Morphology-syntax interface for Turkish LFG

2006, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computational Linguistics and the 44th annual meeting of the ACL - ACL '06


This paper investigates the use of sublexical units as a solution to handling the complex morphology with productive derivational processes, in the development of a lexical functional grammar for Turkish. Such sublexical units make it possible to expose the internal structure of words with multiple derivations to the grammar rules in a uniform manner. This in turn leads to more succinct and manageable rules. Further, the semantics of the derivations can also be systematically reflected in a compositional way by constructing PRED values on the fly. We illustrate how we use sublexical units for handling simple productive derivational morphology and more interesting cases such as causativization, etc., which change verb valency. Our priority is to handle several linguistic phenomena in order to observe the effects of our approach on both the c-structure and the f-structure representation, and grammar writing, leaving the coverage and evaluation issues aside for the moment.

Key takeaways

  • IGs bring a certain form of normalization to the lexical representation of a language like Turkish, so that units in which the grammar rules refer to are simple enough to allow easy access to the information encoded in complex word structures.
  • The rest of the IGs are given the node name DS (to indicate derivational suffix), no matter what the content of the IG is.
  • In this section we describe how we handle phenomena where the derivational suffix in question does not explicitly affect the semantic representation in PRED feature but determines the semantic role so as to unify the derived form or its components with the appropriate external f-structure.
  • Since the participle IG has the right set of syntactic features of a noun, no new rules are needed to incorporate the derived f-structure to the rest of the grammar, that is, the derived phrase can be used as if it is a simple NP within the rules.
  • Such verb formations are also treated as verbal derivations and hence define IGs.