
Reinforcing an urgent need to envisage and usher “postcapitalist” futures of nonhuman animal liberation into being, and thereby create important new counter-power spaces for CAS to occupy, this chapter focuses both on the struggle to resist capitalism and ways to embed alternative strategies of resistance in the everyday. In particular, the chapter explores the limits of appealing to veganism, per se, as a means of challenging capitalist exploitations of animals, both human and nonhuman. This serves as a perfect demonstration of the power of advanced capitalism to commodify the alternative by stripping out the radical praxis of veganism and repackaging this as an “alternative lifestyle choice.” The challenge then becomes one of how to envisage and enact a postcapitalist world that is consistent with the appeal for total liberation of humans, other animals, and the Earth. To these ends, the chapter invokes a spirit of anarchism; a radical praxis that has significantly animated the trajectory of critical animal studies to date. Here, a narrative focused on re-imagining of the political economy of the household and community spaces through critical vegan praxis will be outlined.