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1974, Journal of Number Theory
If f is a monotone function subject to certain restrictions, then one can associate with any real number x between zero and one a sequence {an(x)} of integers such that x=f(a1(x) + f(a2(x) +f(a3(x) +...))). In this paper properties of the function F defined by Fx=g(a1(x) + g(a2(x) +g(a3(x) +...))), where g is any function satisfying the same restrictions as f, are discussed. Principally, F is found to be useful in finding stationary measures on the sequences {an(x)}.
Indagationes Mathematicae, 2001
In this paper we continue our investigation of series of the formCxEn f (x + X). Given a sequence of natural numbers nt < n2 < we are interested in sets n of the form UT=, akZ n [nk,nk+,),
arXiv: Probability, 2015
We give several new characterizations of completely monotone functions and Bernstein functions via two approaches: the first one is driven algebraically via elementary preserving mappings and the second one is developed in terms of the behavior of their restriction on the set of non-negative integers. We give a complete answer to the following question: Can we affirm that a function is completely monotone (resp. a Bernstein function) if we know that the sequence formed by its restriction on the integers is completely monotone (resp. alternating)? This approach constitutes a kind of converse of Hausdorff's moment characterization theorem in the context of completely monotone sequences.
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
Let (X, A, µ) be a probability space and let S : X → X be a measurable transformation. Motivated by the paper of K. Nikodem [Czechoslovak Math. J. 41(116) (4) (1991) 565-569], we concentrate on a functional equation generating measures that are absolutely continuous with respect to µ and ε-invariant under S. As a consequence of the investigation, we obtain a result on the existence and uniqueness of solutions ϕ ∈ L 1 ([0, 1]) of the functional equation ϕ(x) = N n=1 |f ′ n (x)|ϕ(f n (x)) + g(x), where g ∈ L 1 ([0, 1]) and f 1 ,. .. , f N : [0, 1] → [0, 1] are functions satisfying some extra conditions.
A remarkably large number of operational techniques have drawn the attention of several researchers in the study of sequences of functions and polynomials. In this sequel, here, we aim to introduce a new sequence of functions involving a product of the generalized Mittag-Leffler function by using operational techniques. Some generating relations and finite summation formula of the sequence presented here are also considered.
Analysis Mathematica, 1986
Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2011
Applications of Mathematics, 2006
In this paper, we obtain all possible general solutions of the sum form functional equations $$\sum\limits_{i = 1}^k {\sum\limits_{j = 1}^l {f(p_i q_j )} } = \sum\limits_{i = 1}^k {g(p_i )} \sum\limits_{j = 1}^l {h(q_j )} $$ and $$\sum\limits_{i = 1}^k {\sum\limits_{j = 1}^l {F(p_i q_j )} } = \sum\limits_{i = 1}^k {G(p_i ) + } \sum\limits_{j = 1}^l {H(q_j ) + \lambda } \sum\limits_{i = 1}^k {G(p_i )} \sum\limits_{j = 1}^l {H(q_j )} $$ valid for all complete probability distributions (p 1, ..., p k), (q 1, ..., q l ), k ≥ 3, l ≥ 3 fixed integers; λ ∈ ℝ, λ ≠ 0 and F, G, H, f, g, h are real valued mappings each having the domain I = [0, 1], the unit closed interval.
Journal of Number Theory, 2014
This paper comprises two applications of shift operators to the characterization of continuous functions and ergodic functions defined on the integer ring of a non-Archimedean local field of positive characteristic. In the first part of the paper, we establish that digit expansion of shift operators becomes an orthonormal basis for the space of continuous functions on Fq[[T ]], including a closed-form expression for expansion coefficients, and we establish that this is also true for p-adic integers, excluding the coefficient formula. In the second part, we obtain the necessary and sufficient conditions for ergodicity of 1-Lipschitz functions represented on F 2 [[T ]] by digit shift operators, recalling the cases with the Carlitz polynomials and digit derivatives.
Scientometrics, 2019
In this contribution we introduce the notion of a measure (or indicator) of linear type. Combining ideas related to power functions, in particular Zipf's function, and h-type indices, we come to a novel characterization of general power functions and Zipf's functions.
Applied Mathematics Letters, 2008
The present work presents some necessary and sufficient conditions for the convergence to a periodic function of a special kind of function series defined by ∞ j=0 f (t − jd), where f : R → R + ∪ {0} with f (t) = 0 for t < 0. It also discusses some biological applications that can be derived from these results, by considering each f (t − jd) as describing an isolated effect related to an application at time jd, and the sum of them as an accumulated effect.
Let (X, d) be a compact metric space, and let an iterated function system (IFS) be given on X, i.e., a finite set of continuous maps σi: X → X, i = 0, 1, • • • , N − 1. The maps σi transform the measures µ on X into new measures µ i. If the diameter of σi 1 • • • • • σi k (X) tends to zero as k → ∞, and if pi > 0 satisfies i pi = 1, then it is known that there is a unique Borel probability measure µ on X such that µ = i pi µ i (*) In this paper, we consider the case when the pis are replaced with a certain system of sequilinear functionals. This allows us to study the variable coefficient case of (*), and moreover to understand the analog of (*) which is needed in the theory of wavelets.
In the note, the complete monotonicity of difference between remainders of Binet's formula and the star-shaped and subadditive properties of the remainder of Binet's formula are proved.
Colloquium Mathematicum, 2013
A generalization of the weighted quasi-arithmetic mean generated by continuous and increasing (decreasing) functions f1,. .. , f k : I → R, k ≥ 2, denoted by A [f 1 ,...,f k ] , is considered. Some properties of A [f 1 ,...,f k ] , including "associativity" assumed in the Kolmogorov-Nagumo theorem, are shown. Convex and affine functions involving this type of means are considered. Invariance of a quasi-arithmetic mean with respect to a special mean-type mapping built of generalized means is applied in solving a functional equation. For a sequence of continuous strictly increasing functions fj : I → R, j ∈ N, a mean A [f 1 ,f 2 ,...] : ∞ k=1 I k → I is introduced and it is observed that, except symmetry, it satisfies all conditions of the Kolmogorov-Nagumo theorem. A problem concerning a generalization of this result is formulated.
Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 1955
Http Digital Bl Fcen Uba Ar, 2011
has received special interest from the applications. In some way, this representations resemble the classic Karhunen-Loève theorem [27]. A property of the Karhunen-Loève expansion of a random process is that one obtains an orthonormal basis of the closed linear span of the whole process. This allows to write certain approximations as unconditional convergent series. This useful property could be obtained under other conditions. To solve this problem, nally, we study conditions under which a stationary sequence forms a frame or a Riesz basis of its closed linear span.
The Ramanujan Journal, 2015
We give two general transformations that allows certain quite general basic hypergeometric multi-sums of arbitrary depth (sums that involve an arbitrary sequence {g(k)}), to be reduced to an infinite q-product times a single basic hypergeometric sum. Various applications are given, including summation formulae for some q orthogonal polynomials, and various multisums that are expressible as infinite products.
Electronics and Communications in Japan (Part III: Fundamental Electronic Science), 1992
Given an absolutely square-integrable waveform bandpass limited to the interval 1 o 1 s o,, o, > 0, and regularly spaced sample points t,, = nrO. (1-0 = x/ol, o, > 0 , ; n = 0, f 1, f 2 , ...), the interpolation formula theorem is determined which minimizes the above-mentioned measure of the interpolation functions. Using these arguments, we also derive generating functions which minimize various weighting measures related to the interpolation functions $,(t), such as when the weights are squares, (2k)-th powers, and (1 + n'r?).
Fuzzy Sets and Systems
Let I ⊂ (0, ∞) be an interval that is closed with respect to the multiplication. The operations C f,g : I 2 → I of the form C f,g (x, y) = (f • g) −1 (f (x) • g (y)) , where f, g are bijections of I are considered. Their connections with generalized weighted quasi-geometric means is presented. It is shown that invariance question within the class of this operations leads to means of iterative type and to a problem on a composite functional equation. An application of the invariance identity to determine effectively the limit of the sequence of iterates of some generalized quasi-geometric mean-type mapping, and the form of all continuous functions which are invariant with respect to this mapping are given. The equality of two considered operations is also discussed. C f,g (x, y) = (f • g) −1 (f (x) • g (y)) ,
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