Феномен первобытной философии


In the article the authors touch upon the question of emergence of philosophy in a primordi­al society. They note that in a primordial society there were developed such forms of social consiousness as art, mythology, religion, magic, there existed the rudiments of scientific knowledge, therefore there existed philosophy as well. At present in social philosophy concept of philosophy has been affirmed as forms of social conciouness. However, in socio-philosophical plan one should not move from understanding phi­losophy as a form of social consciousness to its comprehension as of spiritual and practical activi­ ty. On the basis of studying the works of most scienticts in this field, the authors of the present article drew the conclusion that philosophical world undustanding primordiality was differential, dynamical and was developing in both artistic-figurative and abstract-symbolic forms. The pri­mordial philosophy emerged in socio-cultural surrounding, practice of which demanded the for­mation of dialectical and universal thinking.