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The paper discusses the significance of School Based Assessment (SBA) in the educational process, emphasizing its role in formative assessment. It outlines how continuous evaluation enables teachers to provide effective feedback and support for student learning. Additionally, it presents different modes of writing that contribute to the teaching and evaluation process, highlighting descriptive, narrative, expository, and persuasive writing as essential tools for educators.
Curriculum Journal, 2011
The priority questions and points are emboldened. These are intended to act as a guide and help in deciding to what to address/include in preparing the report on the each area. They are intended to help report compilers to identify points for inclusion. The emboldened questions and points are followed by unemboldened words and numbers. The unemboldened words indicate useful sources of documentation, whilst the numbers refer to the number of the pro-formas distributed as part of the documentation for the Faculty Review. KEY AREAS OF FOCUS 1. Faculty policies and strategies for teaching, learning and assessment. 2. Overall quality of teaching, learning and assessment. 3. Main kinds of teaching and assessment strategies being used in the Faculty. 4. Identification of strengths and weaknesses in teaching, learning and assessment. 5. The uses made of assessment of students. 6. Quality assurance practices for monitoring and reviewing the actual quality of teaching, learning and assessment. 7. Plans for interventions and staff development to improve the quality of teaching and learning in the Faculty.
Teachers' thinking influences their classroom practices (Clark & Peterson, 1986; Pajares, 1992; Thompson, 1992). In turn, teacher actions significantly impact pupil learning (Muijs, 2006; Muijs & Reynolds, 2005).
is a new assessment system in school to replace the School Based-Assessment (PBS). Referring to past studies on PBS, most of the teachers are facing problems regarding the appropriate way of PBS. Besides, the teachers are also burdened with managing the assessment, especially in terms of time management and lack of equipment and teaching aids in school, leading to difficulties in conducting the assessment. Thus, the purpose of this study is to identify the teachers' perception in conducting the PBD by measuring the teacher readiness, the problems faced by the teachers in terms of time management, the availability of the equipment and teaching aids in school, to help increase the teacher's performance in performing the assessment. The respondents of this study are among 80 secondary school teachers around Skudai, Johor. The descriptive data were analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) involving frequency, mean score and percentage value. The result shows that the teacher's readiness is at a very high level, so as the problems related to time management. On the other hand, the availability of equipment and teaching aid in school is at a moderate level since the facilities are not supplied by the school, and the teachers need to prepare it themselves.
Education and schooling involve not only materials to be taught or how they should be taught but also how the teaching and learning are assessed. Studying teachers" conceptions is important, as it relates to beliefs which influence teaching practices, including assessment. This article reviews several studies on teachers" conceptions and practices of assessment conducted in six different countries. The objective of the study is to presents teachers" conceptions of the role of assessment in teaching and learning from different contexts. Data were obtained from a careful review of international articles on the study of teachers" conception of assessment using inclusion and exclusion criteria. The result of the review reveals that assessment relates to learning improvement and support the use of various strategies and tools in assessing students. However, the six different countries in the review interpret improvement in different ways which is influenced by several factors. Implications and suggestions for further study are also provided.
Studies in Educational Evaluation, 2014
Feedback can be considered as the totality of information that is provided to the student, parent, or teacher regarding the student's performance, concerning learning objectives or learning outcomes and aims to improve learning among students. It has the role of reorienting the actions of the teacher, parent, or student in the direction of achieving specific goals of the learning process by aligning the effort and activity with a certain expected result. It can be offered about the results of the activity, the process itself, the way the student manages his learning or self-regulates in the learning activities. The power of feedback comes from the fact that he can straighten, maintain a good attitude, or change a student's behavior. Giving direct but at the same time, empathetic feedback means allowing students to express their opinion, to give feedback in turn, to contradict you, or to recognize the problems when they arise. But all this requires tact, empathy, and understanding, because only in this way can we, the teachers, correct, direct and manage the challenges, in parallel with building communities in which students collaborate and care about each other. Feedback allows the other person to receive a real response to his action and is constructive when referring only to the action itself and nothing else.
Quality assessment of students' educational activities – one of the key factors of the educational process – fulfils several functions: states the level of educational achievements; gives information about the quality of knowledge and current educational achievements; enables to estimate the amount of the further work, aimed at filling up the gap in knowledge and improving quality factors.
The)main)thrust)of)this)review)is)the)perceived)central)position)of)professional)focus)to) the) effectiveness) of) any) category) of) teacher) in) Nigeria.) According) to) literature,) indicators) like) instructional) delivery,) students’) assessment,) learning) environment,) teachers’)personal)quality,)motivation,)and) subjectTcontentT)knowledge)among) others) were) used) to)measure) teachers’) effectiveness.)Distraction,) professional) development,) interpersonal) relationship) and) punctuality) were) seen) as) essential) components) of) professional) focus) that) determines) teachers’) effectiveness.) Recommendations) suggested)were)based)upon)these)components)of)professional)focus.)
Jurnal Pedagogi dan Pembelajaran, 2023
Tantangan yang sering dihadapi oleh guru saat ini yaitu mengevaluasi kinerja siswa secara individu. Penilaian kinerja siswa merupakan aspek penting dari pembelajaran yang berbeda, tetapi sulit bagi guru untuk mengevaluasi kinerja siswa secara individu ketika ada banyak siswa dalam satu kelas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kemampuan guru dalam melakukan penilaian kinerja dalam pembelajaran berdiferensiasi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah mix method. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah guru komite pembelajaran di sekolah mengemudi. Sampel terdiri dari 30 orang guru yang tersebar di tiga kabupaten/kota. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis data kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan keterampilan penilaian kinerja guru dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran berdiferensiasi masih sangat bervariasi dan cenderung pada pilihan 2 dan 3 pada rubrik yang telah ditentukan. Disimpulkan bahwa menganalisis kemampuan guru dalam melakukan penilaian kinerja pada pembelajaran berdiferensiasi masih tergolong rendah. Pengintegrasian penilaian guru dalam pembelajaran mengacu pada proses mengembangkan, melaksanakan, dan menganalisis hasil penilaian yang terintegrasi dan saling terkait dalam program pembelajaran. Pengintegrasian penilaian ini sangat penting karena dapat membantu guru memantau kemajuan siswa, mengevaluasi keefektifan program pembelajaran, dan mengambil keputusan yang tepat dalam perbaikan program pembelajaran.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
Feedback is one of the most powerful influences on learning. This article provides an overview of the current state and problems of feedback for teachers and students in primary schools. Data were gathered from national test scores, readiness tests, teachers' interviews, teachers' self-assessment and classroom observation. Descriptive statistics and content analysis were used to analyze data. The findings revealed that teachers received feedback on their instruction with superficial results. Slight recommendations could not improve teacher performance and student achievement. Teachers did not use evidence from assessment to improve their students' performance individually. Most teachers misinterpreted the responses on the readiness test of grade 6 students in mathematics and sciences. All teachers assessed themselves as having low ability of teaching. Moreover, there is no feedback for students addressed in the lesson plans. Teachers needed to improve their performance on teaching and assessment individually. All information from the analysis was used to design a feedback system which can be used to enhance its effectiveness in classrooms on teaching and learning. Selection and peer review under the responsibility of Prof. Dr. Servet Bayram Keywords:training self-assessment and classroom observation, low ability of teaching.
International Journal of Social Sciences and Education, 2012
Assessment is a critical aspect of teaching and learning process which aim at collecting, interpreting and analyzing the regarding students' performance. The quality of learning is determined by the quality of assessment practices in the classroom. There are many purposes of assessment that focus on the different dimensions of educational development, however, the most dominant purposes of assessment are improving students' learning and develop accountability measures for learning at classroom and school levels. For effective assessment, using appropriate assessment strategies is significant. There are number of that can be employed to enhance students' learning outcome but teacher rely on only a few strategies which alone cannot promote meaningful learning. Therefore, a clear understanding andskills of using a variety of assessment strategies for learning is pivotal in classroom. It is fundamental teachers to understand the relationship between assessment and learning. Moreover, students need be engaged in their own learning in a challenging but enabling environment. The assessment practices and strategies must encourage developing linkage of theory and real life. Assessment is meant to contribute in students learning and thus need to be integrated in daily teaching and learning process in the classroom.
o Method o Results and discussion o Conclusions and implications o
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