Inequality on the basis of sex is a staggering problem worldwide. India is hardly unique in this regard. Women in all nations-including the United States still suffer serious inequalities in at least some central areas of human life. In almost all the present and contemporary societies it is discriminatory and prejudicial. Nearly all human societies in different parts of the world are male-dominated. Males are active part and the females only passive part of the different societies, only a thing of enjoyment of males and in some societies they are only chattles contractible, saleable and endowed with the duty to serve males and elder females having no material and worthwhile rights. In theory they are respectable but in practice they are the subjects of cruelty, illtreatment and all sorts of misbehaviour of males. The status of women in the society has been a complicated one. It passed through fluctuations over the ages. Status of women was high during the Vedic period. It slumped in the post-Vedic period. Again, in the modern period it rose. Social and Legal Inequalities of Women Ancient period: In ancient India, which may be called the Aryan age of History, women were respected as mothers, sisters and daughters. Manu said in the code of Manu (Manusmriti) that Yatra Naaryastu Poojyante ramante tatra devatah (;=k uk;Z Lrq iw T;Urs jeUrs r=k ns ork%)-Where women are respected, divine graces adore that home. Plato accorded women equal status while choosing the guardian for state In another work of Plato i.e., "Laws" the status of woman was again reduced to that of housekeeper as the institution of family was restored. Aristotle and Rousseau regarded women's position from a functional perspective. The qualities like modesty, feminity and meekness were highlighted and were branded as womanly and natural for the female sex. Hobbes and Locke, the advocate for equality, did not assign women equality with men. There has been no practical equality between man and woman in any society. Even under Mohammedan texts of theory and Shariat women are half of the male in status. Marriages are contracted for dower (Mehr) and women kept covered with Burka, almost devoid of personal liberty and gender equality. Orthodox Hindu society still believes that the females have no right to personal liberty. Tulsi Das also in his world famous epic Ram Charit Manas declares that if women are liberated they shall become corrupt. Jimi swatantra bhaye bigarahin naari (ftfe LorU=k Hk;s foxjfg ukjh) He even declares the women to deserve beating for punishment like an animal. Dhol ganwar shoodra Pashu Naaree sakal taadana ke adhikaree (<ks y xokj 'kw nz Ik"kq ukjh ldy rkM+ uk ds vf/dkjh), Drum, rustics shudras, animals and women, all deserve beating. Women's Education: In fact the rights enjoyed by the present day modern women are sparse compared to that of their Vedic counterparts. There was no discrimination between sexes. Women enjoyed equal educational opportunities. In the post Vedic period, that is after 300 B.C. a drastic deterioration took place in the women's position. The degradation of women lasted till the beginning of the twentieth century. They were denied access to educational opportunity. Since the girls were not educated, early marriages became common. The purdah also came into royal families. Sati Pratha was also revived. Thus women were