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Rapid changes in contemporary international security environment are impacting on Pakistan's national security in diverse ways; creating challenges and opportunities. Increasing multipolarity, greater mobility of people, finances and ideas and rise of violent non state actors characterise the change which necessitates analysis of the strategic environment with a view to developing an objective perspective on Pakistan's national security. Emphasising Quaid e Azam's direction for " Peace Within and Peace Without " , the article proffers proposals on national security policy formulation i.e. structural and policy aspects to accrue optimum benefits from the increasing pre-eminence of geo-economic developments in the region.
Anatomization of Pakistan's National Security Policy 2022-2026: Strategic Hitches and Way Forward for Peace and Security in Pakistan, 2023
This paper analyses Pakistan's National Security Policy 2022-2026. The state of Pakistan has officially presented its first National Security Policy in 2022. The policy crystallizes all multi-dimensional policy domains into a national security framework and it serves as this paper's pivotal analysis point. The paper analyses the policy by asking the following questions: What are the limitations and fault lines in the policy framework, where are the gaps and apertures, and what are the possible way-outs? The paper employs a classical 5step analytical framework of policy analysis. The analysis suggests conceptual and practical, foreign policy recommendations. National security framework side tracks the guns vs. butter and geopolitics vs. geo-economics by terming it as a stagnant logic leading to a contradictory logic. The paper reveals that such an attempt translates into inconsistencies in the conceptual and practical domains and results in foreign policy stalemates. The findings suggest that shifting focus from economic to politico-economic security, greater distribution to equitable distributary mechanism, putting human security at its core as a peace dividend with traditional and politico-economic securities gearing to it, and adopting an environmental peace-building and inclusive regional approach could mend the policy lacunas.
Research Journal of Social Sciences & Economics Review (RJSSER), 2020
The first and foremost essential task for any state is to secure its national security and integrity. This paper explores the fundamental essentials of national security such as territorial integrity, internal and external sovereignty, socio-political stability, economic solidity, cultural cohesiveness, and national solidarity. The objectives of this research work are to investigate the significance and applicability of national security for any state. This research is based on content analysis. This case study of Pakistan is selected to investigate the essential elements, internal and external elements of security in Pakistan in the light of the framework of security at the global level. The current study indicated that the notion of National Security had reformed in the 21st century. Now National Security interpretation will be elaborated from different threats such as territorial security, sovereignty, and economic, social, political, and environmental security. The research explores that contrary to external threats, Pakistan is facing internal threats such as political contradictions, ethnic origins, sectarianism, and militant organizations that also troubled the security situation.
The Geopolitics, 2024
National security doctrines evolve gradually, shaped by institutional factors unless disrupted by drastic events. For example, the war in Ukraine has dramatically altered global security paradigms almost overnight. However, most changes in national security are incremental, influenced by state actors, interest groups, perceptions, and institutions. Once embedded in a nation’s structure, these doctrines become robust and resistant to change unless major events force a re-evaluation.
Global Social Sciences Review
The paper reflects on Pakistan's complex security situation and the causes of current challenges that Pakistan is facing due to vacillating foreign policies. It also reviews the role of factors that contributed towards the instability of the country. After Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, Pakistan involved in a proxy war and trained Mujahideen to liberate Afghanistan. In 1980's sectarianism floored the state, and since it has rooted in Pakistani society. The country brokered several Post-Soviet peace agreements between different militaristic groups in Afghanistan but in vain. Finally, it recognized Taliban for the cause of peace (though temporary) on its Western border. After 9/11 the country had to reluctantly take a "U" turn on its Afghan policy under immense US pressure. This swing of policy opened a Pandora-box for the country i.e. terrorism, Jihadist, ethnicity, sectarianism, economic and political instability in Pakistan. In this state of affairs corruption, d...
The people of Pakistan have always faced with the paradoxical national security policy. It has also remained a mind boggling for the security policy makers in Pakistan. They have failed to engineer a unanimously accepted national security policy so as to establish a balance between the security of Pakistan and security of its citizens. While framing security policy the strategists in different eras have underestimated the balance between the external and internal security threats to Pakistan and its citizens. Extremism in shaping security policy in either form is dangerous for the solidarity and survival of the nation. The recent establishment of military courts under 21 st Constitutional amendment and accentuation on external security has severe futuristic repercussions. Instead of relying on one extreme form or the other form of security, the government with the consensus of all political and constitutional institutions needs to designs a balanced national security doctrine to ens...
Pakistan Internal Security Dilemma: Strategic Dimension , 2017
The paper reflects on Pakistan's complex security situation and the causes of current challenges that Pakistan is facing due to vacillating foreign policies. It also reviews the role of factors that contributed towards the instability of the country. After Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, Pakistan involved in a proxy war and trained Mujahideen to liberate Afghanistan. In 1980's sectarianism floored the state, and since it has rooted in Pakistani society. The country brokered several Post-Soviet peace agreements between different militaristic groups in Afghanistan but in vain. Finally, it recognized Taliban for the cause of peace (though temporary) on its Western border. After 9/11 the country had to reluctantly take a "U" turn on its Afghan policy under immense US pressure. This swing of policy opened a Pandora-box for the country i.e. terrorism, Jihadist, ethnicity, sectarianism, economic and political instability in Pakistan. In this state of affairs corruption, deteriorating law and order situation, political instability and economic fragility, variables of internal security, act as key factors in a peaceful solution of conflicts.
Internal security is the source of strength of any country, which directly impacts on her foreign relations, economy, political stability, military strength, national morale and social values. On the contrary, a state that is internally vulnerable runs a high risk of disintegration, and history is replete with such states. Pakistan is presently passing through probably the worst time of her history. It is confronted with numerous internal and external challenges which are impacting on her national security spectrum. Every country needs a strong, viable and sustainable socioeconomic variable for growth. Internal security requires harnessing and orchestrating all elements of national power to achieve the desired results and no single instrument can work, therefore political process backed up by effective force structures, supplemented by economic initiatives and cooperation of regional and international players operating in the area is the solution to current crisis. Based on the contemporary challenges that Pakistan is facing this article examines the dynamics of internal security and associated challenges impacting the national security of Pakistan. This study makes a point that it's not only the internal faultiness that puncture the systematic approach rather global and regional political environment causes perpetual instability. The research is deductive in nature and uses mixed method approach to provide remedial strategies.
Pakistan Social Sciences Review, 2021
The paper examines post-world wars' developments; ushered with the making of Nation States. Pakistan was one such creation of the changing international order. Pakistan is situated on a strategic locus that is concern of International and Regional powers. The legacy of historical invasions, the Great Game, and the end of the British Empire impacted the National Security of the newly founded nation of Pakistan all along. The comparatively short history of Pakistan is replete with National security turmoil and dilemma. The paper digs out the major factor of International politics that leads to Pakistan's security dilemma. A mixed research method has been used. Metadata and historical facts have been correlated and conflated, which finds incoherent foreign policy and unstable political order in Pakistan that invited foreign influence on her affairs, consequential to her security dilemma. The paper gives recommendations for coherent and National interest-based foreign policy in the realm of International Relations has a better National Security strategy.
National Security Policy of Pakistan 2022 - 2026 : Technical Review, 2022
A well written vision is short and simple. It captures imagination. It sparks interest. It is exciting. It mobilizes people. A contestation of narratives is not a challenge, it’s a creativity gridlock. The framework highlighting that the ‘challenge is to move away from the traditional guns versus butter’ suggests exactly that. This was a narrative trap set by exceptionally creative storytellers now which is articulated in Pakistan’s national security framework. This, in itself, is a huge win for the stakeholders who inculcated this divisive thought in the Pakistani society. This is how strong of a strategic narrative it was.
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Special report for USIP , 2015
National Security of Pakistan and Democratic Sustainability, 2024
Journal of Social Research Development, 2020
Journal of Social and Political Sciences
Democracy and Security , 2019
GCSP Geneva Papers, 2010
Quantum Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2023