Ornament: The Battleground of Theory

Every time the question of ornament arises, it indicates a fundamental structural change which is therefore seen as a crisis and a major upheaval in culture. It is precisely in times of radical cultural change that the question of ornament resurfaces, such as for example at the beginning the 20th century with the transition from production by hand to production by machine, or in the second half of the 20th century with the transition to the structural and post-structural processes of postmodernism. Today too, on the cusp of the change from the mechanical to the digital age, the talk is of the “revival of ornament”. This leads us to the thesis that the crisis of ornament is the “expression of a consciousness of the crisis in modernism” (Raulet 1993,10) which is simultaneously one of its constituent characteristics. Modernism hones its conceptual orientation on ornament: this is where its reconceptualization in the changing cultural force field occurs. Ornament is where minds divide, but less in the sense of taste than as the point where the central theoretical questions of the period crystallise: ornament is the battlefield of theory.