Traditional navigation in e-Navigation context

This paper is based on research and analysis of 5 incident cases from the period 2013-2016 published by European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) that clearly marks the safety risks due to the improper use of sophisticated electronic navigational tools-AIS, ECDIS, Integrated Bridge Systems, Automatic Radar Plotting Aids on board commercial ships, as well as, discusses issues of potential risks involved with complacency and over reliance on Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) and advises that seafarers should put more efforts to undergo the necessary traditional navigational training. There is a growing tendency for seafarer competence to be measured by administrative and electronic expertise, but this can mask poor performance when basic seamanship is required. Seafarers should continue to be trained in a variety of traditional and proven navigational techniques, hold a paper chart " back up " portfolio, and run table top exercises to maintain their familiarity with paper charts and proper position fixing routines. An over reliance on ECDIS can cause these traditional skills to fade and potentially lead to incidents. The industry should make sufficient navigational training widely available. Human errors are generally caused by technologies, environments, and organizations which are incompatible in some way with optimal human performance. The human has been expected to adapt to the system but this does not work. Instead, what needs to be done is to adapt the system to the human.