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World Literature Studies, 2021
Kapitoly J. Šedivého v kolektívnej monografii 36 autorov zo 4 štátov (Úvod // Ľudia na hrade a v podhradí - spoločenská štruktúra obyvateľov Bratislavy v 10.-12. st. // Od županovho podhradia ku kráľovskému mestu - vývoj Prešporka/Bratislavy po 12. st. // Názvy osídlení na území mesta Bratislavy do konca 12. storočia).
Studia historica Nitriensia, 2021
was an important female protagonist of the Italian Renaissance, often referred as the "Lady of the Renaissance", "Daughter of Humanism", "the First World Lady". This study aims to bring closer the ruler who influenced (especially Italian) history in diplomacy and politics, but was also a major figure in the collection of art and patronage of authors such as Titian, Leonardo da Vinci, Raffaello Sanzio and others. The study reflects the period context and at the same time looks at the importance of the Renaissance female intellectual through the prism of her personal and public correspondence available in the Italian state archives (Mantova, Ferrara, etc.), pointing to the growing importance and interest in digitized authentic materials.
Historicky Casopis, 2022
Poetess Mila Haugová has been known to Slovak audience for more than three decades. Her literary activity began in line with the Slovak symbolism. In the nineties of the 20th century the poetry of Haugová's poems changed. This process began after a short break, when Mila Haugová was engaged in translation activities, mainly from the contemporary Austrian literature. In our text, we have attempted to show, that this change occurred under the influence of the philosophy of language, which Haugová took from the Austrian author Ingeborg Bachmann as well as from the philosophy of poststructuralism. In the first part of the article we explain the concept of Bachmann's language critique, which was elaborated under the influence of the Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, especially his work Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (1921). The second part of our article focuses on the influence of psychoanalysis and poststructuralism on Mila Haugová's poetry. Through the language, the Slovak poetess creates a new, own world of poetry. Crossing the borders of the language also represents crossing the borders of the being. This process is closely linked to the identity of the poet, whose existence acquires through writing a new, higher quality.
Otroctvo nemožno považovať za novodobý fenomén, ale za koncept s neskutočne dlhou a zložitou históriou. Tento fenomén je dokonca starší než peniaze či právo. V dnešnej dobe sa problematika moderného otroctva stáva čoraz diskutovanejšou, a to nie len v odborných kruhoch. Tento citlivý problém (ne)dodržiavania ľudských práv začína postupne prenikať a dostávať sa aj do záujmu širšej verejnosti. Napriek tomu, že odborné termíny ako obchodovanie s ľuďmi, detská práca, nútené manželstvo sa začali používať len nedávno, otroctvo ako termín je možné datovať už do prehistorických časov. Kľúčové slová Otroctvo, otroci, obchodovanie s ľuďmi, novodobí otroci, trestná činnosť Abstact Slavery cannot be considered a modern phenomenon, but a concept with an incredibly long and complex history. This phenomenon is even older than money or law. Nowadays, the issue of modern slavery is becoming more and more discussed, and not only in professional circles. This sensitive problem of (non) respect for human rights is gradually beginning to penetrate and reach the interest of the general public. Although technical terms such as trafficking in human beings, child labor, and forced marriage have only recently been used, slavery as a term can be dated back to prehistoric times.
Slovenská literatúra, 2024
The author's experience of emigration makes visible-in literary works and public speeches-one of the aspects of multilingualism as not only a consequence of migration and globalization, but also of the concept of metamultilingualism which contributes to expanding of our understanding of linguistic dynamics in literary production. Through selected literary texts and interviews with the Slovak-Swiss author Irena Brežná, the paper outlines the concept of metamultilingualism and literary multilingualism as one of the characteristics of the "new" world literature. Metamultilingualism as a generator of literary multilingualism is presented through the definition by Elke Sturm-Trigonakis and through its realisation in the form of linguistic commentary. The paper also takes a look at the reflection of languages in I. Brežná's writing as one of the frameworks of her work and a part of the literary process. At the same time, it looks at the concept of monolingualism as an artificial construct and multilingualism as a natural social condition as outlined in the theory of Yasemina Yildiz and Till Dembeck. In the analysis of the internal plane of the text, the article relies on the concept of manifest, latent, and excluded multilingualism, systematically elaborated by Natalia Blum-Barth, who, like Immacolata Amode, sees multilingualism as intratextual.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2018
Our paper is focused on reflecting and describing some aspects of political discourse in the Italian political community. Its aim is to identify, analyse and interpret examples of political metaphorical expressions introduced by Italian politicians that have become emblematic and have entered common Italian discourse. With regard to a terminological vacuum we also attempt to show the ongoing word-borrowing process across various language areas that contributes to the development of terminology in political discourse. political discourse, political metaphor, eufemism, semantic transfer, political correctness KĽÚČOVÉ SLOVÁ politický diškurz, politická metafora, eufemizmus, významový transfer, politická korektnosť
Životné prostredie, 2018
The scattered settlement landscape is a specific type of cultural landscape with a relatively low degree of transformation of the original natural landscape. Herein, we present reflections on the concept of cultural landscape in general and the specifics of a scattered settlement cultural landscape. Further, we use the example of the natural background and the cultural and political context of the Hrušov village to analyse the development of a cultural landscape with a large system of scattered settlements. Unlike most other scattered settlements inhabited by immigrants, the Hrušov scattered settlement was colonised by original local people. Analysis at this locality shows that they occur more frequently on less dissected plains despite their greater distance from the centre. The morphology of the terrain also determines the shape and character of the road network in these settlements, and their presence for long distances along roads influences the number and character of morpholog...
Historia ecclesiastica, 2021
It is possible to observe the interconfessional relationships between the reformed church and uniates on various levels. One of them is the change in the ownership of a church, the other one are the notes about the conversion of the inhabitants. The notes about the conversion or aposthasis are more of propaganda materials, it is very rare to find direct information about the relationships between religions or lists of names of the converted people. The provided rewritings are enlightening the important aspects of the religious life of the citizens of Hungary. The first rewriting brings information about the interconfessional cooperation of the Greek rite and the reformed religion in which we see the evidence of the earlier assumption of a union between these two confessions. The second document is the rewriting of the documents of the convertates and apostates from the area of the North Eastern Hungary.
Csilla FEDINEC-István CSERNICSKÓ Abstract:.Remarks on one official gazette Kárpátaljai Közlöny-Подкарпатский Вђстникъ (1939-1944). The districts with the official name of Carpathian regency (abbreviated Podkarpatsko), existing in the years 1939-1944, in terms of public organizations has stood out from the Hungarian legal system, which has been applied in other regions of the country. Broad-spectrum research focused on this specific region, successfully mapped many historical, legal, linguistic and political aspects of life in its territory. Un-explored space existing in research has been a survey regional history on level of local regulations. In this study we examine the directions, and particularly local content policy in the context of nationwide events. And also whether there existed areas of questions for which were born specific answers, in connection with that we shall try to find answer for question whether this specific position in Hungarian public administration was due to name only and part of life within this administrative unit, or its uniqueness had a deeper context.
Slovenská literatúra, 2020
Obnovljeni Život, 2002
Slavica Slovaca
The author of the article presents the life and work of Ivan Paňkevyč, a leading Ukrainian researcher. She describes in details his research on Ukrainian dialects in Transcarpathia and Eastern Slovakia in the first half of the 20th century. Essay provides an overview of the scientific works of the linguist, containing valuable texts as a source of Slavic studies written by the author himself in the field or his predecessors. Ivan Paňkevyč, Ukrainian dialects, dialectology, dialect texts
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
Hrobové nálezy z doby rímskej v hornopotiskej oblasti v kontexte skupiny Leuna-Hassleben Burial findings of the Roman Period in the Upper Tisza region in context of the Leuna-Hassleben group.
Keywords: chal co py rite, ther mal treat ment, sul fur, sulfidation, X-ray dif frac tion phase ana lyse, cop per, leach ing, sul fu ric acid Ab stract The cop per leach ing from chal co py rite is rather com pli-cated pro cess due to its re frac tory na ture. There fore a big ef fort is paid to find more ef fec tive method for this pro cess. One pos si ble method is the ther mal treat ment of raw chal-co py rite ma te rial with sul fur. The cop per from prod ucts of ther mal sulfidation of chal co py rite con cen trate should be better leachable, while iron prod uct could be less leachable, what is an ad van tage. Ther mal sulfidation of the chal co py rite con cen trate was re al ized by heat ing of sam ples at tem per a tures of 300, 350 and 400 °C dur ing 1 hour at nor mal pres sure 0.1 MPa. The used amount of sul phur was 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3 grams per 3 grams of con cen trate. More over, one sulfidation ex per i-ment was re al ized in evac u ated quartz tube. Achieved prod ucts wer...
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