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A collection of short stories (in Arabic) titled: ميلانخوليا الوجود: رَجفات ولوحات قصصيّة قصيرة Publication Date: 2018.
Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 2017
Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences
Objectives: This study is dedicated to discussing the discourse structure of the journey as used by Ahmad Shihab Al-Din Ibn Qasim Al-Hajari, a well-known Morisco scholar known as the "Avoqai" or "the lawyer". His journey is titled Naser Eddeen Ala Al-Qawm Al-Kafereen. This narrative serves as a factual historical record of the most critical period experienced by the Moorish community in Andalusia. Following the downfall of Muslim strongholds in 1942 AD, the Moorish people faced severe suppression by the "Spanish Inquisition" and were subsequently forced to leave the land after Philip 3rd issued the expulsion decision in 1609 AD. The author also included the debates he conducted with Christians and Jews during his time as the Saadi ambassador in both France and the Netherlands. Methods: The study employed the analytical method to identify the elements of speech within the journey. This was achieved through analyzing the journey's speech, starting fro...
OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra
Sentence studies that are rarely discussed in the realm of linguistics are complex sentences. This article aims to describe the construction and types of complex sentences based on their clause formation in the novel Mā Lā Nabūh Bih based on Kenneth L. Pike's Tagmemic theory. This research was a qualitative and descriptive study, with the primary data source were the novel Mā Lā Nabūh Bih by Sandra Serag. Each type of complex sentence was selected and described according to Tagmemic theory. The results of this study found that four ‘harf’ functions were used as subordinating conjunctions based on the formation of the clauses, which consists of the arrangement of musnad (subject), musnad ilaih (predicate), and maf'ul bih (object). The distinguishes among four ‘harf’ functions are in the form and position of the subordinating conjunctions that separate the main sentence and its subordinate clauses, namely time relations (mundzu/since), causal relationship (lianna/because), com...
On the basis of the importance of evaluating the curricula of the Arabic language in the Iraqi schools. These critical study analytical book (literary criticism) grade sixth preparatory. The researcher studied the topics of the book, and the method of distribution, scientific method, language, and examined the substantive issues, printing issues. The research concluded that the book is good, and achieve the educational Objectives, but it did not prejudice the methodological problems. According to these problems in the search in detail. This study of five parts: research methodology, the distribution of the topics, scientific infrastructure, linguistic and stylistic changes which had been, printing issues and technical . Then comes the conclusion of the search and consequences
إن الرواية من أكثر الأشكال الأدبية تداولاً و انتشاراً، و يرجع ذلك إلى أنها تضع للقارئ عالماً مسبوكاً بطابع سردي مشوق ينتقل فيه الراوي من العالم الواقعي إلى عوالم خيالية موازية له. و هي ـ في كنهها ـ نقد له، بطريقة فنية و أدبية تنقل الحقائق والخيالات في شكل يرتقي بالأدبية النصية إلى الشعرية النصية، و إذن فالنص الروائي الحديث يجمع في طياته بين الأدبية و اللغوية من جهة و الأسلوبية الشعرية من جهة أخرى، و المتمعن في العمق الدلالي للجمال الفني السردي في الروايات يتراءى له أن هذا السبك الأدبي المحكم لم يكن عفوياً جمالياً فحسب، بل له ارتباطات فنية و حضارية تتناص و الإبداع الأدبي العربي القديم، و بخاصة الشعر العربي القديم، و ذلك من حيث التصوير و كذا الوزن
Arabia Felix Center for Studies, 2021
Sung poems known as zawāmil are omnipresent in Sanaa, heard in marketplaces, neighborhoods, military checkpoints, and tribal events. Children sing them while at play. By examining the dissonances in one Yemeni man’s experiences with these poems, zawāmil are theorized as a nationalist practice, a cultural form that befits the listener, and an affective force.
The prophetic eulogy is considered one the poetic techniques that poets have written innumerably since the time of the revelation of the Holy Qur’an to the present days. Ka'b Ibn Zuhayr had extended this technique by compiling eulogistic verses and during the course of history; many poets were influenced by his techniques and content. Ibn alSāʻātī, a Shia poet of the Ayyubi era, to imitate the ode of Ka'b bin Zuhayr, also composed one in praise of the prophet with the same prosody and rhyme. In terms of structure and content, similarities and differences in the two are visible such as ephemeral of the world, praise of the holy prophet and demanding his forgiveness, and the historical events are the most important common themes. The main difference between the two panegyrics is that Ka'b bin Zuhayr praises immigrants as loyal companions of the prophet while Ibn al-Sāʻātī because of being Shiapraises the family of the prophet. However, both pay particular attention to the ...
مجلة جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز-الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية
AL ITQAN: Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an
Laduni science is an extraordinary event that can be said to be beyond human behavior and this can be proof that Allah knows everything. In addition, it is also a reminder for us that even though humans have intelligence, they still cannot reveal all the secrets of God Almighty. Actually there is no definite theory to arrive at knowledge of laduni science, because it depends entirely on who will provide knowledge about the science. In contrast to science which is included in the category of exact knowledge, it is largely determined by one's perseverance. The more diligent and diligent in learning, the smarter and gain a lot of knowledge. And we will discuss in this article the basics of laduni science education in the interpretation of the Qur'an. Among them are verses and hadiths that discuss laduni science and comments by Sufis about laduni education.
Abstract: This work falls into a two sections, and a conclusion. The first section presents the problem of the study, its importance, methodology, and review of literature. The poem of “?araaka ؟asiyya dam؟’ (I Found You a Tear-Refractory) for Abi-Firaas Al-Hamdani, represents the main code of the study through which the two researchers try to approach the stylistic and psychological studies. To accomplish such an approach, they try to link between a group of the poet’s psychological characteristics and another group of prominent stylistic phenomena found in the poem. The conclusion contains the main results the two researchers have arrived at.
حولیة کلیة الدراسات الإسلامیة والعربیة للبنات بالإسکندریة, 2016
LiNGUA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa dan Sastra, 2011
Al-Qur’an senantiasa menjadi objek kajian yang tak ada batas. Semakin lengkap piranti yang kita gunakan untuk mengkaji, maka semakin banyak pula yang kita peroleh. Berbagai model kajian bahasa seperti ilmu Fonologi (ilm al-ashwat), Morfologi (ilm al-sharf), Sintaksis (ilm al-nahw), Semantik (ilm al-dalalah), Balaghah (ilm al-balaghah) dan lain-lain, lahir melalui al-Qur’an. Semua itu tidak terlepas dari keberadaan al-Qur’an sebagai kitab suci yang mu’jiz sepanjang zaman yang selalu dipelajari oleh manusia, terutama umat Islam. Karena itu, tulisan ini memfokuskan pada peran badihiyah (kemampuan alami) yang telah ada pada diri manusia sebagai bekal untuk mengenal ayat Allah. <br />
ملخص البحث: تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى بيان أغراض شعر الخوارج ومدى علاقته بمبادئهم التي دعوا الناس إليها وقاتلوا من أجلها، وتكمن مشكلة الدراسة في أن عدد شعر الخوارج كثير جدا، ولكنه ورد في المصادر العربية القديمة في نتف شعرية أو أبيات، وأن بعض هذه الأبيات قد أصابها البتر، ولذلك سوف تقوم دراستنا بتتبع شعر الخوارج وتقسيمه حسب أغراضهم في نظمه، وهي: الأغراض الدينية، والرثاء، والزهد، والمديح، والهجاء، والفخر، وأخيرا خصائص شعر الخوارج. وقد خلصت الدراسة إلى التزامهم في قصائدهم في خط واحد في إطار عقيدتهم، وكان معظم الشعراء من زعماء المذهب الخارجي ينطلقون في شعرهم من مخاطبتهم للمشاعر والوجدان، وعدم تناولهم لعقائدهم في شعرهم، وظهور العصبية لدى بعض زعمائهم في الشعر، وخروج بعضهم عن قوانين القصيدة الجاهلية، وتجديد شعرهم في لغة الشعر، وكان شعرهم عبارة عن نتف أو مقطوعات شعرية في أغلبه، وبرز أثر القرآن الكريم فيه، وأخيرا كان شعرهم تعبيرا عن الأنا ونحن، إطاره المذهب الخارجي وغايته حب الله تعالى. الكلمات المفتاحية : الخوارج- آراء دينية- أغراض الشعر- اثر القرآن- الخصائص. Abstract: The study aims at explain...
Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences
The research summarizes the knowledge of the dimensions and denotations of T.V advertisement; and its constituents for building it through the semiotic approach of an ad sample represented by the announcement of Zain Kuwait Telecom Company which carries the title "Mr. President" using Roland Barth's approach, starting with the designation, implicit, and linguistic reading to reach the narrative features and their denotations. That makes television advertising as a semiotic and pragmatic discourse in view of the still and motion picture with its efficiency and strength to inform and communicate. And what lies in it of aesthetic, artistic elements; informational and effective power in influencing the recipients by focusing on narratives and anecdotes; narrative structure; and TV advertising with an attempt to present an applied model.
Critical Studies in Texts & Programs of Human Sciences, 2017
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