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2016, Atti tal-Aġġornament tal-Kleru (Malta)
20 pages
1 file
ABSTRACT This paper, presented in Maltese during a course of ongoing formation for clergy members of the Archdiocese of Malta, offers some introductory and general observations about 'Amoris Laetitia', with particular reference to chapter VIII of the post-synodal apostolic exhortation of Pope Francis. It is divided in seven brief sections: 1) title and subtitle; 2) length and mode of reading; 3) structure; 4) pastoral vision; 5) historical context of chapter VIII; 6) pastoral itinerary proposed in VIII; and 7) principal motivations behind the writing of AL.
Kulmin hu dilettant tal-festi reliġjużi, speċjalment dawk ta' ġewwa, żgur li jaf x'inhi ANTIFONA -hija dik il-biċċa mużika mhux daqstant twila, imma ħafna mistennija, li tindaqq bilvuċijiet u orkestra mdaqqsa waqt iċ-ċelebrezzjonijiet liturġiċi fil-ġranet tad-tridu kif ukoll f'lejlet u nhar il-festa, speċjalment waqt id-dħul tal-vara titulari wara l-puċissjoni. 'Antifona' bil-Griek tfisser silta sagra qasira, aktarx meħuda mill-Bibbja, reċitata jew kantata, waqt funzjonijiet liturġiċi u l-Ufiċċju Divin. Dan il-versett ta' talb jingħad qabel is-salm u jinbidel skont il-festa li tkun. Fl-antik, ilkant kien ikun fl-istil Gregorjan 1 , iżda maż-żmien bdew jimmużikawha fi stili aktar kontemporanji. Antifoni f'ġieħ San Ġiljan miktubin minn kompożituri Maltin li nafu s'issa bihom huma erbgħa:
Il-Gżirjani żgur li jafu bil-ġrajja mirakoluża tal-Madonna tal-Ġebla. Iżda forsi mhux kulħadd jaf eżatt kif twieled dal-innu f'ġieħha u min hu l-awtur u l-kompożitur li mmużikah. Għaldaqstant, permezz ta' dal-artiklu ser neħodkom lura fl-istorja fis-snin ħamsinijiet tas-seklu li għadu kif għadda u ser inlaqqgħakom ma' Dun Anton Xiberras, qassis poeta Naxxari u Dun Dward Corrado, organista. Għallewwel darba qed jidher xi tagħrif siewi dwar dal-Innu li ksibt mir-rivista 'Id-Djarju tan-Naxxar'. Hawn Ħajr lil Dun Karm Tanti (kappillan), Mro. George Debono (surmast), u Paul Catania (Arkivju Parroċċa Naxxar) tal-għajnuna li tawni biex stajt ninseġ dal-artiklu. Nirringrazzja wkoll lil Carmel Portelli u minn hawn nixtieq insellem il-memorja tiegħu.
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Itihas Eshana Vol 3, 2022
This paper deals with various death related prescriptions suggested in Manu Samhita and social perspectives of those prescriptions.
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This paper concerns agreement marking in Inari Saami. Inari Saami verbs agree in three persons and three numbers. In addition to the full agreement paradigm, there is a partial agreement paradigm. The partial agreement paradigm contains two forms: one form agrees with singular nouns, and the other form agrees with dual and plural nouns. It is proposed here that nouns marked as human and specific trigger full agreement, whereas other nouns trigger partial agreement. It is further argued that the agreement trigger is necessarily the ...
An introductory note to this special journal issue (see abstracts of related articles) laments the decline in interest in sociology in general & organizational sociology in particular since the 1960s. It is argued that sociology has suffered because it has not yet learned to cope with three forces determining the success of other scientific disciplines: (1) rapid advances in the natural & informational sciences; (2) emphasis on the study of pragmatic, potentially lucrative fields; & (3) the expanding role of amusements & diversions. Sociology is not in danger of dying out, but is likely to lose more ground in the future. 2 References. M. Meeks
There is only one option to solve this issue, Gius., a friend told me. Which is what? replied I That you'd die ... but my dear friend, replied I I will never die, replied I , thus ... replied I. This 140 page work is an image collage of milestone academic, artistic, diplomatic and personal events that formed me.
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