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2016, Tělo v komunikaci. In: P. Karlík – M. Nekula – J. Pleskalová (eds.), Nový encyklopedický slovník češtiny. Praha: Nakladatelství Lidové noviny: 1829–1830.
2 pages
1 file, 2018
One of the most important values of a medical practice is the human resource. Therefore, medical offices, smaller or larger, need to have some knowledge about human resource management. We also need to know and observe the development of medical education system because it prepares the professionals with whom we will inherently collaborate. The interest in what happens in medical education should not disappear once we have completed our vocational training. We need to be involved in developing regulations for the acquisition of new skills and the way they can be practiced safely.
Recently entered into force, the administrative code was adopted with the stated purpose of unifying the regulations in the field of public administration, in order to create a normative framework, coming to the aid of individuals, public administration, but also of practitioners. In this respect, a significant part of the provisions were taken identically from the normative acts that were repealed, while there are also new provisions, some of them leaving, unfortunately, the impression of a code adopted in haste. Without claiming a thorough analysis of the entire regulation, the present study aims to address some of the challenges brought by the language used in OUG: 57/2019. Between the two extremes among which the legislator oscillates (either an incomplete or ambiguous language, or an over-regulation), the most relevant problem, in terms of the consequences that it can produce, probably consists in using already legally established notions, with a totally different meaning (such...
Revista română de terapia tulburărilor de limbaj şi comunicare, 2021
This qualitative study was focused on higher education and learning through online didactic communication. Using an approach of mixed data collection methods, such as: essay, focus group technique and oral questioning, the research aimed to identify how online communication can be streamlined. The role is to identify different components of the learning environment that may affect the learning experience. These components could have a major impact on efficient communication of higher education (students cohort is N = 98). Results have shown that students had well-defined opinions regarding didactic communication in the virtual environment. They had a positive learning experience and efficient communication only if they were involved in activities and if they were not distracted by other actions or sounds of the environment.
Argumentation, 2009
1 1. . I In nf fo or rm ma aþ þi ie e º ºi i g ge en ni iu us s l lo oc ci i Crearea de spaþii a fost mereu un proces supus unor constrângeri ºi dificultãþi de adaptare pentru a rezolva problemele specifice programului, probleme economice ºi de proiectare, înscrierea în condiþiile fizice naturale. Astãzi probleme filosofice, sociale, economice ºi tehnologice aduc factori noi în procesul de proiectare -care accentueazã esenþa dintotdeauna a construirii spaþiuluieste nevoie de o arhitecturã care sã readucã in discuþie relaþia în sine dintre om ºi naturã. Spiritul locului este o proprietate în acelaºi timp inerentã ºi emergentã. Pare sã se lege de formele teritoriale ºi de formele construite, creºte prin acumularea de schimbãri fizice ºi asocieri. Identificat într-un anumit spaþiu antropic, acesta este în puternicã relaþie cu contextul cultural, este împãrtãºit la nivel comunitar prin istoria localã ºi geografia locului. Pânã acum 200 de ani majoritatea oamenilor trãiau întreaga viaþã într-un singur loc ºi îºi dezvoltau o comunicare profundã cu acesta, fie prin sentimentul de apartenenþã, fie prin sentimentul de "prins fãrã speranþã". La începutul secolului XXI, motorizarea, cãlãtoriile aeriene ºi internetul au determinat o mobilitate fãrã precedent. Sensul locului ºi-a schimbat semnificaþia. Marshall McLuhan susþine nu numai cã fiecare mediu de comunicare reuneºte oameni sau idei, ci ºi cã transformã mediul cultural în care acþioneazã. Media electronicã transmite informaþii în jurul globului în câteva secunde, contractând timpul ºi spaþiul ºi creând satul global într-un mod prin care orice, oricât de exotic poate fi, pare acum oarecum familiar. Argumentul lui McLuhan este cã, aºa cum mediul creat de media comunicaþiilor este în permanentã schimbare, aºa se modificã ºi percepþia ºi modul de gândire, prin intermediul tehnologiilor electronice care fac posibil satul global, bazat pe o logicã riguroasã, angajând evident sentimente ºi emoþii. Paradoxal, trãim într-o erã în care sentimentele sunt în prim plan, iar raþiunea în plan secund, pentru cã mesajele media se adreseazã în primul rând simþurilor, înaintea logicii. Dezvoltarea actualã a utilizãrii mediei electronice coincide cu recenta creºtere a schimbului cultural care a afectat arta, literatura, filosofia, ºtiinþele, geografia, arhitectura ºi planificarea urbanã. În mod uimitor, miºcarea world-wide se manifestã ca un proces de protejare a patrimoniului, o miºcare care nu exista înainte de 1960localitãþi din Italia, Franþa, Spaniaaproape abandonate acum 50 de ani, sunt reocupate ºi revitalizate datoritã puternicelor identitãþi. Sensul locului mediatizat de tehnologiile comunicaþionale implicã cunoºtinþe asupra diversitãþii geografice, generând interes pentru educaþie, cunoaºtere, acumulare de informaþii. Crearea de locuri, realã sau virtualã, poate lua multe forme, unele superficiale, altele dificile. Arhitecþi ºi 1 17 78 8 Universitatea de arhitecturã ºi urbanism Ion Mincu PEISAJUL EREI INFORMAÞIONALE ÎNTRE TEHNOLOGIE ªI GENIUS LOCI L Le ec ct t. . d dr rd d. . a ar rh h. . C Cr ri is st ti in na a E EN NA AC CH HE E Rolul I In nf fo or rm ma aþ þi ie ei i în generarea I Id de en nt ti it tã ãþ þi ii i (relaþia Peisaj -Societate -Formã arhitectural -urbanã) Studii ºi cercetãri ºtiinþifice de arhitecturã ºi urbanism / A AR RG GU UM ME EN NT T 1 17 79 9
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
The Bible: Fundamental Source in Developing and Implementing Human Values. It was said that human values are the most important things in life for a person, a community, a nation, and the whole world. This is true because human values give direction, consistency, and continuity to humans on their daily life and activities. At the community, national, and global level, human values keep peace, harmony, and cooperation in developing wellbeing strategies and plans at the larger scale. In this article, the author studies the human values and their sources, considering that the Bible should be one of most reliable and valuable sources for them. By showing the value of the Bible in developing and implementing human values, the author emphasizes the benefits of applying biblical principles in developing human values in people, communities, and the whole society.
The role of translations, paratexts and literary criticism studies in the reception in Italy of the Romanian literature of the twentieth century. Some aspects. The paper will highlight two aspects that are of equal importance in the context of the promotion and reception of Romanian literature of the twentieth century in Italy. On the one hand, some literary trends and phenomena specific to the production in verse, in prose and dramaturgy, translated and published in Italian, will be indicated, which are of particular interest in establishing a concrete and rich thematic, stylistic, cultural and anthropological dialogue with contemporary Italian literature and which are now available to the public of the receiving culture thanks to the translation. On the other hand, the role of critical literature will be highlighted, whether it is paratexts accompanying works transposed into the language of translation or larger critical studies, in mediating in a correct and adequate way the entry of each single work into the Italian cultural and publishing circuit. Previous interventions recently published in the field of Romanian studies have sometimes noted the absence of adequate critical tools that would be useful for introducing the considerable potential for novelty and expressive complexity, often linked to a socio-political context almost unknown to the reader and which also make possible to analyze in a comparative way the hypothetical affinities with great universal and Italian works. Concrete illustrations of these considerations will be offered by discussing some aspects that emerge from the reception in Italy of Ștefan Agopianʹs prose collected in the volume Manualul întâmplărilor.
Sursele de cercetare privind discursurile judiciare sunt constituite din colec iile de legi i decrete, bulele papale, canoanele biserice ti, actele conciliilor, analele monastice, istoriile comunit ilor locale i aba iilor, procesele-verbale ale proceselor desf urate, sentin ele proceselor inchizitoriale, biografiile episcopilor, papilor, diverse panegirice etc. Acestora li se adaug diverse coduri de procedur penal sau manuale pentru uzul inchizitorilor, ghiduri dup care erau recunoscute persoanele care practicau vr jitoria, legisla ia care se aplica în cazul condamn rii ereticilor i a persoanelor care propov duiau alte înv turi decât cea predicat de Biserica Apusean. Toate acestea ofer numeroase detalii despre modul în care erau organizate i se desf urau procesele inchizitoriale.
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