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Tahun 2013 Penulis Nova Renta P., Handoyo Djoko W., dan Sendang Nurseto Abstrak Pengendalian persediaan bahan baku yang tepat akan mengakibatkan pencapaian efisiensi biaya, di mana efisiensi biaya
This writing aims to describe the improvement of the quality of human resources (HR) during the covid pandemic towards a digital-based sharia economy. There are two things that are the focus of this paper, namely the qualification of digital-based Islamic economic human resources and how to improve the quality of human resources during the pandemic. In order to fulfill sharia economic human resources, soft and hard skill qualifications are needed, where soft skills are related to character building in all activities, while hard skills increase knowledge and skills to create competent and expert human resources in their fields. Improving the quality of human resources is through the national education system that combines offline and online learning, formal and informal education. Socialization and government campaigns to the public which are carried out through academic channels from various levels or vocational or professions in all educational, social and religious institutions, as well as Islamic economics and finance. The academic path requires new efforts to respond to digital, namely digital literacy and technology to realize literate human resources.
MENGENALI SISTEM PELAYANAN KESEHATAN COCCYX FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN UNIVERSITAS JEMBER 2015 SKENARIO Dokter Aqila baru saja diterima sebagai CPNS Departemen Kesehatan dan ditempatkan di Puskesmas Jelbuk. Sebagai kepala puskesmas, Dokter Aqila yang paham mengenai program pokok di puskesmas yang dikenal dengan basic six segera mengumpulkan anak buahnya dan mengingatkan mengenai struktur organisasi yang ada di puskesmas, tugas pokok dan fungsi dari masing-masing komponen dalam puskesmas, serta tata kerja dengan instansi lain (Muspika).
Abstrak Pondok pesantren di Indonesia saat ini cenderung mengalami perubahan dari pesan-tren tradisional menjadi pesantren modern. Pesantren modern biasanya menggunakan label Islamic Modern Boarding School yang dari segi biaya pendidikannya relatif lebih mahal. Berdasarkan studi literatur sebelumnya ditemukan bahwa terdapat kompetisi dan komersialisasi pada lembaga pendidikan Islam sehingga beberapa pondok pesan-tren yang memberikan opsi biaya asrama. Penulis berargumen komersialisasi dalam pendidikan Islam didorong oleh perkembangan masyarakat muslim kelas menengah di perkotaan. Meskipun melakukan komersialisasi, pesantren modern masih menganggap modal spiritual sebagai hal yang penting. Artikel ini ditulis berdasarkan penelitian yang menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan studi kasus Pondok Pesantren Al-Adzkar, Tangerang Selatan, Banten. Abstract In Indonesia, Islamic boarding schools has changed from a traditional boarding school into a modern boarding school. Modern boarding schools customize its label as " Islamic Modern Boarding School " to support a higher cost of educational fees. Based on previous studies, there are findings on competition and commercialization of Islamic educational institutions whereby many Islamic Boarding Schools facilitates dormitories from Santris (Islamic Students). The author argues that the development of middle class Muslims in cities have further supported the commercialization of Islamic education. Even with the strong current of economic commercialization, modern boarding school still maintains spiritual capital as an important aspect of education. This article is written based on a qualitative research in Pondok Pesantren Al-Adzkar, South Tangerang, Banten.
Youth-focused citizen science: Examining the role of environmental science learning and agency for conservation Ilmu warga Pemuda berfokus: Meneliti peran pembelajaran ilmu lingkungan dan lembaga konservasi
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Windi Sulistiyani Lasim, 2021