Ecumenical Discussion about Deacons

The focus of the ecumenical discussion of the place of deacons in the ordained ministry seems to concern how theologically and practically to embed the ministry within a sacramental communion ecclesiology in a way that reveals its significance as a sign and instrument of faith, hope, and love. How can we draw constructive and forward-looking conclusions from the vision that " diakonia " starts from the altar, and includes both liturgical and practical service in words and deeds, to function as a sign and instrument of the Kingdom? This is essentially connected with the question of how the Church can credibly follow her Lord. As an ordained ministry, the ministry of the deacon should reflect the balance of Trinitarian unity and the distinctiveness of the Trinity's persons. Moreover, the ordained ministry participates in the ministry of Christ the Deacon. How can the legacy of the Early Church and the patristic texts revitalise and concretise this vision? We begin here with Vatican II and its accompanying theological renewal, and continue with an examination of the Lima Document and the Porvoo Declaration to assess the concrete contemporary ecumenical situation.