Multi type Sequent Calculi


Display calculi are generalized sequent calculi which enjoy a 'canonical' cut elimination strategy. That is, their cut elimination is uniformly obtained by verifying the assumptions of a meta-theorem, and is preserved by adding or removing structural rules. In the present paper, we discuss a proof-theoretic setting, inspired both to Belnap's Display Logic [2] and to Sambin's Basic Logic [6], which generalises these calculi in two directions: by explicitly allowing different types, and by weakening the so-called display and visibility properties. The generalisation to a multi-type environment makes it possible to introduce specific tools enhancing expressivity, which have proved useful e.g. for a smooth proof-theoretic treatment of multi-modal and dynamic logics [4, 3]. The generalisation to a setting in which full display property is not required makes it possible to account for logics which admit connectives which are neither adjoints nor residuals, or logics that are not closed under uniform substitution. In the present paper, we give a general overview of the calculi which we refer to as multi-type calculi, and we discuss their canonical cut elimination meta-theorem.