Luirgean Eachainn Nill


The late Hector Campbell ('Eachann Nìll Thearlaich') of Hillsdale, Inverness County was one of the foremost reciters of Gaelic traditional tales recorded in Cape Breton. His accurate memory for a story, understated humour and lively use of language were developed over a lifetime of listening to and practising the scores of elaborate folktales that were current until recently in Cape Breton's Scottish communities. Until well into this century such stories, known in Gaelic as sgeulachdan comprised an important source of entertainment in the island's rural households; refined over many generations of telling, they have provided enjoyment to listeners of all ages. Like countless storytellers in Cape Breton before him, Hector Campbell was heir to the highly evolved oral folk tradition, shared between the Gaels of Scotland and Ireland, which arrived in the Canadian Maritimes with the first Highland settlers and passed down unchanged to our own time. This collection of his stories, transcribed from recordings made by the editors between 1964 and 1970 and supplied with an English translation, owes as much the reciters personal generosity as it does to his art and the tradition from which he came. Acair Ltd. Stornoway, Scotland. 1981