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destroying the property of the file significantly. The proposed bit exchange is reversible, i.e. the decryption is done in the reverse way of the encryption. The authors applied the present steganography algorithm on image files and the result found was satisfactory.
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 2011
In the present work the authors have introduced a new method for hiding any encrypted secret message inside a cover file. For encrypting secret message the authors have used new algorithm proposed by Nath et al(1). For hiding secret message we have used a method proposed by Nath et al (2). In MSA (1) method we have modified the idea of Play fair method into a new platform where we can encrypt or decrypt any file. We have introduced a new randomization method for generating the randomized key matrix to encrypt plain text file and to decrypt cipher text file. We have also introduced a new algorithm for encrypting the plain text multiple times. Our method is totally dependent on the random text_key which is to be supplied by the user. The maximum length of the text_key can be of 16 characters long and it may contain any character (ASCII code 0 to 255). We have developed an algorithm to calculate the randomization number and the encryption number from the given text_key. The size of the encryption key matrix is 16x16 and the total number of matrices can be formed from 16 x 16 is 256! which is quite large and hence if someone applies the brute force method then he/she has to give trail for 256! times which is quite absurd. Moreover the multiple encryption method makes the system further secured. For hiding secret message in the cover file we have inserted the 8 bits of each character of encrypted message file in 8 consecutive bytes of the cover file. We have introduced password for hiding data in the cover file. We propose that our new method could be most appropriate for hiding any file in any standard cover file such as image, audio, video files. Because the hidden message is encrypted hence it will be almost impossible for the intruder to unhide the actual secret message from the embedded cover file. This method may be the most secured method in digital water marking.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2013
Today's large demand for internet applications requires data to be transmitted in a safe and secure manner. Data transmission in public communication system insecure because of interception and improper manipulation by eavesdropper. So the solution for this problem is Steganography, Steganography is the art of hiding one medium of information into another medium. There are many approaches for hiding textual information in multimedia file such as image, audio and video. Hiding textual information in multimedia file provides the most effective way to guard privacy. Key aspect of embedding text in multimedia file is that, after embedding text in multimedia file the size of the multimedia file remains same. The existing system can't provide more security and message length is restricted to few characters only. The proposed technique alters the data of lower bit in a cover object to embed textual information. The main goal of this paper is to embed textual information into multimedia file and the text message is encrypted before embedding to get advantage of cryptography.
Ijca Proceedings on National Conference on Communication Technologies Its Impact on Next Generation Computing 2012, 2012
Digital Steganography is a process of hiding confidential digital information into a file of any kind. Digital Information is a resource which holds a lot of value in the modern world. In this paper we propose Steganography with SMS alert which is an approach to send secure digital information over a network in a secure way. The proposed algorithm secures files and messages and targets enterprise level security to hide and deploy digital information without the risk of network attacks or data theft.
Abstract — The rapid development of smart phone technology has led to cheapening of the phone equipped with many advanced features such as sensors. One of the most widely used sensor in the phone is its camera. Although the photographs captured by camera can be shared via many ways, one of the most commonly used sharing methods is Multimedia Message Service (MMS) which allows transmission of files such as photographs, audio and video. A major disadvantage of MMS is that it does not provide sufficient safety mechanism and because of this, the data of the people who wants to hide confidential information from state-controlled systems can be easily monitored. In this study, unlike cryptography-based, a steganography-based mobile application that can embed the confidential information into an image, send it to receiver, and extract the confidential information from the image in the receiver side is developed. Besides, the performance data such as the embedding and extraction time of confidential information and experimental results of application are given. Keywords— Multimedia Message Service, MMS, Steganography, Smart Phone.
Data hiding is an important branch of information security. Imperceptibility and Hiding Capacity are very important aspects for efficient secret communication. In this paper we propose a Steganographic method for encrypted image. In this method our aim is to embed the data like binary image, Text and Audio file in encrypted cover media. This method first encrypts the Cover media with encryption method and after Encryption secrete data can be embedded into the Encrypted cover object by modifying a small proportion of Encrypted data. PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio), EC (Embedding Capacity) and NBE (Number of Bits Embedded) these three are the quality parameters.
Steganography is the art of hiding data in a seemingly innocuous cover medium. For example – any sensitive data can be hidden inside a digital image. Steganography provides better security than cryptography because cryptography hides the contents of the message but not the existence of the message. So no one apart from the authorized sender and receiver will be aware of the existence of the secret data. Steganographic messages are often first encrypted by some traditional means and then a cover image is modified in some way to contain the encrypted message. The detection of steganographically encoded packages is called steganalysis. In this paper, we propose three efficient Steganography techniques that are used for hiding secret messages. They are LSB based Steganography, Steganography using the last two significant bits and Steganography using diagonal pixels of the image. Symmetric and asymmetric key cryptography has been used to encrypt the message. Here we use two fish symmetric technique for encryption process.
IJEMR, 2014
With the increasing population, trend of internet increases and mostly people share their secret information or data through internet. Hence, there are more chances for intruders to attack on system and acquire that secret information. In such a case, security becomes the more important feature to provide data security while sharing secret information. This paper provides data security by hiding data or secret information within an image file by using Steganography. Data hiding has become a critical security feature for thriving networks and active home users alike. In simple terms, Steganography hides the secret information so it can not be seen. After using this technique, the secret information or data can only be decoded or decrypted by the authorized person.
International journal of engineering research and technology, 2017
Steganography is the art of hiding information to prevent the detection of hidden messages. Cryptography can be defined as the conversion of plain text into a scrambled code. Both are two general ways of sending vital information in a secret way. A message in scrambled code aka cipher text, might arouse suspicion on the part of the recipient while an invisible message created with steganographic methods will not. But many steganographic systems are weak against visual and statistical attacks. Systems without these weaknesses offer only a relatively small capacity for a steganographic message. In this paper, we present a new steganographic technique to hide data inside an image. The newly planned technique withstands visual and statistical attacks, yet it still offers a large steganographic capacity. This method does not modify the image. Message to be hidden will be converted into a bit stream and divided into several blocks. The bit pattern of each block is identified inside the im...
The main aim of this paper is to hide the message along with the existence of communication so that the attacker can"t even get the encrypted message. The procedure follows as hiding the encrypted message in image files by embedding the message bits into least significant bit positions of each byte of image file. In image file each pixel is represented with 24 bits which is a combination of RED, BLUE, GREEN color proportions for that pixel.LSB has least importance in image files so it"s modification can"t results in a human detectable change. Here Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm is used to encrypt the message and MD5 algorithm is used to compute the message digest which is used to check the integrity of message. After performing Cryptographic functions message is compressed with GZip compression technique and then it is embedded into image file. This process results in a stego file (output image file) which is exactly similar to cover file (input image file).
In the present scenario, any communication of internet and networks application requires security.Lots of data security and data hiding algorithms have been developed in the last decade.Cryptography and steganography are the two major techniques for secret communication.In this paper,the secret image is first encrypted by using BLOWFISH algorithm which has very good performance and is a most powerful technique compared to other Algorithms. Now this encrypted imageis embedded with videoby using LSB Approach of steganography. Our proposed model gives two layers of security for secret data, which fully satisfy the basic key factors of information security system that includes: Confidentiality, Authenticity, Integrity and Non -Repudiation.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2011
In digital steganography normally image, audio or video files are the standard cover files or the host files for embedding secret message such as text, image, audio or video. Nath et al.
The goal of steganography is to avoid drawing suspicion to the transmission of a hidden message. If suspicion is raised, steganography may fail. The success of steganography depends on the secrecy of the action. If steganography is detected, the system will fail but data security depends on the robustness of the applied algorithm. In this paper, we compress the secret message and encrypt it by the receiver's public key along with the stego key and embed both messages in a carrier using an embedding algorithm. The stego -image is the result we get by running the algorithm you select on the message (file to hide) and cover (image). It can be saved into BMP or PNG format. The reason that it can only be saved in these formats is because they are lossless -there is no information lost as part of the file formatting. The various applications of steganography include secure military communications, multimedia watermarking and fingerprinting applications for authentication purposed to curb the problem of digital piracy.
Now a day’s Steganography plays an important role in defence, public sectors works and internet. Cryptography created as a technique for securing the secrecy of communication and many different methods have been developed to encrypt, decrypt data in order to keep message secret .Unfortunately sometimes it may not be enough to keep the contents of a message secret .It may also be necessary to keep the existence of the message secret .The technique used to implement this is called Steganography and it different from cryptography in the sense cryptography focuses on keeping contents of a message secret Steganography focuses on keeping the existence of message secret for more security we proposed new methods that combines with both cryptography and Steganography. There are two types of techniques are implemented, The first technique implemented sequentially starting with the top left pixel and then encodes information from top to bottom and left to right, and another techniques implemen...
IOP Publishing, 2019
The businesses in various fields use the online communication application to gather their data and information with local and global sources. The gathered data may sensitive such as the financial and businesses development information. The hackers or online thief try to stole the valuable data i.e. credit card numbers. The organizations looking for secure online channels in order to transfer their data efficiently and avoid the data thieving. One of the most applicable methods that developed to secure the online transferred data is the cryptography which transfers the original data or information to encrypted formulation. Cryptography still has many drawbacks such as stole and decrypts the original texts using automatic decryption counter. The main aim of this research is to improve the cryptography securing level using supportive method which is Steganography. The Steganography is the processes of hide the data or information in media files such as video, images and audio files. There are four stages represent the methodology of this paper; (1) encrypt the original texts using RSA algorithm, (2) hide the encrypted texts in Image files, (3) extract the encrypted texts from Image files, and (4) decrypt the original texts using decryption key of RSA algorithm. It is expected to improve the security level of the online transferred textual data. The performance of the final results will be evaluated through compare the Image files quality before and after hide the data in these files. The quality of the original and stego Image files need to be same or near in order to maximize the difficulty of detect that there data hide in these files.
In today's world lots of data are being corrupted so, for a secure message transfer we need Steganography .It is the method of hiding information in other information. Other file formats such as of audio or video format can also be used, but because of their frequency on the internet, digital images are more popular. There are variety of steganography technique that are used for hiding secret information and are more complex than others while all of them have respective strong and weak points. Different applications may require absolute invisibility of the secret information, while others require a large secret message to be hidden. This project report intends to give an overview of image steganography, its use and techniques. It also helps to choose which stegnographic technique are suitable for which application and also attempts to identify the requirements of a good steganography algorithm.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2016
Nowadays, network has important roles for transferring data accurately and fast from source to a destination. The data is not secure enough to transfer highly confidential. The security of information has become one of the principle challenges of resource sharing with data communication over computer network. Cryptography and Steganography are two methods for protecting data from intruders while transferring over an open channel network. Cryptography is a method to encrypt data and steganography is the art and science of hiding secret message in a cover image. In this paper a Hash Least Significant Bit (H-LSB) with Affine cipher algorithm has been proposed for providing more security to data in a network environment. First we encrypt the data with the new cryptography algorithm and then embed in the image. Eight bits of the secret message are divided into 3, 3, 2 and embedding into the RGB pixels values of the cover image respectively. A hash function is used to select the particular position of insertion in LSB bits. This system allows a message sender to select keys to encrypt the secret message before embedding into the image and a receiver is used the keys to decrypt the message. Receiver can be decrypted the encrypt message with incorrect the keys but to a different form from the original message. This system has the ability to provide better security while transferring the secret message from one end to the other end in network environment.
In this paper we hide the message (data), using the concept of Steganography; in such a way that on-one apart from the sender and intended recipient even realizes there is a hidden message. The proposed method hides the secret message based on searching about the identical bits between the secret messages and image pixels values. The new approach is based on the LSB (Least Significant Bit) method. Also a new approach is proposed to securely sending the message using Cryptographic concept in Steganography. From the sender side the encrypted message is send and hides it in a saved picture and encodes the message. At the receiver side decryption is done to get original message.
International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 2014
Steganography is the art of hiding information and an effort to conceal the existence of the embedded information. In recent years many steganography methods have been challenge by steganalysis. Steganalysis algorithm which detects the stego-message by the static analysis of pixel values [1]. In the proposed method, the secret message is encoded by using vigenere encryption method which guarantees the protection of hidden message. Then hiding the secret text in an image by using first component alteration technique .In this technique, 8 bits of blue components are replaced with secret data bits , then that image can be hidden in cover image in non sequential pixel by using variable hope value power of 2 [2,4,8,16].The Proposed method aim not only to provide improved security problems of simple LSB method but also the increased visual quality of stegoimage.
IJCSIS Vol 17 No 2, 2019
The use of contemporary devices such as android, blackberry and other smartphones is as a result of an improvement of technologies in communication over the period. As a result of this, there are several security concerns which keep coming up because the mechanisms in place to ensure, that data and information are protected is inadequate. Many have tried using either cryptography or steganography. Others have tried combining the two which is the best but have failed to use the optimum methods of both cryptography and steganography. Fortunately, this work combines the use of the best techniques under both steganography and cryptography to come up with a system that is more robust, hence resistible to attacks. The act of converting a message or an information into a non-readable file format so that a third party or an intruder, either than the intended recipient will not know the content of the message is known as cryptography. Steganography also deals with the act of hiding a message from the view of an unauthorized person in a cover object. This work employs an optimum steganography and cryptography. The Least Significant Bit (LSB) algorithm is used to insert or embed a message into a cover object. The cryptography used under this study employs the use of the asymmetric cryptography known as the RSA. The combination of both the LSB insertion technique and the RSA technique for use by the proposed system makes it one of the best applications to ensure data security and secrecy on android smart devices. It can be realized that the security and strength of the proposed system for use by smartphones lies in the combination of cryptography and steganography. One fascinating thing about the proposed system is that unlike the other existing steganographic systems which is unable to accept different image file types, the proposed system is able to do so. Keywords: Steganography, RSA, LSB, Image Steganography, Cryptography, Encryption, Decryption
International Journal of Advances in Applied Sciences (IJAAS), 2022
These days there are many security issues facing users while they are using the internet for exchanging information among them. And, users use technology devices, such as mobiles and computers, and they connect them to the network and internet. Therefore, users always looking for a safe way to exchange information locally and globally, when they are connecting to a network. Also, these problems lead them to many further issues such as losing privacy, hacking, and detecting personal information. Although, many security techniques have been used to solve these issues by creating many different software utilities; some of them worked perfectly to some extent, while some others still did not comply with the security environment. This research paper finds a new methodology to secure text information while exchanging among permitted users over the internet. This method is a combination of cryptography and steganography with audio and imaging multimedia, which works on hiding and encrypting information before sending it over a network. As result, this technique will add additional security processes to the data exchange, and it will provide a more reliable environment for the user to connect to the network. In addition, the quality of the data will not be altered or noticed during the encryption and decryption process.
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