God is a missionary God and His grand Mission is “to make Himself known or that He is to be acknowledged by who He is and what He has done.” This Mission originated neither at Genesis 1:1 nor the aftermath of the Fall (Genesis 3). God displayed His love in the creation of man––even when the man diluted the grand Mission, the re-creation of man became the proceeding mission in the grand Mission. Jesus Christ is the ultimate fulfillment of this re-creation Mission. For this cause the Missio Dei initiated the grand narrative––the re-creation Mission––thru partnering with the Jew as His Kingdom of priest and a holy nation, the agent of His Mission. The Church is the chosen people in the Kingdom of God on earth and its environment is Heaven itself. The mission of the Church in the Old Testament failed to perform the grand Mission of God. Hence, Christ found the perfect missional Church that will accomplish the grand Mission. The Holy Spirit implemented that Church with power; and this Church after the Pentecost is named Christian. Their message is Christ centered Gospel. Since the Pentecost, their movements or the Christianity have moved across different cultures, languages, and histories and found its centers across geographical territories. This paper will assess the contributions of historic Christianities where the Gospel in new territories encountered missiological, theological, historical and cultural challenges by “understanding the process and the nature of the gospel in history suggests missiological implications, namely, what it means to be a World Christian...”