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In this article, I discuss the role of Spanish in the Central American nation of Belize. I show partly paradoxical indexical functions of Spanish in Belize that have their roots in social, linguistic and political conditions and ideologies, which impact on language attitudes and language choice, and on the construction of Spanish as a 'foreign' language, despite its demographic dominance. Spanish is indexically linked to various social groups of different social standing within Belize and therefore has different symbolic functions at the same time. Despite the widespread use of Spanish, negative attitudes towards the language lead to Spanish being partly invisible in public discourses and individual perceptions. The data I use to support my claims has been collected in a linguistic ethnographic field study in a small Belizean village, in which observational material, field notes from participant observation, quantitative study of language attitudes and qualitative interviews supplement each other.
The objective was to evaluate the physicochemical, microbiological quality, somatic cell count and presence of inhibitors in raw milks in the department of Sucre. 150 samples of raw milk from six storage centers or processing plants from three subregions of the department of Sucre (Sabanas, San Jorge and Gulf of Morrosquillo) were taken using a descriptive crosssectional study. 25 samples in each collection center that correspond to 25 producers from the different subregions of the department were taken. Microbiological and physiochemical parameters and udder health were determined of a total of 50 samples for each subregion. The data obtained were analyzed according to accepted standards in Colombia. For the most part of the physicochemical parameters, were within the accepted values established in decree 616 of 2006 and decree 1880of 2011(protein ≥2.9%, fat ≥3.0%, density (15 o C)≥1.030, TS≥11.30, SNF ≥8.30). The count of colony forming units (CFU/mL) in the different subregions was greater than 600,000 CFU/mL. The somatic cell count (SCC/mL) was greater than 500,000 SCC/mL. In 8% of the sampled milks showed presence of inhibitors. Overall, the raw milk had good physicochemical quality but, the microbiological quality and health of the udder were poor, which requires immediate implementation of programs in order to obtain high quality hygienic milk.
RESUMEN El embarazo y la maternidad impactan psicológica, cultural, social y biológicamente a la mujer y en particular a la madre adolescente. En el artículo se aborda cómo se conjugan los procesos vinculados al desempeño del nuevo rol de madre y con el de la situación de crisis del desarrollo caracterizado por la necesidad de autonomia y libertad propio de la adolescencia. Como resultado del trabajo se identifican en las adolescentes vivencias de la repercusión de la maternidad en su vida personal, de relación que se agrupan en tendencia a la complacencia, al obstruccionismo y a la ambivalencia. ABSTRACT Pregnancy and maternity have a psychological, cultural, social and biological impact on women and particularly on the adolescent mother. In the report we approach how the processes linked to the performance of the new role of being a mother blend to situation of growth crisis characterized by the need of autonomy and liberty of the adolescence. As result of this research we identify the experiences of the repercution of maternity in their personal and relational life that are grouped in tendencies to willingness, obstruccionism and ambivalence
Título: Audiencias, televisión y educación: una deconstrucción pedagógica de la 'televidencia' y sus mediaciones Autor: Guillermo Orozco Gómez 155 155 GUILLERMO OROZCO GÓMEZ SÍNTESIS: Con el propósito de llegar a una comprensión más integral de la interacción audiencias-televisión-educación, en este trabajo se parte de las mismas audiencias y se exploran sus procesos de ver televisión o procesos de «televidencia», las múltiples mediaciones de que son objeto y las diversas dimensiones televisivas involucradas.
This paper analyzes the ritual of the prayer service and the gift of tongues as a movement to revitalize and search for the sacred within Pentecostal groups in Maracaibo, assuming it as social ritual and the group of believers in a state of collective liminality forming a community. An open interview was made with someone who alleges to have received the gift of tongues. Conclusions were that these prayer services are a basic ritual in the construction and consolidation of a community coming from collective liminality, caused by strong religious and relational connections among brothers in faith.
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Articulos del Suplemento de la Revista Lenguas en Contexto de la BUAP. Estado de las Licenciaturas en ensenianza de ingles en Mexico., 2018
GIDES, 2017
Mercado R. (Coordinador).Cursos masivos abiertos en línea (MOOCs): El caso de México, 2018