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This article was published in October 1984 in Heegan Newspaper, the only English language weekly of Somalia's Ministry of Information and National Guidance. It is about the karate & judo training center where many Somali youths used to train. It brings briefly into focus about one of Somalia's boxing legends who later became a judo & karate coach, Sheck Awes, nicknamed 'Orfeo', from the Greek name Orpheus, for his passion for music and dance.
Journal of Combat Sports and Martial Arts, 2013
Journal of Combat Sports and Martial Arts, 2013
Anthropology and Humanism, 2021
In a Tanzanian seaside dojo, Sempai Ali Issa Hassan, a Swahili martial artist, filmmaker, and healer, offers an alternative history claiming the East Asian martial arts originate in the Afro-Islamic world. Starting from his reaction to a visit by a Chinese Shaolin master, we trace the contours of our experience making sense of claims which both challenge and recast assumptions about Afro-Asian cultural exchange.
Revue Réflexions Sportives, 2022
Relations between Japan and Côte d’Ivoire are multifaceted. Apart from economic and social cooperation, the two countries have maintained cultural relations since 1987. Cultural cooperation between the two countries is based on sport, particularly martial arts including judo. A martial art and form of unarmed combat, judo was established as a sport by Kano Jigoro (1860-1938) according to the principles of Jujutsu. Judo is a method of exercise, moral training and self-defense. It was in the years 1955-1956 that Ivorians began to practice this combat sport. The pioneer of judo in Côte d'Ivoire is Louis Guirandou N’diaye. Within the framework of relations between the two countries, Japan has been providing material, financial and technical assistance to Ivorian judo since 1988. Drawing inspiration from oral and printed sources, books and articles, this contribution aims to analyze the actions by Japan to promote judo in Côte d'Ivoire. This study first presents the introduction of judo in Côte d’Ivoire. Then, she analyzes the typology of Japanese aid and finally takes stock of this Japanese contribution.
**Abstract** Kime-no-kata bridges traditional jujutsu and modern judo, preserving the combat effectiveness of classical techniques while embodying Jigoro Kano’s principles of *seiryoku zenyo* (maximum efficiency) and *jita kyoei* (mutual benefit). This kata showcases practical self-defense applications alongside philosophical ideals, blending martial efficacy with ethical development. By maintaining the essence of jujutsu and adapting it to judo’s educational framework, Kime-no-kata serves as a living link between past and present, exemplifying Kano’s vision of a martial art that fosters personal growth and societal harmony.
Aim. From the perspective of the “humanistic theory of martial arts” [Cynarski 2004, 2006a] and the “general theory of fighting arts” [Cynarski, Sieber 2012] the author tackles the problem of the main directions of changes and institutional development of karate in Europe. He puts forward a hypothesis that sportification is not a dominant direction of changes in karate. Method. Three complementary test methods for qualitative analysis were used: an analysis of subject matter literature; long-term participatory observation and the method of competent judges / expert courts. There were five questions to karate experts (prepared in 3 languages). 1. What is the main purpose of the karatedō? 2. What are the trends in karate (in Europe)? 3. How is karate spreading – how many people are participating in different countries? 4. What is the percentage of people participating in sports karate (for competitions)? 5. How compatible is the karate now practised in your country with its Japanese a...
Prace Naukowe Akademii im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie, 2021
Judo Idokan w odniesieniu do Judo Kodokan (1947-2017): uwagi o instytucjonalizacji sztuk walki Streszczenie W dobie globalnego upowszechnienia się sztuk walki i sportów walki, także tych z Azji Wschodniej, judo jest wyraźnym przykładem udanej globalizacji sportu narodowego. W zasadzie nikt nie wątpi, że dotyczy to popularnego japońskiego sportu, który jest zarządzany przez jedną międzynarodową federację, a cały świat rywalizuje w turniejach mistrzowskich i igrzyskach olimpijskich. Czy jednak naprawdę istnieje tylko jeden rodzaj judo? I czy jest to tylko rozumiane jako ta dyscyplina sportu? Autor przytacza fakty pokazujące proces równoległej instytucjonalizacji innego judo, występującego pod różnymi nazwami. Najpierw jest to judo "europejskie" / judo-do, potem judo Kodokan lub Butokukai, uzupełnione technikami samoobrony jujutsu (jap. jūjutsu) i wreszcie dzisiejsze judo Idokan. Organizacja Idokan od ponad 70 lat uczy także szeroko rozumianego judo jako różnych metod sztuki walki kierujących się zasadą elastyczności. Słowa kluczowe: judo, judo-do, Idokan, Kodokan.
The contributions martial arts training can make to mental health treatment have scarcely been explored by researchers in psychology. Practitioners of martial arts, such as karate, report that the training improves self-esteem, concentration, and emotional well-being. Several studies have provided empirical evidence in support of these anecdotal reports, but very few have utilized participants who have advanced training in martial arts to examine the emotional impact such training has across time. This study takes a phenomenological approach to studying the emotional effects training has had on master-level martial artists (fourth-degree black belt or higher) in the discipline of karate. Eight participants were interviewed to identify how karate has impacted their personal lives as well as the lives of the students they have trained. The themes identified verify that practicing martial arts increases self-esteem, emotional well-being, memory, prosocial behaviors, and humility. These...
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Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 2004
2021 Annual General Meeting of the Pacific Division, American Philosophic Association, 2021
Andromachi Nanou, Andromachi Giatrakou, Avgerinos Maistrellis Grafima Publications, 2020
turkish journal of sport and exercise, 2013
Abstract book. 13th International Conference of IMACSSS & 5th GSMACC 2024 , 2024
Global Perspectives on Women in Combat Sports, 2015
The Arts and Sciences of Judo, 2023
The Arts and Sciences of Judo, Vol. 4 No. 2 , 2024, 2024
Ido Movement for Culture. Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology, 2016
Proceedings book of the 6th European judo science & research symposium, 2019