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Jakarta Barat 11650 2 i KATA PENGANTAR Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb
Homosexual and bisexual is a form of deviation in a sexual context and this is an abnormality for the individual who experiences it. When the individual experiences it there are two possibilities that can change it or will add ingrained in him. So there needs to be an effort or effort within the individual to have the will can change it because it is impossible for others can change it if not from yourself. One of his efforts is with the intention, a strong adherence to be able to orientate sexual needs in the form of a normal rather than aberrant.
ABSTRAK Termoregulasi adalah proses dari pengaturan suhu tubuh. Tujuan dari praktikum ini adalah mengetahui keadaan suhu tubuh pada beberapa bagian tubuh dan pada berbagai keadaan. Praktikum dilaksanakan pada Laboratorium Fisiologi di Pusat Laboratorium Terpadu UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Metode yang digunakan adalah mengukur suhu Orang Probandus (OP) dalam keadaan yang berbeda-beda sebanyak tiga kali dan mengukur perubahan suhu dari air panas yang permukaannya tertutup minyak dan yang tidak tertutup minyak. Hasil yang di dapat adalah suhu tubuh Orang Probandus (OP) dari masing-masing kelompok berbeda tergantung lingkungan yang mempengaruhinya, serta air panas yang permukaannya tertutup minyak lebih lama mempertahankan suhunya.
Homosexuality in the Perspective of Western Thinkers and Islamic Jurisprudents. It is widely accepted that homosexuality is a damaging and immoral way of life. This presupposition seems to become as a uniting factor between the thoughts of Western scholars and Islamic jurisprudents on the legal position of homosexuality. The author argues that although Islam respect freedom in all aspects of life which belongs to every single individual, however, freedom is always recompensed with contractual responsibility to control its proper use and misuse. Accordingly, in the reality of Western world not all of the society is in agreement with substantial use of freedom occurs around them. Freedom demanded by homosexuality and social reality has led to serious concern amongst the society about their future generation. In such a condition their human nature points to the necessity for religious and spiritual life. The author argues that they trust religion to be capable of anticipating themselves as well as their family from negative effect of homosexuality. This essay analyzes the root of homosexuality in the view of both Western scholars and Islamic jurisprudents, and relates their implication to the importance of religion. Kata Kunci: kebebasan, homosexualitas, pemikir Barat, fukaha Pendahuluan Dewasa ini perilaku homoseksual bukanlah bahan pembicaraan baru, karena masalah ini telah bergulir lama dalam kitaran hidup manusia. Sebelum era 70-80an berita-berita mengejutkan datang dari mulut orang-orang yang mengaku sebagai pelaku homoseksual. Baik masyarakat maupun pemerintah menganggap perilaku ini sebagai perbuatan yang tidak sepatutnya, karena sudah menjadi hukum alam terdapat dua jenis manusia, yaitu laki-laki dan perempuan. Kedua jenis ini dibekali kemampuan alamiah untuk berinteraksi seksual satu sama lain. Interaksi seksual ini dilegalisasi oleh pemerintah suatu negara maupun oleh agama-agama mana pun di seluruh dunia dengan melembagakan perkawinan.
Two weaknesses in the interpretation of the Qur'an according to Hasan Hanafi: loss of interpretative orientation and weakened epistemological discernment. Because static paradigms cannot handle the dynamics of the times, Hanafi encouraged the Muslims to reinterpret the Qur'an. Considering the discourse of the Qur'an is not something sacred is the basis of Hanafi's epistemology. We can understand the complexity of hermeneutics in the context of contemporary Islam by studying the Hanafi methodology. Hasan Hanafi's liberation hermeneutics are concrete acts with three main terms related to al-Hawamil. To solve the problems of the Muslims, Hassan Hanafi's interpretation takes a practical approach. The responses to Hassan Hanafi's hermeneutics are varied, with many arguments in favour and against. The research is expected to contribute to an understanding of Hassan Hanafi's hermeneutic epistemology and how his concepts shape contemporary Islamic thinking.
Puji syukur senantiasa mari kita panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah memberikan kesehatan jasmani dan rohani sehingga kita masih tetap bisa menikmati indahnya alam ciptaan-Nya. Sholawat dan salam tetaplah kita curahkan kepada baginda Habibillah Nabi Muhammad SAW yang telah menunjukkan kepada kita jalan yang lurus dan menyempurnakan akhlak manusia dimuka bumi ini.
Haemophilia is an inherited disorder of blood coagulation with sex-linked recessive and autosomal recessive characteristics. It may manifest itself by prolonged bleeding (internal or external) and clotting formation disturbances that need a multidiciplinary management. This disease is initiated at the neonatal stage. The diagnosis is based on anamnesis, physical examination, and other supporting examinations, such as homeostasis functions. The most common complications are found in the musculoskeletal system and auto-antibody (inhibitor) reaction against clotting factors VIII or IX. A pharmacological approach to haemophilia depends on the clinical signs, but medical rehabilitation's approach is focused on all life aspects of the patient. This approach has to be done as early as possible to avoid threatening disabilities and handicaps affecting the musculoskeletal system. Team work is needed to achieve a minimalization of musculoskeletal complications and to realize a more promising better prognosis.
DASAR - DASAR HOMILETIKA : Sebuah Catatan Singkat Tentang Bagaimana Cara Menyusun Dan Membawakan Khotbah.
Jurnal Living Islam 1 (1), 2018
In previous research, many scholars concern to study a Hassan Hanafi's hermeneutic in Qur'an, although Hanafi did not write anything about Hermeneutic or Qur'anic Sciences ('Ulūm al-Qur'an). These researchers aware that their research was weak and needed further research. Therefore, this research sought to continue these researches in order to welcome a new book entitled Science of the Qur'an ('Ulūm al-Qur'an) written and published by Hassan Hanafi recently. The researcher will discover Hanafi's hermeneutic from the epistemological perspective. From this research, we can conclude that the basic assumptions of the hermeneutics of Hassan Hanafi: that a Muslim should shift their view from the al-Ḥawāmil al-Qur'aniyyah to the Qur'anic spirit. Al-Ḥawāmil al-Qur'aniyyah are the language, the social environment, the geographic places and the historical times of the Qur'an. The Qur'ānic spirit is God's science carried by the Qur'an. The types of approaches that were in the Hassan Hanafi
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WORKSHOP Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan (PIT) V PAPDI Cabang Purwokerto, 2019
Aqlam: Journal of Islam and Plurality, 2018