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One way to put teachers in the cause and raise students' motivation is to use appropriate learning strategies. This article discusses how the implementation of the effectiveness of learning strategies of PQ4R in the field of study of jurisprudence (fiqh) in class X, how students' motivation in the field of study of jurisprudence (fiqh) in class X, and is there any effective learning strategies of PQ4R on the students motivation in the field of study of jurisprudence (fiqh) in class X in Madrasah Aliyah Al Rosyid Ngumpakdalem Dander Bojonegoro. The data obtained to address the above problems are: First; learning strategies of PQ4R that use to motivate students in the field of jurisprudence (fiqh) studies in class X in Madrasah Aliyah Al Rosyid Ngumpakdalem Bojonegoro Dander is classified as good is by looking at the percentage of students with an average of 85%. Second; that student motivation is in both categories, namely by looking at the value of the percentage of students with an average of 77%. Third, while effective or not use of learning strategies of PQ4R in the field of study jurisprudence (fiqh) in class X in Madrasah Aliyah Al Rosyid Ngumpakdalem Bojonegoro Dander on the students motivation evidenced by the results of the test formula "t" is 3.84 which was consulted with t table shows that " the Dosen Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Muhammadiyah Bojonegoro.
Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah yang melintasi perjalanan usia satu abad senantiasa bersinggungan dan memiliki kaitan dengan berbagai permasalahan yang sedang dihadapi oleh umat manusia saat ini, baik dalam lingkup nasional maupun global, termasuk di dalamnya dinamika kehidupan umat Islam. Posisi Muhammadiyah dalam dinamika dan permasalahan kehidupan nasional, global, dan dunia Islam sebagaimana digambarkan di atas dibingkai dan ditandai dengan lima peran yang secara umum menggambarkan misi Persyarikatan. Kelima peran tersebut adalah sebagai berikut: Pertama, Muhammadiyah sebagai gerakan tajdid terus mendorong tumbuhnya gerakan pemurnian ajaran Islam dalam masalah yang baku (al-tsawabit) dan pengembangan pemikiran dalam masalah-masalah ijtihadiyah yang menitikberatkan aktivitasnya pada dakwah amar makruf nahi munkar. Kedua, Muhammadiyah sebagai gerakan Islam dengan semangat tajdid yang dimilikinya terus mendorong tumbuhnya pemikiran Islam secara sehat dalam berbagai bidang kehidupan. Pengembangan pemikiran Islam yang berwatak tajdid tersebut sebagai realisasi dari ikhtiar mewujudkan risalah Islam sebagai rahmatan lil-alamin yang berguna dan fungsional bagi pemecahan permasalahan umat, bangsa, negara, dan kemanusiaan dalam tataran peradaban global. Ketiga, sebagai salah satu komponen bangsa, Muhammadiyah bertanggung jawab atas berbagai upaya untuk tercapainya cita-cita bangsa dan Negara Indonesia, sebagaimana dituangkan dalam Pembukaan Konstitusi Negara. Keempat, sebagai warga Dunia Islam, Muhammadiyah bertanggung jawab atas terwujudnya kemajuan umat Islam di segala bidang kehidupan, bebas dari ketertinggalan, keterasingan, dan keteraniayaan dalam percaturan dan peradaban global.
Jurnal ICMES, 2019
This article discusses how two Arab Gulf countries, namely Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), implemented policies for foreign workers. Saudi Arabia and the UAE have the same regulations to limit foreign workers namely Nitaqat for Saudi Arabia and Tawteen for the United Arab Emirates. The purpose of this article is to explain the difference between the two policies which have become nationalscale state policies. In analyzing it, the writer uses political comparison theory. The results of this study indicate that Saudi Arabia and the UAE have the same reason why they implement policies to restrict foreign workers. The limitation of foreign workers is a regional phenomenon of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries because these countries have started a sustainable development and paid attention to the importance of the labor sector which is reserved for citizens. In addition, the two countries have different experiences in the process of proposing policies related to the interests of the government and the industrial sector.
Muhammadiyah tidak sekedar hadir sebagai fenomena gerakan sosial biasa. Gerakan keagamaan hadir dengan nilai-nilai sebagai ideologi gerakan berbasis pada sistem keyakinan (belief system based) dan religious movement. Secara historis empiris tajdid Muhammadiyah berangkat dari teropong pemikiran terhadap konteks sosiokultural-spiritual yang berakar pada kontekstualisasi gagasan masa lalu dan masa depan. Ide-ide tantangan masa lalu menjadikan tajdid itu berorientasi jauh lebih ke belakang, yaitu diarahkan pada gerakan purifikasi ajaran Islam dengan menjalankan gerakan pemurnian ajaran Islam. Sumber utama dari gerakan ini adalah Al-Qur'an, Hadist dan Sunnah Rasul yang dijadikan tuntunan dalam kehidupan.
The relationship of closeness and servitude of Sufis to al-Khaliq gives rise to different perspectives and understandings between Sufis and Sufis. This closeness and closeness underwent elaboration so that it would give birth to two large groups. The first group bases their literary experience on a simple understanding that can be understood by humans at a layman level, and in the second group gives birth to a complex and deep understanding using symbolic philosophical languages. This second understanding gives birth (unity / Ittihad) and has implications for the understanding of humans as God's creatures. For them, humans are perfect beings, emanations and the final form of God's manifestation and at the same time become the starting point to know Him, ma'rifat Allâh. By knowing the human self, God will be known because all His images are encapsulated in the human being himself as a perfect human being, with this perfection there can be an inner or spiritual union with God (Al-Ittihad).
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Islamic Study Club, 2022