Dreams as quasi-Testimony


Both in sleep and in wakefulness, dreams are the indispensible components of survival. Histories of victories are the creations of dreams-by individuals, emperors, queens and mad men. The survival instincts can never find their expressions without this magic web in which all one's pre-histories are enmeshed like the tentacles of an octopus, seeking the prey constantly deviated from its spot. Sigmund Freud, the father figure of psychoanalysis gave meaning to these colours. But the post-Freudians rejected the meanings as they have fixities and fixations with respect to the changing patterns of the socio-cultural and historical conjunctions of humanity. With Structuralism and developments in Anthropology, new dimensions came up that gave dreams the language of infinite interpretations. Perhaps, Theodor Adorno's dreams reveal somewhat another side of all such blatant and empty theorizations. This Frankfurt School genius has too much verve and vivacity in jotting down the threads of dreams-more than what he experimented in his deepest conversation with the musical notations. He was the product of the difficult times. So were his dreams. Adorno's Dream Notes offers us a world of rejection, dilapidation, decadence and sorrow.