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This is an individual study paper on Young Children as Technology users. The paper endeavors at explaining the extensive, excessive, addictive and impulsive aspects of digital utilization in children especially the use of internet. The paper starts with an introduction to the evolution of the modern technology and the role of children in shaping a market for the manufacturers of digital media. This paper is divided into basically portions whereby I dare to present the true facts and studies performed by eminent researchers in this field. The first chapter deals with the Introduction, the definitions, the history, the background of the problem. The second chapter
Addicta: The Turkish Journal on Addiction, 2018
Cumhuriyet International Journal of Education, 2020
The literature about digital media and technology usage of children has two faces. On one side, the production-oriented sophisticated use of digital devices is reported while on the other side it is a source of concern due to excessive and pointless use. Some of the children are tech-consumers in terms of using their digital devices and some children use them beneficially. This qualitative study adopts phenomenological approach, with a focus to draw a conclusion for educators and aims to shed light on the technological device use of children in terms of duration, purpose, preferences, and feelings about their usage. A total of 61 children aged 7-15 years participated in the study. The children were from different backgrounds such as different parts of the country, different types of schools and different socioeconomic levels. Identifying the similarities and differences of the characteristics of their usage is thought to reveal the factors that motivate the beneficial use of digital technology or that lead to consumption as a means of leisure time tool. The findings of this study enable to provide recommendations to teachers to guide students in the beneficial use of technology. Furthermore the study has some suggestions in a wider scope of the implications for practice and/or policy.
Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn)
Nowadays, information communication technology is becoming an essential part of our life. We find technology everywhere to facilitate teaching and learning, especially in schools and homes. It always comes along with interactive and interacting approaches to help children learn math and science and so on. This paper, however, discusses the downside effects of using technology to children from age 2 to 17 years old. There are some earlier studies with some statistics indicate the percentage of children who use different kinds of technology in their daily life. Then the paper will be demonstrated the social, cognitive, and physical impacts of using too much technology. Then it will be specified three types of technology as it is common among children: playing video games, surfing websites, and communicating via the internet. Finally, some regulations and guidance are mentioned to protect children throughout giving them better methods to use technology in proper ways and involving children in social, cognitive, and physical activities alongside.
The objective of this research is to identify digital practices and skills with technologies of children up to the age of 6. The approach is qualitative, semistructured interviews were conducted with 15 families (including parents and at least one child under 6) and observations. Families were selected varying their socio-economic level and family composition. The following was explored: 1. what practical use and capacities do children obtain by using digital media and 2. what skills they acquire. Children are autonomous using digital media, especially when using their favourite devices, such as the tablet and smartphone. They search and install apps without knowing how to read or write, using the «store» suggestions and voice search features. Some of these apps need to be purchased, but most parents won't allow it, so children ingeniously switch user configurations on their devices as a work around. Some parents mention that children under 2 learn how to write the name of their favourite cartoon characters as to search them on YouTube. Parents renounce these learning's and notice that children are self-taught on the use of digital media. This use may favour the development of certain skills, like the ability to take decisions and problemsolving. Furthermore, children are cognitively stimulated and become more collaborative, training fine motor skills and develop their reading and writing skills.
Moldavian Journal for Education and Social Psychology, 2018
In the current era of digitization and multi-media communication, Romania is the land of technological contrast: we have almost the highest connectivity in Europe, but we are the last at digital competencies, use of the Internet and digitization of the economy. Through smart phones Internet data consumption is growing exponentially, especially among children and younger, but is lacking the education for a healthy and responsible consumption. The studies about the effects of technology overuse on children prove negative effects on their development: decrease of cognitive, learning and communication capacities, of their self-control, emotional intelligence and empathy, or even worth, psychiatric problems may occur, such as anxiety, depression, social phobia and addiction. Within the Romanian educational system the school counselor teachers are in the forefront, being the first professionals who can promote within schools relevant information for preventing such negative effects among children, parents and teachers. This paper will address the issue of increased and uncontrolled use of technology among Romanian children and younger through the lentils of data gathered from European and Romanian sociological research studies, but also from the Bucharest school counselors' teachers' activity reports. The aim is to prove the vicious link between the pupils increased technology consumption and the lack of information regarding the healthy use of it between all the responsible adults, parents and teachers alike. The negative effects of Internet and digital technology are real and are already affecting children development and school counseling could and should be the first solution for minimizing them.
The study is a part of a larger qualitative study carried out across 16 European countries aimed at exploring experiences with digital technologies, e.g. smart phones, tablets, computers, TVs, video-games, etc. of young children aged between 0 and 8 years and their families. The overall research question is: In what ways, if any, are children and/or their families empowered by the use of new (online) technologies? and was addressed through four areas (Use, Perceptions/Attitudes, Individual context, Family context). This national report of Spain is written based on data generated interviewing 11 families who have at least one child between 6-7 years of age, and the fieldwork was conducted in the Autonomous Community of Madrid and of Catalonia between June and November 2015. Although literature regarding technology in the life of children 0-8 is emerging in the Spanish context as a key focus as such, it is still very scarce. We hope, therefore, that the presented results from the study will serve as a basis for larger EU studies on related topics and for policy recommendations in Spain and beyond. *, Cristina Aliagas**, Marta Morgade*, Cristina Correro**, Nieves Galera*, Cristina Roncero*, and David Poveda*
New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 2019
This paper considers the problem of Internet and more general cyber addiction of primary school children. The aim is to investigate the level of dependency of young children in Internet, computer games and devices. The authors work is part of a project work researching digital skills and media-education at early age. A survey with 274 fourth grade students is described and analysed in the context of the tendency to meet and fall in love with the screen from a younger age. Young children do not recognise the eager to take some digital device at hand as a problem. They cannot really estimate the time spent on games or other online activities. Theoretical review of the problem is done, and the basic aspects of cyber addiction are mentioned. The authors' point of view is that higher digital skills at early age could be a factor for avoiding higher cyber addiction of the children.
This report presents the results of a qualitative study made over seventeen countries exploring how children between zero and eight engage with digital technologies, how far parents mediate this engagement and their awareness on the risksopportunities balance. It concludes on recommendations to parents, schools, industries and policymakers. Title Young children (0-8) and digital technology, a qualitative study across Europe How digital technology is used by young children today? • Today, young children between o and 8 acquire their digital skills mainly in the home context. • Young children learn quickly by observing and mirroring the behaviour of the adults and older children close to themparents and older siblings following a trial and error strategy not exempt of risks. • Yet young children lack of agency and of clear representation of the tools they use daily such as the Internet, Wi-Fi or social networks. • Young children diversify their digital skills and are more aware of ris...
Despite the growing number of very young children who go online and who are using a wide range of technologies, little is known about children’s interactions with those technologies. This report presents a pilot qualitative study coordinated by the Joint Research Centre of the EC, designed and implemented in collaboration with a selected group of academic partners in different European countries that aims at pioneering in Europe the exploration of young children and their families` experiences with new technologies. It presents its results and discuss the findings at cross-national level on how children between zero and eight engage with digital technologies such as smartphones, tablets, computers and games; how far parents mediate this engagement and their awareness on the risks-opportunities balance. The report concludes on recommendations to parents, industries and policymakers.
ARS, 2020
Objectives. This article aims to analyze the digitization of the society and some changes that occur in the family upbringing process when digital devices enter, such as: computers, tablets, internet, mobile phones. Material and methods. The analysis focuses on the challenges of online child behavior and some of its negative effects, such as: aggression, high anxiety, insecurity and emotional discomfort. The paper is based on results obtained through qualitative methods in the course of research project-06-H25/4, with team leader V. Milenkova). The main methods for obtaining information were in-depth interviews (30) and focus groups (2) with parents in Blagoevgrad. Results. This study reveals the positive aspects of digitization as well as it focuses on the problems that accompany digitization in social processes and people's personal lives, especially children's contact with digital tools and their protection against the different risks of online communication. Another consequence is the fact that long online time does not make children more digital and media literate. In this sense, parents have to seriously reconsider their children's access to digital devices, which affects children's personal potential and psychological comfort. Conclusions. The participation in modern digital environment includes access to different eressources, devices and information products and services. It should be taken into account that the acquiring of digital skills for work in interactive environment improves their efficiency with respect to creativity and innovatively pursuing education activity.
Despite the growing number of very young children who go online and who are using a wide range of technologies, little is known about children’s interactions with those technologies. This report presents a pilot qualitative study designed and implemented in collaboration with a selected group of academic partners in different European countries that aims at pioneering in Europe the exploration of young children and their families` experiences with new technologies. It presents its results and discuss the findings at cross-national level on how children between zero and eight engage with digital technologies such as smartphones, tablets, computers and games; how far parents mediate this engagement and their awareness on the risks-opportunities balance. The report concludes on recommendations to parents, industries and policymakers.
This study will analyze the misuse of technology in the telecommunications industry by examining the technology gadgets used by children, where many youngsters are now too lazy to participate in activities, too lazy to learn, and too reliant on cellphones. There are several instances of children abusing digital tools and devices. Yet, how do youngsters in Indonesia actually utilize the internet? This research is conducted in a library, which is a way of conducting research that involves reading books or periodicals and other data sources in a library. Additionally, this study employs case study and descriptive methodologies. The data and discussion indicate that internet abuse by children fosters a closer connection between children and the internet, particularly those under the age of 12, despite the negative consequence of addiction, which results in children interacting less with other family members and peers. As for other reasons, the internet is frequently seen negatively due ...
The thesis begins by arguing that the mid 1990s witnessed a proliferation of popular, political and academic discourses of childhood and technology, which characterised children as `digital natives' and which presented children's seemingly natural facility with digital technology use as heralding the potential for new relationships between children and adults. In order to understand the implications of these representations, the thesis: My thanks to my supervisor, Susan Robertson, for patience and insight; to John Furlong, Ros Sutherland and Ruth Furlong, for getting me started and challenging my ideas; and to John Morgan for much needed friendship at just the right time. Thanks also to my colleagues at Futurelab for time off, for doing perfectly well without me, and for encouragement. I also owe a debt of gratitude to the families involved in the ScreenPlay project, who not only let me into their homes, but fed and watered me and showed me the complexities of He beyond the narratives of the media and politicians. And last, but not least, my thanks and love to my family and particularly to Craig, without whom I know I wouldn't have got this finished, nor eaten half so well during the writing of it. Author's declaration I declare that the work in this dissertation was carried out in accordance with the Regulations of the University of Bristol. The work is original except where indicated by special reference in the text and no part of the dissertation has been submitted for any other degree. Any views expressed in the dissertation are those of the author and in no way represent those of the University of Bristol. The dissertation has not been presented to any other University for examination either in the United Kingdom or overseas.
International Journal of Media & Cultural Politics, 2011
The chapter aims at analysing the role of online technologies and digital devices in young children's (2-13) lives. The case study of Lithuania contributes with the new insights about the local context and is a continuation of the Lithuanian part of the European Commission Joint Research Center project "Young Children (0–8) and Digital Technologies". This study builds on the national report presenting findings from the qualitative study on young children and their engagement with digital technologies conducted in Lithuania with ten families with children aged from 2 to 13 years and their parents. The research revealed that most children use online technologies everyday day, but their engagement with online technologies is substantially influen ed by their parents' attitudes towards online technologies. Children perceive online technologies as entertainment, relaxation, something they can play with. Parents' views towards the use of online technologies by their ...
Crayons and iPads: Learning and Teaching of Young Children in the Digital World
Digital technologies are prevalent within western society, with 'smart' mobile use among young children escalating (e.g., tablets, iPads, smartphones). The anywhere/anytime access to the Internet, the convenient size and portability and relative inexpensiveness of smart mobile technologies make these devices extremely attractive within educational contexts. A recent report by Ofcom (2013) in the United Kingdom reported 'use of a tablet computer at home had tripled among 5-15s since 2012 (42% versus 14%) while one-quarter (28%) of 3-4s use a tablet computer at home' (p. 5). In addition, tablet computers are widely used in many educational classrooms, with rates reported as high as 70% among primary and secondary schools in the United Kingdom (Coughlan, 2014) and more than half of American early childhood educators having access to tablets in the classroom (a twofold increase since 2012) (Blackwell, Wartella, Lauricella & Robb, 2015). In Canada, a similar pattern has emerged with universal access to the Internet through portable devices by children 9-16 years of age (MediaSmarts, 2014). Seemingly, young children's play activities are impacted by this greater use of and access to mobile devices (e.g., streaming videos to tablets) (Edwards, 2013a; Moses, 2012). Attendant with this prevalence are the 'cautionary' tales of the potential negative impact of technology on young children. When writing this introduction, a quick Internet search revealed several featured articles that included concerns related to the unsafe nature of iPads (throughout the book, we will use the terms iPads and tablet interchangeably) and an emphasis on the detrimental effects of tablets on child development.
The work deals with the use of digital technologies by preschool children infl uenced by their immediate families. In the study, we examine intentional and unintentional behavior of immediate family that causes the usage of digital technologies by their children, which at the same time leads to digital overconsumption and provokes several eff ects on them. The study aims to discover the reasons behind preschool children's digital overuse. This research also monitors the educational techniques parents apply to digital technologies inside the core family, specifi cally their children. The basis of the study is qualitative research carried out using the technique of semi-structured interviews with one of the family members-the mother. The research depicts three main categories: time spent on digital technologies by preschool children, reasons underlying the use and limit of digital technologies by preschool children, and family digital education.
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