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In planning a new airport or developing an airport to an internasional airport, minimum requrements both land condition and technical requirements such as length of runway and the others, need to be met. The requirements are related each other to fulfil the feasibility of an international airport. The factors that throughly crucial in the planning of runway length are, among others, temperature, elevation, runway gradient, surface wind, And runway surface. The standard calculation used to determine length of runway iS called ARFL (Aeroplane Reference Field Length) the length of runway needed by an aircraft in line with its capacity according to the calculation of the manufacturer of te aircraft. Every ARFL has correction factors such as Fe ('Correction jör Elevation), Ft (Correction for Temperature) , and Fg (Correction for Gradient). However, the factors that influence the length of runway are only estimation.
In order to reduce a bad dept happen of credit borrowers candidates, it is better the company (Perum pawn shops) formed special team in analyzing each prospective borrower's credit and provide specialized training in analyzing the prospective borrower's credit 5 c, so that the performance of analysts more effectively and efficiently. And should also pay attention to the truth of chracter analysts, capacity, capital, collateral and the prospective of borrower's credit condition. If necessary supervision in performing analyses in order to avoid the possibility of bad debts from the prospective borrower's credit that can be detrimental to the company (Perum pawn shops) primarily Branch Manager or UPC (Associate Unit Branch).
ABSTRAK P ada era globalisasi ini pola konsumsi masyarakat, terutama masyarakat perkotaan atau menengah ke atas telah berkembang pola makan fast food, yang cenderung tinggi lemak jenuh dan gula, rendah serat dan rendah zat gizi mikro. Salah satu alternatif pemecahan masalahnya adalah pembuatan tempe dengan penambahan bekatul. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan bekatul terhadap kadar serat kasar, sifat organoleptik dan daya terima tempe kedelai. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap dengan 4 perlakuan, perlakuan A dengan penambahan bekatul 0%, perlakuan B dengan penambahan bekatul 4%, perlakuan C dengan penambahan bekatul 8%, perlakuan D dengan penambahan bekatul 12%. Kadar serat kasar digunakan metode Gravimetri dan daya terima diukur dengan uji organoleptik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata kadar serat kasar tempe kedelai dengan penambahan bekatul 0% yaitu 4,569 gr% penambahan bekatul 4% yaitu 7,053 gr%, penambahan bekatul 8% adalah 6,362 gr%, penambahan bekatul 12 % yaitu 7,855 gr%. Sifat organoleptik tempe yang baik yaitu penambahan bekatul 0% baik itu untuk aroma, rasa, tekstur, warna dan kekompakan. Daya terima yang paling disukai yaitu pada tempe dengan penambahan bekatul 0% (tempe A) baik untuk warna, aroma, rasa, tekstur dan kekompakan. ABSTRACT I n globalization, many people have change in food pattern from traditional food to a modern food like fast food. In the other side fast food contain high saturated fat and glucose, less of dietary fiber and micronutrient. One of alternative to solve this problem is supplementation rice bran in soy bean tempeh. The purpose of this study is to know the effect of supplementation rice bran on crude dietary fiber concentration,organoleptic attribute and acceptance in soy bean tempeh. The tested products are tempeh A, tempeh B, tempeh C and tempeh D with concentration of rice bran 0%, 4%, 8%, and 12%. Dietary fiber concentration of tempeh measured by gravimetry method and acceptance of tempeh measured by organoleptic test. The result of this study shows that the dietary crude fiber degree of tempeh A is 4,569 gr%, Tempeh B is 7,053 gr%, Tempeh C is 6,362 gr%, and Tempeh D is 7,855 gr%. Organoleptic test shows that Tempeh A have a good acceptaance in aroma, taste, tekstur, colour and compactness than the others. Supplementation rice bran produce a rancid and bitter taste in soy bean tempeh.
This paper discusses about a new research challege in public sector accounting. Many problems faced by Indonesian government such as the lackness of transparancy or even corruption could be scrutinizied by behavioral accounting research. It is a pity, research in this study still rarely done. It can be understood, public sector accounting just developed recently in the edge of 1999.
permohonan orang yang berdoa apabila dia berdoa kepada-Ku. Surah An-Nisa ayat 80 Dan barangsiapa berpaling , maka Kami tidak mengutusmu untuk menjadi pemelihara mereka. Surah Al-A'raf ayat 158 Dan apa yang dilarangnya bagimu maka tinggalkanlah. Dan barang siapa sakit atau dalam perjalanan,maka, sebanyak hari yang ditinggalkannya itu,pada hari-hari yang lain. Hendaklah kamu mencukupkan bilangannya dan mengagungkan Allah atas petunjuk-Nya yang diberikan kepadamu, agar kamu bersyukur. Misalnya dengan terus mempelajari Alquran dan hadist, beribadah dan beramal dengan niat karena Allah, dan masih banyak lagi bentuk penerapan aqidah Islam yang dapat kita terapkan dalam keseharian kita.
Tugas antropologi hukum Nama:srie arini wahyu ningsih Nim:2010003600133 Kelas:1H1
Prior to the emergence of the Compilation of Islamic Law, the Islamic law employed and applied by the Religious Court to resolve disputes, are found in the fiqh books written and complied by Islamic jurists several centuries ago. As a result, the fiqh books employed by the jurists of the Religious Courts are different from one another. The Compilation of Islamic Law contains the rules of Islamic law in accordance with the conditions of the legal requirements and the legal awareness of Indonesian Muslims. The Compilation of Islamic Law is a manifestation and result of application of the existing various sects of fiqh and is equipped with Indonesian scholars' fatwa in response to the problems that arise so that the the Compilation of Islamic Law can be used as a reference in solving the problem of marriage, inheritance and endowments.
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Proseding Seminar Nasional Ke-4, 2018
Jurnal Pertanian Agros Vol.25 No.3, Juli 2023: 1959-1970, 2023