Securing Online Banking Services in an Insecure Environment


Abstract: This research, Securing Online Banking Services in an Insecure Environment sought to address security problems resulting from account credentials theft and all other forms of malicious activities surrounding online banking transactions. A new system implemented using JavaScript for securing online banking transaction has been provided in this research with the aim of increasing security over the existing models. The new system enables the customers and banks to authenticate each other and sign processed transactions online. From the results, the new framework also solves the issues of authentication, confidentiality, integrity and non-repudiation, using an integrated three-tier, trusted and secure channel. In addition to the creation of a secure channel between client’s computers and the bank’s server, a secure algorithm, challenge-Respond security algorithm that would be suitable for clients’ side security (web browser) was implemented. Thus, the secure three-tier transaction model was recommended for banking services as it was found to be suitable for building client trusts.