Youth Violence and Social Media


India is a country of youths. These youth are so involved with their virtual life that the boundary between real and reel has become quite thin. They share all their emotions of love and hate, aggression and violence over these social media platforms. These youngsters regularly find themselves in a violent virtual space that has negatively influenced their daily real life. This paper tries to understand young people’s attitudes and behaviour over social media platforms and attempts to explain the social media as an uncontrolled and violent platform for the youths. Structured questionnaire survey method has been used to understand the behaviour of the youths. It has been found that cyberbullying has become a very negative part of the social media life of these youngsters. The real life street violence has transformed into cyber-crime and cyber bullying. Youngsters, who have been victimise earlier, are also actively participating in the social media violence. Proper education and awareness need to be encouraged in the schools and colleges.