a canonical image is not excluded. in this case, such samples could be replicated by other masters as a standard. an earlier plot of “torment” as a way to clarify the hierarchy magically transformed into a “fight with a demon strangler”, and “hunting a monster” can be interpreted as a claim to exclusivity.
Издательский центр Южно-Уральского государственного университета, 2020
…в последние пару лет так много людей ухватились за термин «трансмедиа», исказили его, повернули к своей выгоде, что во многом стал он размытым. К тому же тер-мин «трансмедиа», подобно «мультимедиа», который сегодня ничего не значит, потому что мультимедиа стало всё, может оказаться временным. Джеффри Лонг.
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Вестник Томского государственного педагогического университета, 2013
Труды кафедры богословия Санкт-Петербургской Духовной Академии
Quaestio Rossica, 2016
Kantian Journal, 39(4), pp. 29-61., 2020
The phenomenon of "presence" in the philosophy of Gabriel Marcel, 2022
Этическая мысль, 2022
Инновационная наука: Психология. Педагогика. Дефектология, 2019
Multiversum. Philosophical almanac, 2020
Антикоррупционная культура и молодежь в России и Китае: современное государство, бизнес, общество. Сборник статей. Под редакцией А.В. Петрова, О.П. Горьковой, Инь Шаша, Ян Юнькэ. Санкт-Петербург. С. 95-106., 2020