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2013, Journal of Economic Surveys
We provide an overview of experimental literature on contests and point out the two main phenomena observed in most contest experiments: (i) overbidding relative to the standard Nash equilibrium prediction and (ii) heterogeneous behavior of ex-ante symmetric contestants. Based on the sample of contest experiments that we review, the median overbidding rate is 72%. We provide different explanations for the overbidding phenomenon, including bounded rationality, utility of winning, other-regarding preferences, probability distortion, and the shape of the payoff function. We also provide explanations for heterogeneous behavior of contestants based on differences in preferences towards winning, inequality, risk and losses, and demographic differences. Furthermore, we suggest mechanisms that can reduce overbidding and induce more homogeneous behavior. Finally, we discuss directions for future research.
Economics of Governance, 2014
This paper reports a series of laboratory experiments intended to identify conditions that attenuate the overdissipation of rents typical of experimental contest games. We examine the influences on contestant behavior of the observability and timing of preceding bids, allocation rules for the situation when no bids occur (random prize allocation vs. prize loss) and matching protocol for repeated contests involving pairs of bidders. Our results show that the simultaneous presence of three factors (simultaneous bids, random prize allocation if no bids occur and fixed matching) allows contestants to coordinate to realize efficient outcomes (underbidding). However, the absence of one of these factors causes overbidding to return. From the perspective of theoretical prediction, the decision to allocate the prize even when no bids occur (no fight, no loss) should be irrelevant. However, this allocation decision may strongly influence behaviour (by encouraging submission of efficient and minimal bids) if combined with features that encourage collusion (fixed matching and symmetry). Keywords Rent seeking • Conflict • Experiments • Prize allocation rule JEL Classification C90 • D72 The authors would like to thank editor Amihai Glazer and two anonymous referees for comments and suggestions that helped us to substantially improve the paper. The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through Project ECO2011-26996, and from the Regional Government of Andalusia through Projects SEJ2009-4794 and SEJ2011-8065.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
This study provides a unified framework to compare three canonical forms of competition: winner-take-all contests won by the best performer, winner-take-all lotteries where probability of success is proportional to performance, and proportional-prize contests in which rewards are shared in proportion to performance. Performance is affected by random noise, reflecting imperfect information. We derive equilibria and observe outcomes from each contest in a laboratory experiment. Equilibrium and observed efforts are highest in winner-take-all contests. Lotteries and proportional-prize contests have the same Nash equilibrium, but empirically, lotteries induce contestants to choose higher efforts and receive lower, more unequal payoffs. This result may explain why contest designers who seek only to elicit effort offer lumpsum prizes, even though contestants would be better off with proportional rewards.
Many competitions require investment of nonrefundable resources, e.g., political campaigns, financial markets, sports or courting rituals. One contestant wins the prize for the invested amount, while all others forfeit their investments without receiving compensation. Frequently, contests are asymmetric, due to differing resources or prize valuations. This could lead weaker contestants to avoid investing, and stronger ones to lower their investment. Two experiments explored the effects of asymmetry between the contestants – arising from their endowments or prizes – on investments. Subjects played both symmetric and asymmetric contests, enabling direct within-subject comparisons. We observed an effect of asymmetry only when it concerned endowments: Subjects invested less when their endowments were asymmetric, whereas (a-)symmetry in the prizes did not influence investments. The changes between consecutive investments can be explained by reactions to the previous outcome (win or loss)...
Games and Economic Behavior, 2010
This article experimentally studies a two-stage elimination contest and compares its performance with a one-stage contest. Contrary to the theory, the two-stage contest generates higher revenue than the equivalent one-stage contest. There is significant over-dissipation in both stages of the two-stage contest and experience diminishes over-dissipation in the first stage but not in the second stage. Our experiment provides evidence that winning is a component in a subject's utility. A simple behavioral model that accounts for a non-monetary utility of winning can explain significant over-dissipation in both contests. It can also explain why the two-stage contest generates higher revenue than the equivalent one-stage contest.
Metal Finishing, 2011
We experimentally study overbidding in contests and find that overbidding is significantly higher when subjects are given a large per-experiment endowment rather than when the endowment is given per-period. Risk-aversion and non-monetary utility of winning can partially explain our findings.► We experimentally study overbidding in contests. ► Overbidding is higher when the endowment is per-experiment than per-period. ► Risk-aversion and non-monetary utility of winning partially explain our findings.
Cognition, 2014
Competitive interactions between individuals are ubiquitous in human societies. Auctions represent an institutionalized context for these interactions, a context where individuals frequently make non-optimal decisions. In particular, competition in auctions can lead to overbidding, resulting in the so-called winner's curse, often explained by invoking emotional arousal. In this study, we investigated an alternative possibility, namely that competitors' bids are construed as a source of information about the good's common value thereby influencing an individuals' private value estimate. We tested this hypothesis by asking participants to bid in a repeated all-pay auction game for five different real items. Crucially, participants had to rank the auction items for their preference before and after the experiment. We observed a clear relation between auction dynamics and preference change. We found that low competition reduced preference while high competition increased preference. Our findings support a view that competitors' bids in auction games are perceived as valid social signal for the common value of an item. We suggest that this influence of social information constitutes a major cause for the frequently observed deviations from optimality in auctions.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
We conduct an experimental analysis of a best-of-three Tullock contest. Intermediate prizes lead to higher efforts, while increasing the role of luck (as opposed to effort) leads to lower efforts. Both intermediate prizes and luck reduce the probability of contest ending in two rounds. The patterns of players" efforts and the probability that a contest ends in two rounds is consistent with "strategic momentum", i.e. momentum generated due to strategic incentives inherent in the contest. We do not find evidence for "psychological momentum", i.e. momentum which emerges when winning affects players" confidence. Similar to previous studies of contests, we find significantly higher efforts than predicted and strong heterogeneity in effort between subjects.
We show how a structural model of noisy decision-making can explain the overdissipation of rents in contest games and the profitability of lotteries even on small scales. We catalog properties of the logit quantal response equilibrium (QRE) as applied to the standard Tullock model of contests. Using a series of laboratory experiments in which the number of participants is varied, we show that QRE fits the qualitative and quantitative properties of the distribution of subjects' expenditures. Logit QRE predicts total expenditure exceeds the value of the prize even when there are few contestants, which is observed in our experiments. We estimate that the precision parameter of QRE decreases as the group size grows, so expected payoffs become less successful at explaining behavior relative to unobserved payoff shocks. This latter result is a step toward evaluating the usefulness of logit QRE theory in organizing behavior across related games.
Journal of Public Economics, 2010
This experiment compares the performance of two contest designs: a standard winner-take-all tournament with a single fixed prize, and a novel proportional-payment design in which that same prize is divided among contestants by their share of total achievement. We find that proportional prizes elicit more entry and more total achievement than the winner-take-all tournament. The proportional-prize contest performs better by limiting the degree to which heterogeneity among contestants discourages weaker entrants, without altering the performance of stronger entrants. These findings could inform the design of contests for technological and other improvements, which are widely used by governments and philanthropic donors to elicit more effort on targeted economic and technological development activities.
This paper examines experimentally a contest in which the organizer takes a share of the prize if there is a tie. Our hypothesis is that contestants perceive this as unfair and that this perception has a non-proportional effect on the bids. The results indicate that despite the very low probability of a tie, contestants over-weight its importance and sharply decrease their bids if the organizer takes a share. We show that a fair contest is the optimal strategy for the organizer since the increase in the average bid in a "fair" contest is higher than the organizer's decrease in expected value from losing his share in a tie.
We study experimentally the effects of cost structure and prize allocation rules on the performance of rent-seeking contests. Most previous studies use a lottery prize rule and linear cost, and find both overbidding relative to Nash equilibrium prediction and significant variation of efforts, which we term 'overspreading.' In a 2 × 2 design, we investigate the effects of allocating the prize by a lottery versus sharing it proportionally, and of a convex cost function versus linear costs of effort, while holding fixed the Nash equilibrium prediction for effort. We find that the share rule results in average effort closer to the Nash prediction and lower variation of effort. Combining the share rule with a convex cost function further enhances these results. Our findings indicate that a significant amount of subjects' non-equilibrium behavior in contests can be explained by features of the experimental design. These results contribute towards design guidelines for contests based on behavioral principles that take into account implementation features of a contest that may not affect the Nash equilibrium prediction.
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
We investigate how individual risk preferences affect the likelihood of selecting the more able contestant within a two-player Tullock contest. Our theoretical model yields two main predictions: First, an increase in the risk aversion of a player worsens her odds unless she already has a sufficiently large advantage. Second, if the prize money is sufficiently large, a less able but less risk averse contestant can achieve an equal or even higher probability of winning than a more able but more risk averse opponent. In a laboratory experiment we confirm both, the non-monotonic impact and the compensating effect of risk aversion on winning probabilities. Our results suggest a novel explanation for the gender gap and the optimality of limited monetary incentives in selection contests.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2006
We study tournaments with many ex-ante asymmetric contestants, whose valuations for the prize are independently distributed. First, we characterize the equilibria in monotone strategies, second, we provide sufficient conditions for the equilibrium uniqueness and, finally, we reconcile the experimental evidence documenting the 'workaholic' behavior in contests with the related theory by introducing heterogeneity among participants. It is a 'weak' participant that might become a 'workaholic' in an equilibrium, that is, his effort density might increase at the highest valuation-weak, either because he is more risk averse or because his rivals consider that it is very unlikely that he has a high value for the prize. In contrast, effort densities are always decreasing in case of symmetry with identically distributed values for the prize and identical attitudes towards risk in case of CARA, as well as in contests with only two participants. Moreover, we show that for low valuations more risk averse agents are less likely to exert low effort than their 'strong' rivals, while those with dominated distribution of the prize valuation are more likely to do so. An explicit solution for the uniform distribution case with contestant-specific support is provided as well.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
In modern firms the use of contests as an incentive device is ubiquitous. Nonetheless, recent experimental research shows that in the laboratory subjects routinely make suboptimal decisions in contests even to the extent of making negative returns. The purpose of this study is to investigate if changing how agents are endowed with resources can increase the efficiency in contests. To this end, we conduct a laboratory experiment in which subjects are asked to allot costly resources (bids) in an effort to attain an award (prize). In line with other laboratory studies of contests, our results show that subjects overbid relative to theoretical predictions and incur substantial losses as a result. Making subjects earn their initial resource endowments mitigates the amount of overbidding and thus increases overall efficiency. Overbidding is also linked to gender with women bidding higher than men and having lower average earnings. Other demographic information such as religiosity and individual preferences towards winning and risk also contribute to excessive bidding.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
This study examines behavior of subjects in simultaneous and sequential multi-battle contests. In simultaneous contests, subjects make positive bids in each battle 80% of the time and bids fall within the predicted boundaries. However, 35% of the time subjects make positive bids in only two, instead of all three, battles and they significantly overuse moderately high bids. In sequential contests, theory predicts sizable bids in the first battle and no bids in the subsequent battles. Contrary to this prediction, subjects significantly underbid in the first battle and overbid in subsequent battles. Consequently, instead of always ending in the second battle, contest proceeds to the third battle 38% of the time. Finally, in both simultaneous and sequential settings, subjects make higher aggregate bids than predicted resulting in negative expected payoffs.
Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 2005
We report the results of an experiment on two-stage contests with budget-constrained agents competing to win an exogenously determined prize. We study a class of two-stage contests where in stage 1 agents first compete within their own groups by expending resources, and in stage 2 the winners of each group compete with one another to win the prize by expending additional resources subject to the budget constraint. Winners in each stage are determined by Tullock's proportional contest success function. We present the subgame perfect equilibrium solution for this model, derive predictions for our experiment, and then test them experimentally. The equilibrium model is flatly rejected mostly due to over expenditure in stage 1. A descriptive model that extends the equilibrium solution by allowing for 1) non-pecuniary utility of winning and 2) misperception of the probability of winning better accounts for some but not all of the behavioral regularities. We then turn to an adaptive learning model that accounts for several features of the dynamics of play but still significantly under-predicts the stage 1 expenditures.
The Economic Journal, 2008
Applying behavioral considerations proposed by psychologists, it is shown that distortion of probabilities is yet another possible reason for rent under-dissipation in contests with relatively small number of participants. Such distortion may also result, however, in overdissipation of the contested rent. Focusing on contests with n homogeneous contestants and the most commonly studied contest success function that depends on a single parameter r, our main results clarify under what circumstances, namely, combinations of n and r, (i) rents are more under-dissipated relative to the standard situation where probabilities are not distorted (ii) rents are under-dissipated, yet less intensely relative to the standard situation where probabilities are not distorted (iii) rents are over-dissipated and (iv) the contest does not possess a symmetric interior equilibrium in pure strategies. Our analysis points to a new possible source of reduced or increased waste in contests. In the case where r=1 and assuming distorted probabilities as in Cumulative Prospect Theory, it is shown that, when the number of contestants exceeds (is smaller than) 14, rents are over (under)-dissipated.
We conduct an experimental analysis of a best-of-three contest. Intermediate prizes lead to higher efforts, while increasing the role of luck (as opposed to effort) leads to lower efforts. Both intermediate prizes and luck reduce the probability of contest ending in two rounds. The patterns of players' efforts and the probability that a contest ends in two rounds are consistent with 'strategic momentum', i.e., momentum generated due to strategic incentives inherent in the contest. We do not find evidence for 'psychological momentum', i.e., momentum which emerges when winning affects players' confidence. Similar to previous studies of contests, we find significantly higher efforts than predicted and strong heterogeneity in effort between subjects.
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